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Posts posted by i.love.lucy

  1. Yeah, I can think of a lot of people that I haven't seen around in a long time. I wonder if something happened. If I missed a great thread where they got banned. Or if I am just not in the know about a name change. :confused:


    Oh well. Thinking of you, mystery people. Wherever you are. ;)

  2. I'm doing Atkins Induction right now and the weight is coming off. But I have A LOT to lose, so it makes sense right now. Most days I'm right around 20 net carbs. I've lost at least 8 pounds this week. But I know for sure that if I was as near to goal as you are I would not lose at that rate.


    You may want to lower your carbs even lower and up your fat. My plan really is LCHF. It's working for me, but i do keep an eye on my calories . Also check out calorie cycling. Dr Johnson Alternate Day Diet (aka Johnson's Up Day Down Day diet). It caused me to maintain but I know a number of people it's working well for over on low carb friends.

  3. I agree about allowing her to be hospitalized. Then the hospital social worker can kick in and help you find a placement when it's an actual urgent situation. My father in law went in to a nursing home after an illness based on his medical insurance (he did not have medicare) but then applied for medicaid to keep him there. Granted, he was ill, not diminished mental capacity, but it's a similar situation. If she has no assets, it won't be long before she will get approved to stay there. There are some nice facilities out there to deal with patients like your mom. They know how to handle it and it doesn't damage them emotionally.


    I think we do have to let go of what we think the "ideal" is. There is no ideal when you are an adult with dementia and you are making everyone's life a living nightmare. Your sister could place her somewhere where she would be safe and cared for, and then visit to make sure, and have her life back. It's not the life your mom would have imagined, but then when is it ever? I think we have to do what is best for the majority in these situations, and you living in a camper while she takes over your home is not in the best interests of your family.


    :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: This is difficult, I know. My mother in law is still in her home alone but I don't think for long. We've tossed out the idea of all of us buying a home together but she won't hear of it. I get it. But she won't last more than a few more years by herself. She's mentally quite sharp but she is so feeble with arthritis that I worry constantly. We have a great relationship right now, but maybe not if she lived with us. But she also refuses to consider a nursing home. Hello? You won't live with us, but you can't live alone. There isn't anything else!!!


    Don't move her there.

  4. The New Atkins docs would agree with all the above. They do a whole lot to emphasize high fiber vegetables and such.

    I agree with this. I follow New Atkins because I find that it's more balanced. Old Atkins just isn't as appealing to me.


    If you read DANDR (Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution), there are a ton of veggies you should eat. It's only in Induction where you should keep carbs to <20 and I don't even manage that on most days. I'm not eating fruit at the moment, but just veggies are gonna give you some. But broccoli is not what made me fat. So I'm not to concerned if I go over my carb count eating some extra veggies.

    Sounds very intriguing...if you say it is easy, maybe I should try too, because I also have ten pounds that I would not mind losing. Unlike other posters here, however, I do not think I can make it happen in two weeks, nor can I pull off the amazing feat of losing three dress sizes in six months because I have not been that small since I was 11 years old.

    My biggest obstacle is that I do not like meat. How would you propose to go about a low carb diet for somebody who does not eat meat?

    You might want to visit Low Carb Friends and look for the vegetarians there. I know it can be done. I think most people probably think they need a lot more protein than they actually do. If your fat content is high enough you are so satiated that you don't need tons of meat. My dinner was completely meatless (well, I guess I did have a tablespoon of bacon bits) It was a loaded broccoli. Steamed broc, lots of butter, 2oz cheddar, 2tbsp sour cream. It was sooooooooo good. Very filling, and 22 grams of protein even without the bacon bits. If you incorporate some greek yogurt every day, you can easily get enough protein in. Are there any meats you would eat? Tuna salad? Chicken salad? Bacon? Sliced turkey?


    I won't post my successes yet, it's not been long enough and now I have TOM for the first time in 4 months that is kicking my tail. I will say I use myfitnesspal and I do keep an eye on my calories. I am one that just can not eat unlimited calories on Atkins and still lose. I have been trying not to go over about 1500-1600 day and it's plenty of food! I am not hungry at all. My portions are small, but I am always full and feel like because I focus on fats and veggies my foods are very luxurious. I also add coconut oil to my coffee or tea and somehow it's filling too. I can have that as a snack just by itself. I don't do any of the weird sweeteners and different types of flours that you find in recipes for low carb foods. I am just doing without cakes and cookies and pies completely. The only thing I will compromise on after induction is low carb tortillas. I actually like them.


    If my losses are good I will keep them at this rate, with a day here and there of more and sometimes a lot less, just to keep my metabolism guessing.

  5. I suspect red dye caused my husband's last two panic attacks. He had gross red gatorade. He hasn't had it since and hasn't had a panic attack. But I have not eliminated all red dye other than naturally through cooking all our foods whole and home made. But he did have Twizzlers recently at the movies and was fine. Maybe it was a different ingredient in the gatorade, but I still think it was the dye.

  6. My ds is turning 8. He's still pretty oblivious to relationship stuff or inuendo, so I don't worry about it unless its too much. He's also not too scared of bad guys he sees in movies and is not too affected by violence, so YMMV. His favorites are:


    The whole Avengers gang: Captain America (scary bad guy - looks kinda like Darth Maul), Thor, IronMan. We have not allowed Hulk.

    Indiana Jones series

    Night at the Museum series


    Fantastic Four

    others that have been mentioned and tons of others that are more kid like


    For TV he likes:


    Top Gear

    Top Shot

    American Pickers

    Pawn Stars


    Mountain Men

    Shark Wranglers

    Dirty Jobs

    Good Eats

    Star Trek: The Next Generation

  7. I've tutored 2 years and had one of my children in my class each time. I think it's the CC ideal, but not a "have-to". If the director needs a tutor to fill a spot and it doesn't work best for the child, you can easily be separated. I actually liked the idea of having someone else tutor my kids for that short time. This coming year I am directing Challenge A and my dd will be in my class, but the year after that I will still do Ch A and not have either one of my kids. It's a great experience either way. My kids were both positively impacted by NOT being in my class each time, so I would do that again in a heart beat. It's not like shuttling them off to school, it's just a short 3 hours, and I love for them to get to know other loving Christian moms. If any of your kids are potentially a behavior problem, you will want to be with them. My CC campus is such a true "family" that I would be happy with any other tutor having my kiddos.

  8. She now does CLE (and LOF for fun) at several levels below TT. CLE is much more challenging for her, but very worth the extra effort IMHO.

    Hi Adrienne!

    We use CLE. We are a bit behind because we have used 4 different math programs in the pursuit to find the "right" one, and are back to CLE permanently. I think we are building very solid math understanding. Trust where CLE places your kiddo and go for it.

  9. I'd say they are probably fruit flies. I 'd take a plastic container (I've used a ketchup bottle in the past) with holes cut in it at the top. Put a piece of fruit (even just the trimmings/things you might throw out/compost) in the bottom with an inch or so of water and a few drops of dish soap. Leave it out on the counter near where they congregate and give it time. They'll head there like a moth to a flame...

    I did a similar thing. They are probably fruit flies. First get rid of all overly ripe fruit. Next check all trash cans for where kids have tossed out a pit or peel. Next take a glass and fill it with about an inch of apple cider vinegar. The put a piece of saran wrap on top, and secure with a rubber band. Poke a tiny hole in the top. Set it near your fruit. They will be attracted to the fermenting fruit smell, will go in the glass, and die in the vinegar. Worked like a charm for me! I left it there for about a week or so I guess, until they were gone.

  10. No, the 3g does not have a camera. You have to go with the newest 4g for that and spend more money.


    My dd had the 3g for 2 years and has now passed it down to her little brother. It was an 8gig refurb from the Apple website. Never had a problem. We do not buy and keep movies though. We have rented them once or twice and then they delete after 24 hours. We are now finding that some of the apps my son wants, mostly racing games, will not work on the 3g.


    My dd now has a 4g and still 8gig. She loves the camera. 8gig has been fine because it easily stores all her music but the memory keeps her keeping only the apps she really uses and likes on there. We upload her photos regularly to my laptop so we don't have storage issues with photos, but I also make sure she keeps just what is worthy of saving. She uses it mostly for music and texting.


    In a perfect world you'd get the latest/greatest, but that's not always possible. If you can afford to go with the newest 4g (refurbed from Apple) you can still go with the lowest memory (8gig) and manage it just fine.


    And follow the advice above and lock that thing down. I have removed YouTube and Safari. And set her apps to under age 9 (even though she's 12) No in app purchases allowed. I'm not ready to kick open the door to the online world unsupervised just yet.

  11. Here's the link from Pinterest. That one uses bacon bits, so you don't get the yummy bacon grease that you would from using raw bacon. I tried this recipe using cooked bacon I already had on hand, so a lot of the grease was cooked out - I figured it'd be like the bacon bits. But, I didn't think they had enough moisture. I drizzled on a bit of chicken broth. Next time I will totally just do it with the raw bacon. The cabbage needs the FAT! And since I'm doing Atkins, I'm happy to be able to have it. YUMMMMMMMMMM

  12. Denise, how about diatomaceous earth? It's non-toxic and natural. We use it on our dogs for fleas, but it also works for ticks. It is highly absorbent, so it dries out of the insects, killing them. It won't hurt you or the dogs unless you inhale the dust. (Best I can tell, inhaling a little is no big deal, but inhaling more can be bad for your lungs.)



    There is a thread on the Low Carb Friends forum about DE. A poster there said she had Lymes and went through a long tough battle healing her gut. She takes DE herself every day. Thought I'd post it just as an encouragement that there are some dietary and supplemental things people are doing to heal their gut after long battles with Lyme treatment and coming out healed in the end. :grouphug:

  13. If you do a search here you will find some threads about guinea pig care and cages and stuff. I know I've posted pics of our large homemade cage.


    We did the towel thing for a while but I got to where I didn't like all that pee and poo and hair in my washer - pretty sure it was just my machine. Now we just use aspen bedding.


    No ball-thingy.


    Our cage has a shelf at the end that we intended to make 2 story, but never made the ramp for it, so they hide under there. But they have 2 other igloos in there and a big log/tube that you can chew on. It keeps their teeth short.


    Ours like paper towel or wrapping paper tubes and will toss them and chew on them. We have had a couple of little balls in there, made for cats, but they only push on them to get them out of the way. They're not really "play" animals.


    They are good communicators though! They will squeak and bounce around if we talk in a high-pitched voice and squeak and squeal loudly when we announce "sssaaaaaallllllaaaadddd" in a sing-song voice. They LOVE their salad time. They love all kinds of fruits and veggies: romaine, kale, parsley, cilantro, turnip greens, carrots, celery, cucumber, watermelon, cantaloupe, apples, grapes, peppers. Usually we give them romaine/kale and carrots every day, and I add in whatever I am cooking with that day, so they get a great variety.


    Keep in mind they are very shy and hide-y. They are used to being prey. It took a long time for ours to get familiar with us and they still run and hide if we appear to be picking them up. But no biting. They are super sweet that way.




  14. I'm very confused about this and would love to know if you all know exactly where I can find details about how this change will affect me and my bill. When I go to the verizonwireless site it says nothing that I can see about changes to plans. I have heard about it on the news of course, but it's very hard to tell what exactly is changing and how much it's going to cost.


    As far as you know, are people that do nothing right now, no upgrades or anything, grandfathered in? Is that why just browsing the site wouldn't show what the changes are?


    We have 2 iphones, and 2 dumb phones. We'd like to get dd a new phone but I do not want her to get a smartphone. All these lines share 1400 minutes, but I see that we are using less minutes and more texting. I also am having trouble figuring out how much data we use. What I want to know is if I don't upgrade her phone right this minute, what happens when I need to? Am I better off getting her a phone right now even though the one she has is technically still working?


    If there is no information on the website about new plans, how are current customers supposed to know what is happening and what to do? I feel like a dolt. Like it's right in front of me and I am not seeing it!:tongue_smilie:

  15. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: This board has been the collective recipient of your words, and your wisdom, and your occasional wry humor for more than a decade. We are all so fortunate to have crossed paths with you. I shall be forever grateful for almost everything that you have written and shared over the years. Your candor and honesty is unparalleled. We are all fortunate to have shared your insights, and your sorrows, and every so often, your victories. Do you remember the board euphoria that spread like wildfire when you married Adrian? There was cheering in the streets that night.


    Your tribute was heartfelt and heartwrenching. I simply cannot fathom just how many collective hearts and minds are absolutely aching with you tonight. We love you and we are here. May God give you strength and peace to cope with yet another unimaginable burden.




    I remember when you were planning your wedding and how much joy radiated from your posts then. I read your beautiful words and all I can think of is how seasonal life is.


    I am so glad that you have a storehouse of memories with him, that you are getting the license that validates your vocation and that you had TIME with this man to heal and breathe and be who you are called to be.



    :iagree: Although I wasn't around when you met Adrian, I have followed the story of his illness and how you have dealt with it as a couple. I am heartbroken for you. May God bless the time you still have with him. :grouphug:

  16. Oh dear... so many of these in common...


    Can't EVER take the first book or magazine or brochure from the shelf. Must reach back for a "fresh" one.


    Can't stand anything touching my collar bone. Like turtlenecks, scarves, people. DH pokes me there just to freak me out.


    I have an irrational fear of roaches. I will be freaked out for the whole day if I see one, especially in my house.


    I LOVE burned popcorn. Especially the microwaved kind with all the chemicals. I burn it on purpose and then add more butter. :lurk5:


    I purposely sniff rubbing alcohol. If I am using it to clean something, or if I use hand cleaner, I sniff deeply. That's pretty weird.


    I also hate lakes or creeks or other slimy bodies of water. Won't go near them.

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