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Renthead Mommy

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Posts posted by Renthead Mommy


    Surely no-one hunts for hard boiled eggs ?!


    I have never known of anyone doing a family egg hunt with anything other than real eggs. (Except for one family that had egg allergy kids.)


    Plastic eggs have always been for organized hunts like school, lodge, club things. But usually they don't want you to put chocolate in those because it will melt in the sun in some areas.

    • Like 2
  2. If our phones rings, we wake up. If they bing, we wake up, if they vibrate, we wake up. If you ring the doorbell, we wake up. And my husband's phone must be on at all times. AF rules. He gets a recall and he doesn't answer, there is trouble. He has seen it.


    I did not want a JAWM. But I am somewhat shocked that this many people think it is okay. I still think it is rude and honestly self centered. I often think of things late at night. If I have my phone to text, I can email just as easily. (Let's not get into the not everyone had smart phones argument).


    And honestly, the people that I have dealt with IRL who do send texts that late are pretty self centered and it is all about them. So that is probably a basis for my feelings on this.

    • Like 3
  3. As for do not disturb functions, like someone above said, when I have gotten middle of the night emergecy phone calls/texts, they have either been from numbers I would not have in my phone, or people that aren't immediate family, so would have been on a dnd list.  Been there, lived that. 


    My kid starts driving in a year.  He'll be out with friends.  Batteries die, phones get lost, stolen or dropped in water.  He's on the side of the road and I don't answer because he has to use his friend's phone?  The cop's phone? Something like that?  I don't think so....



    • Like 8
  4. I am having a disagreement with a friend.  I commented to her about how rude I though someone (not a friend, barely an acquaintance) was about responding to a group text at almost 11pm.  We have had this discussion before when I have asked her not to text me late at night. 


    Her response was that a text is like an email.  People should be allowed to send them wheneven they think of it, and if I don't like it binging, I should silence my phone at night.  Because if people have to wait till 'special hours' to send it, they may forget all about it.  And that I "am the only person she knows that doesn't do that!"  And that if I can't be bothered to do that I should not call someone else rude for texting me at 11pm.


    My take on it is that in polite society, you don't call, or text people after 9pm unless it is an emergency. (With exception of the friends/family you know you can talk to at that time of night.)  And that I should not have to alter my phone, because a  text is the same as phone call.  If I wouldn't call you at that hour, I wouldn't text you either.


    I have had emergency calls in the middle of the night so I am against turning off my phone.  But she is making a big deal that it is all my problem and that I am the rude one to ask people to not text that late.

    • Like 2
  5. Our two kings are both twins put together.


    Makes the many moves easier. Most of the time now the guestroom beds are pushed together, but when needed we just pull them apart.


    Our bed is two twins as well. It started because we had two antique twin bed frames. Later we realized it made moving simpler.

    • Like 1
  6. Five months??? I can't image starting that far ahead! I mean you need the things in your house. Maybe you can pack up the winter/out of season stuff. But you still need to cook and things for those five months.


    I don't even start worrying about it till the week before the packers are due. I usually have the house ready to be packed and know what is going in the cars and have that set aside 2-3 before (depends on if there are last minute trips or parties). Two days for packing, one day for loading the truck.


    Once we find a house, I am usually unpacked and waiting on someone from freecycle to pick up boxes within a week of delivery. Granted we only have about 13-14,000 pounds of stuff (most people hit there limit it seems.).

    • Like 1
  7. Okay so this thread is three years old, but thought it was funny it popped up today. 


    Tomorrow, February 7th, is Laura's 150th birthday. 


    Check out my dear friend's blog for more.  




    My friend is Charles' great, great (maybe another great) niece.  My Laura's grandfather was Charles younger brother, the one that went away to the war and came back a little wild in "Little House in the Big Woods".





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  8. As I stated above, I'd go with either Northside ISD or Northeast ISD of I were choosing. Alamo Heights would be ideal, but I'm not made of money, so that one's out. LOL



    I LOVED the Alamo Heights area!  HEB Central Market was my favorite place to shop.  Good to know it has a decent school system. Not much to compare this time of year, but the few that showed were decent enough.  


    First time we have ever had to look for housing based on a school so I am out of my depth here.  

  9. :laugh:


    If you are not used to large cities, or at least school systems in large cities, it can be a surprise to realize how many school districts there are.


    San Antonio is massive. It is around the 7th largest city in the U.S. There are a LOT of school districts. :)

    I am used to very large cities, but I had no idea SA treated it like a bunch of smaller cities. That would be easier, pick the best city with best schools. But this is crazy. What makes the best school system down there?

  10. If someone was looking for a high school in San Antonio for a former homeschooler, currently in 9th grade in a small (500) charter hs leaning towards film/video/computer arts what would you suggest? Not interested in 2,000 person public schools at all if it can be helped.


    Can't ask IRL as their are rules and regs issues still at this point.


    To the few that know me in real life - PLEASE do not say anything about this on FB!!


    Let's go with if you could chose any hs in the city what would you pick? Top three choices. Location not an issue.

  11. Your son is 20 years old, not four.  It's your birthday.  If you want to eat at Waffle House, then you should get to eat at Waffel House.  He can suck it up for the night.  Would he pick a different restaurant for his birthday, as a 20 something, if you weren't a big fan of it? He's an adult.  Sometimes you don't get to eat at your favorite place.  Sometimes you just go with the flow.  It's one day a year.  Just because you are Mom, doesn't mean you have to give in to every little thing!  Again, he's not a 3 year old you are tring to find a child friendly restuarant for!





    • Like 18
  12. I cracked my neck for basically always. Never knew it was nit just what everyone did.


    Saw a chiropractor. He took xrays. Turns out I had degeneration in my neck from being so out of alingment fir 35+ years.


    In 5th grade a girl threw a softball at my head from about 8 feet away and it slamed into my neck. Then two years later I fell off a skateboard and broke my nose. (But that probably messed up my back more thsn neck, but certainly did not help.)


    So my recommendation is take her to a chiro and see what is going on. She is cracking it because something is not right. It sort of relieves the pressure with the crack. Just like with knuckles, you crack to then feel better.


    Fix it now. 30 years of messed up alignment had made my neck look like it is about 30 years older than I am.


    After starting chiro and getting my neck and back more where they were supposed to be, I no longer crack my neck.

    • Like 4
  13. We say this too about our Senagers, but for different reasons.   FIL and his GF (who I introduced him to, is my BFF's mother and I have known for 30+ years) are together 5 years now.  They are both in their 70's.  They are worse than 16yos wrapped up in their own lives!   They both cared for ill spouses for the last few years, and the spouses died within 6 months of each other, which was just months before we came home stateside and lived near them for the first time as adults. 


    OMG they are horrible sometimes!  They show up when they want.  They are oblivious to things going on around them.  They are so caught up in their own lives.  They text us later than is polite.  It drives us crazy.  After a PCS to a new state, they were coming to visit.  First they were driving over two days and showing up Monday.  Then they were showing up Sunday.  Then they called and said they booked flights and are arriving at this time on Friday, tickets already bought.  Husband said get a cup of coffee I'll be there in a few hours.  They were upset we weren't droping everything to be waiting on them to land, and that we made plans for Saturday (because they weren't supposed to be there yet!)  And so many other things.  They are just so sterotypicaly teenager!  Drives us insane!

    • Like 1
  14. You can return something like a roast? Really? I get returning something like spoiled milk or meat, but a perfectly good roast? It is not like a sweater they can just put back on the shelf. I would think they must now toss and eat the cost if they refunded it.


    Did they actually take it back and give you a refund?

  15. She's 24 with a real job.  Real jobs don't start with four weeks vacation, especially for 24 yos!   You wouldn't be going if the rates were not as good correct?  And the rates are that good because everyone is back at work and school (double whammy for her!)  Whether she was gone over NYE or not, should no affect this trip.  She could not go.  You could not go if you only went when she went.  And it's not like you planned it to avoid her, orginally you planned it for just the two of you, and it grew to other kids still in school.  There are privledges to being the oldest.  She'd had those.  Now there are also privliedges to being the youngers.  Welcome to the real world where yeah, sometimes adulting sucks.  She'll get over it. 


    Just the other day my 14 and I were talking about BS camp.  He said he didn't think he could go this year as he really wanted to go back to OH and NY to visit his friends and didn't think he could take three trips.  I told no, do it now!  Before he is old enough to get a real summer job, or before he is at a point where he must have a summer job because he only has about 2-3 summers left for that! 


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  16. They are only about two inches across, so mainly shortbread cookie (crust and top).  I'd be surprised if they have more than maybe two tablespoons of mince inside, which is why I wondered what to go with.  I love shortbread, but that seems like a lot at one time, especially if you are not doing a tea dunk here and there.


  17. A few years ago we had found an English shop while getting teas and cookies for a Downton Abbey event.  I had my then 10/11 year old with and he wanted to try mince pies.  We got them, he like them, and eventually we pcsed and forgot about them. 


    Well super coincidence,  but here it is 3-4 years later and he mentions them.  The next day I went into a World Market for the first time, and not only did they have numerous different kinds of Walker's shortbreads, but they had the mince pies he was just talking about!  


    So I got a box to have for dessert on christmas eve.  But what do you ususally serve with it? Ice  cream?  Whip cream?  Clotted cream?  (What exactly is clotted cream?  I have had it before on scones and loved it, but no clue what it really is.)



    Note, we are having chinese food and peking duck for xmas eve dinner, so it's not like a fancy meal, just fun.  But it needs something on the side and was not sure if there certain way it was done. 



    PS - I dropped tons of hints of how surprised I was at how many varieties of Walkers, my favorite cookies, World Market sold.  We'll see if that materializes into anything.  The males around here don't always get hints that don't hit them upside the head.  I I probably should have hit them up side the head with a Walker's box...

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