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10 Good
  1. Julianna - That's a great tip! I have a first grader, too so maybe I will do it together with them! Down the Rabbit Hole - Great tip for my 3rd grader! momsuz123 - I will check out HWOT!
  2. My son is halfway through 3rd grade, so I thought it was time to introduce cursive. Any helpful tips on curriculum that has worked for you would be great!!! Joelle
  3. Last year I did CC and the full Sonlight curriculum. It was crazy and I felt like we didn't do well at either. This year we are using CC and supplimenting with reading from: Everything you need to know about World History homework .................................................Science..................... Kingfisher Encyclopedia Story of the World Mystery of History That, plus the Science Snippits and History Highlights is so great! If I hadn't purchased those books, I would never have time to go to the library weekly to find information on each of the weeks' topics. Plus, for their presentations, sometimes they will get some books out on one of the topics they are learning in order to find out more about it. I also get out Sonlight's readers and read alouds from the library and work that in with our 1st Language Lessons and All About Spelling for Language Arts. We do AWANA review and a daily devotional for Bible. I use Math U See. I feel like this is a very comprehensive program and a lot cheaper and more manageable than buying another complete curriculum. Hope that helps! Joelle
  4. Hi there :)

    I just wanted to make sure you had received my message....please verify your paypal email so I can send your refund back. I received a couple of payments that day and want to make sure I send it to the correct paypal addy. Again, I am so sorry about that.

  5. I actually think it would be perfect for her. My son was 5 this past September. I did MFW K with him and ended up having to supplement it with math and Sonlight's Core in order to give him everything I wanted for kindergarten. I do think it's a very good program for a 4 year old. It's lots of easy crafts, talking about simple science ideas, etc... However, I do agree with the others that you probably would want to do a more agressive K program with her before doing the 1st grade. My 3 year old did most of the crafts and projects and storybook reading right along with us. Of course, she was too young for some parts, but I just did what she could and let her do puzzles and activities when she wasn't interested. Luckily, it's inexpensive enough that you would easily be able to set it aside if it didn't work for you.
  6. Wow. I had no idea charts like that existed! I will definitely be ordering my activity sheets before April, then!
  7. Thanks for clearing that up! I feel like such a dunce!
  8. Thank you so much! It is so helpful to have advice from people who have used both curriculums!
  9. So if mine says Copyright 2007, is that last year's or the year before? Wouldn't April's new one be 2009?
  10. Sorry. I'm kind of new to the homeschooling forums, so I need a little decoding. :) What is SWR? My son is learning to read this year with My Father's World K program. I'm supplementing with Hooked on Phonics K program, which I think goes more in depth. So, does it totally depend on his personality as to whether or not ETC will be a good fit for him? Is it mostly workbook pages that just review what he's learning in the LA? I guess I just don't want to spend the money on them if I don't really need them.
  11. I bought a gently used version of the SL Core 1 Science from 2007. The bad part is that the seller didn't have the activity sheets. Seeing the posts recently on the brand new SL catalog kind of freaked me out and made me think that I can't order the Activity Sheets under the consumable items and have it work with my used version. Anyone able to help on this?
  12. I was actually wondering, too, if Explode the Code is a nice addition to the LA for Sonlight Core 1 or if it's unnecessary.
  13. Isn't it sad that we even care? I was SOOOOO excited when I bumped up to the Worker Bee level. I even told my dh!!!
  14. I'm trying to test this too. Want to check out Well Trained Mind Forums?
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