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Posts posted by lulalu

  1. We don't have access to a Sunday School. In our home we have several chilldren's Bibles we read over and go through again and again. So my ds (5) I know is getting a good base in Bible at his level. However- he isn't getting activities or crafts to go with.


    Wondering if anyone has used the Sunday School materials from CLE or Rod and Staff? These are cheap for an individual student which is why I am wondering about these. Or is there something you reccommend?


    My thoughts are using a lesson during our family day.

  2. SKL- that has been on my mind. My dh had fine motor delays and needed glasses at 6 years. But at the moment we don't have access to a specialist (part of the expat life) although we will soon be traveling so maybe I can set something up then.


    I just don't know what age to "worry" and the balance between him being a boy. His large motor skills have no worries there!

  3. I need help with ideas for strengthening fine motor skills.


    Ds is 5 and still does not color in the lines. We have the rod and staff k workbooks and his lines are not straight. I don't want to work on writing letters or numbers yet as it is just frustrating.


    But I need some ideas for activities to do and how often to do it etc. We don't have excess to bead to string or other preschool type supplies. It has to be doable at home.


    Also- should I be alarmed at this age? His coloring is still just scribbles, he can make a rough circle but it is very bumpy, he will "write" notes that are scribbled that look like small mountain type things (vvvvvv kinda)

  4. Wondering how others do it-

    Ds is in K. We have our morning time with the date, weather etc. We do this in both languages.


    Do you all do as much as you can in both languages or just certain subjects in each language.


    My son is in a PE class and I realized all the specific sport language he was learning I had no clue what they were! So when I was talking about the racket he had no clue what I was saying. Lol. Which got me to thinking about subject specific vocabulary.


    Just trying to think through how much should be bilingual teaching or just delegate a subject to cettain language.


    We will be adding in another language we are both learning later this year. When learning a language should I just give specific time to learning it? Or integrate it into all our other learning?

  5. Is this the first time he is home all day?


    What were his days filled with before?


    You may need to work on the skill of independent play. You find something you enjoy doing (knitting, reading, etc) and you do that. There will be a time of many interuptions but it gets better. And direct him to his toys.


    Also some ideas are- baking, crafts, sensory activities, reading, board games, music, dancing, puzzles etc. Rotate through each week.

    • Like 6
  6. I think working on Bengali would be best.


    English is her foreign language it will help if you change your thinking to that. And give a good year from now and maybe add a different one in if she has recovered her Bengali.


    And as a person who has learned several languages as an adult- if she is still working on speaking English it is too soon for English grammar. Grammar comes after figuring out the spoken language for years. This order is much easier and more natural. That is one reason for such failure in highschool foriegn language classes.

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  7. Listening to the dramatized KJV while following along in a printed Bible would give the best exposure. If you don't want to devote that much time to the study, select a few familiar passages, the 23rd Psalm, for example. Compare the KVJ to your usual translation.

    We are not to the point where ds could follow along as he listens.


    Maybe I should find some children's Bibles that are close to kjv as a starting place? We are starting Shakespeare with a childrens retelling maybe I should be doing the same here?

  8. A lot has lead to me thinking this may be best to wait. First we are not in a country that speaks English so all the words we see out and about are close sometimes but so different (taksi for taxi, restaran for restaraunt) I even get tripped up sometimes lol!


    Second looking at the schooling here has been enlightening. school is offered at 4 but reading instruction starts at 7. Only the international schools start earlier. And the schools offer a lot kids to really build a whole child and foundation. Folk dance is offered!


    Third I am noticing some character issues that need working on first. My ds hasn't been told what to do much.... he really has had a lot of free play of his choice his whole life. So I think it might be best to hold off on things that feel restrictive to him and try to build the habit of being told at this time we are doing x in a different area so he doesn't hate learning skills. I have no backup to homeschooling 😊 (unless I want him to be the only infadel during religion classes) He loves to cuddle while I read so that is a plus! Just telling him he can't just play all day.


    Also- my experiences in the middle east have opened me up to the beauty of strong oral culture. I just love that my neighbors can tell such vaptivating stories for so long! And these traditional stories aren't written down much. So I feel like Conrad Gessner might be right about the printing press😠But I do think that building of the mind should be worked on before reading.


    But these are just my thoughts and ideas without research...... 15 years ago working on my thesis of education I would have told a different story. But we get older and learn different things. For me living in 4 countries changed my view of education a lot!

    • Like 2
  9. Thanks everyone!

    Ellie- thank you for the link to the Moores!


    We do read a lot about an hour or more a day depends on what the day holds as far as chores. I think on the phonemic skills and pre-reading skills we are good. My ds did two different kindergarten readiness tests and was high into the ready. He really probably is ready just not to the point of having the discipline to do a lesson each day. Which is why I am leaning towards waiting and focusing on some other skills especially speaking well (no speech problems just answering in one word or talking fast etc) I think I would best spend my energy this year building a strong foundation before adding in formal math and phonics.

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  10. Thanks I think we can add in dramatized listening.


    I am not certain exactly what I am wanting to do. We plan to read through and work with Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing this year. I want to do a short unit with the KJV just to really begin exposure to the language and influence on our culuture/language.


    However, I really don't want our regular Bible learning to come from that time. (I have issues with the translation work) We do have a good amount of Bible study time established already.


    But maybe all I will find is more Bible study for elementary age instead of looking at the kjv as literature.

    • Like 1
  11. I have been debating begin phonics instruction beyond abc and saying letter sounds pointing letters out etc. I think I am leaning towards waiting closer to 6 (so a year from now).


    I am wondering what types of learning people do to build up the brain, body, and soul for the years before 6/7.


    We are currently still learning a second language and will be adding in another in a few months. We work on fine motor skills through art and handcrafts. We do lots of memory work. We just began narration. I would like ds to develop the skill of storytelling to help think through ideas and speak well.


    We do many field trips a great perk to living overseas near ancient historical sites!


    Just wondering what others do in these years if you save formal lessons in math and phonics to the 6 or 7 years old.

  12. Are there any resources for learning the KJV Bible similar to all the stuff out there for Shakespeare? We are not KJV readers and do not study with this version. But I want to work with it in literary work and wondering if there is anything out there to assist?

  13. We work on stories and retelling. I tell many without reading ( we work on storytelling) and am able to add in lessons or applications doctrine etc that way.

    Also memorize Psalms- at 4 we learned Psalm 114 since it gave a short overview.

    Doctrine at this age (imo) comes through memory work through a catechisim.

    And then the habit of family worship adds in a lot too.

  14. I think the issue isn't so much schooling, but differences in families.


    Homeschool families have such wide variety. Some have concerns with outside influences and spend most time with like minded friends.


    Other families that hs have kids in so many activities that they still have a lot of time around peers.


    I am not giving a judgement just stating their are differences in hs families. Some teach and expect certain behaviors as normal, others look a lot like most ps families.


    We look a lot more like average ps families than conservative hs families. We are not at puberty yet, but I think my expectations will shape our experience a lot more.

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