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Renthead Mommy

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Posts posted by Renthead Mommy

  1. I guess I don't get what the point of the pressurized can is?


    Does it somehow keep it fresher? You could do that with a vacume sealed regular pacakage. It doesn't need air blown into it or what ever the can does with the whip cream


    I mean it's not like many people are going to be shooting pancake batter into their mouths at random times when they open the fridge! After all isn't that the point of whip cream in a can?

  2. No. I'm waiting out for Monday night when I can finally see the night time special they did. (we are two weeks behind) Granted I'm watching it to see (hear?) Adam Pascal who did a guest spot as a dragon and did a song on it. I had to call my girlfriend in the states and have her copy it for me because we can't get the vcrs to work over here with the cable set up. But it is one of the few kid shows that I not only can tolerate, but actually like the idea of and the characters.

  3. I only skim the first page. I barely open things anymore even. With the new format, and how you can see the replies to get a feel for the it, I just don't really care anymore.


    That is one good thing about the new format, I don't waste as much time reading through responses of an entire board. Half the fun of that was that it was like this on-going soap opera. Tune in today to see what's happening! Like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our well trained minds!

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