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Posts posted by lulalu

  1. I am wondering if what i want is out there.....


    Looking for something that teaches cursive first, but teaches it in the manner the French do (not their cursive style) something that takes me through body movement, art work, and teaches fluency in cursive?


    I want something put together to make it easier for me.

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  2. So for those of you that keep going do you not work to make content line up?


    Thinking we have Bible and science that could line up. I see how just going to the next book in math works. Or is it really not that important to match things up- just my organized mind that needs that!


    This will be for K.

  3. Thinking out loud and needing thoughts, experiences etc.


    When to start the new school year. Keep in mind i only have one child. We live where summer is HOT! And every four years return home to the cold! Anyways year round appeals to me for ease. We travel a lot so year round would provide for that too although much of our travels easily become educational.


    However, thimking through starting a new year at birthday, new year, or fall when school starts.



  4. Teannika your understanding of how manuscripts were copied and spread around the world supports a non kjvo stance. The fact that we have all these manuscripts not held by one power is against the thought line of kjvo.


    I was able to attend several debates by dr james white. Not over the topic of kjvo but on Islam. However, I greatly respect his work in apologetics and have watched many debates on kjvo. Here is a link to a well done one.



    This is not to you directly, but the lesders in the kjvo are not acurate with facts and history and thus weaken the apologetics with Scripture. I have seen far too many effects of thisen


    Now yes i firmly believe we have too many english translations. But to say the manuscripts were corrupt, is to then say history of the christian church is corrupt. No manuscripts in the world read like the kjv. The TR was written after the kjv to match the kjv!


    And King James gave word that had to be used. They had to say church instead of assembly, could not say immersion. There is bias in the kjv. As well as it was a political work! There are committees of believers who made some of the modern translations do they not deserve respect for their work?

  5. I have enjoyed youtubing dr. James White. He has a wide range of topics he debates, but if you listen to debates over the KJVO he gives really great fact and history to the creating of the manuscripts. He is a reformed baptist but his Bible manuscripts discussion doesnt really include doctrines other than saying KJVO is a dangerous belief for the validity of the New Testament.

  6. Oh and talking of unity meaning more that Jesus prayed for all believers to have unity. We will never have unity in all areas!


    Maybe I am only able to see the elitist attitude from this ifb church and I hope not all are like it.


    Her children have made bold statements about who is going to hell not based on Scripture! And these things are preached. All extra biblical rules. This attitude does not build up or bring unity but divides based on a us vs them. We wear skirts we read kjvo we etc. Not a heart of humility and unity.

  7. Wow! Didnt expect so many responses.

    I'll answer a few questions that came up.


    This person has changed churches since the last time we were home in the states. Twice now she has brought it up in person in a very condesending way. Not approval of the study and work my husband does. All based on what her pastor has taught.


    My husband and I are beginning to work on a translation team for several other languages. He still has some schooling to finish first, but next we move back (dec) he will begin work. Along side our other work overseas. She has said since the original manuscripts are "corrupted" we are sinning and that English is the main language of the world. She has no second language knowledge and doesnt know how to interpret. Nor any knowledge of Hebrew or Greek.


    So this issue feels more personal and attack like. Since she brought it up we gave her the truthful facts over manuscripts, history, oral traditions, preservation, and even compared historical pieces all how amazing God was able to keepHis words! Now she keeps putting on fb specific "issues" between versions.


    So more just wondering if you address the specific errors to give history and facts. Example being the fact that KJV says Holy Ghost. Or that KJV uses the word unicorn.

    • Like 1
  8. Not a curriculum suggestion-


    To help with the hearing all the sounds play with rhymes. Use index cards and make lists of words that start the same or end the same adding in a few odd balls. Then play a game of matching the ones that sound alike. Do this several times a week for a while. Have her call out the letters too.


    Also find some rhyme books and mother goose and read some from them everyday and choose some to memorize.

  9. Mergath- not basing on an idealized golden age. Basing on education philosophy and sucess. The percentage of overall literacy is mute. I look at the educated to base my thoughts from. I know many do religiously hold the area of our founding fathers on a pedestal, that annoys me, not trying to do that. Most of my thoughts come from my study in school and my dissertation on the history of education.


    I guess I struggle with the ideas behind education, and then how the act of actually looking at my child and knowing the route and method to educate in.


    Funny enough from what I have read of T Jed and Robinson I don't agree with most. Now, I haven't read much on those philosophies. So from what I gather the child is mostly to learn independently and a lot is taught as providential history?

  10. Ok. Well maybe this isn't where a question like this is best discussed. So you all may please ignore the thread.


    I am not meaning to cause a ruckus.


    Yes, look into the lives of many of those who first came early to the Americas. When literacy rates were the highest the world ever and has since seen. Our founding fathers are great models of this type of family and home education.

  11. Sorry not asking for snarkiness, or trying to offend.


    I guess I just hadn't articulated myself well enough. Personal experiences are not what I am looking for. There are too many variables involved. As well as through all my years in school (my higher education) what I have learned is that comprehension is a difficult task at these young years without the base of experience to build upon.


    I have no reason to suspect dyslexia.


    This is an area that I may be too knowledgeable on. In other areas of parenting I have needed to push aside studies and research and go with my gut. Sometimes too much knowledge is paralyzing.


    So I am wondering what others have done with the studies. Have you concluded that the studies environments are too different to the environment of the gentle home to be of comparative value?


    And when I mention tradition and history, I am referring to many hundreds of years ago, not 30 years ago. In which educational philosophies showed that children had more regular connections to the natural world, much variety of novels read in families, and challenges involving physical work.


    In all my years of international living I have seen several different trends; the cultures that push formal learning back tend to be mentally healthier, while those that push earlier academics tend to have more depression, anxiety, and mental health issues. However, these early pushing cultures tend to be done in institutions and not homes. Is that a large influence is what I am processing through.


    My three year old shows much interest. I am just at a point of evaluating studies and research and wanting to know how others have balanced the conflicting studies.


    There are studies that also show LD, dyslexia and others run in genes. So I am not saying that I have concluded early structured reading causes it, just that there are studies to concluded that. It is just conflicting.


    I would need to pull out many of my father's journals to cite the research. I don't read the online synthesis of others.

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