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Everything posted by vritz

  1. It seemed like it should be the same, but not having ever taken logic before myself, I didn't want to assume. Thanks!
  2. We're using Introductory Logic, and I have a question about the mood of a syllogisms. We are given 3 statements and asked to identify the 2 premises the conclusion, and identify the mood and figure of the syllogism. For example, "Some sailors are not poets, because all sailors are mariners, but some poets are not mariners." We put them in the following order, and identified them form as AOO-2. All sailors are mariners. Some poets are not mariners. Therefore, some sailors are not poets. The answer key switched the order of the premises, and said the answer is OAO-2. Is AOO-2 equivalent to OAO-2? In this case the order of the premises doesn't affect the figure, but I can see how it could change from a figure 1 to a figure 4 if one of the middle terms was at the beginning and one at the end of the premise statements. Can someone please help?! Thanks!
  3. Well, since I first posted, I have decided to go ahead with the Labpaq kit. Can anyone speak to the quality of the equipment? I can't seem to get a listing for the kit contents. Thanks!
  4. Hi Michelle, Glad you were able to get your questions answered. I am not in the same situation as you as we do not necessarily intend at this point to do an AP Chemistry course. It is easy to second guess our plans, but it sounds like you have thought things carefully.
  5. I'm trying to decide whether to supplement the Apologia Chemistry labs with Labpaq CK-101 or MicroChem. I understand the advantage to using things on a microscale level, but I wonder how much the student loses out on by not having to measure/weigh and mess with the chemicals themselves.
  6. I've read the description and watched the very brief sample, but I wonder if someone who has watched it could give more information about it. Does the instructor actually lecture on the content of the chapter? Have any opinions on whether you prefer the Red Wagon Tutorials or this new dvd?
  7. Yes, for the accountability for me... I'm not disciplined enough to push through when it's hard unless I know there is a deadline or someone else I'm accountable to. I think that improves my kids' education in and of itself. No, from an academic point. I think there are plenty of resources available to homeschool on my own. On the other hand, I also think it's not as much fun in isolation. Literature discussions are much more interesting with a group of people. Just my $.02.
  8. Have you considered using the Red Wagon Tutorial dvds along with the text? That's my plan for next year. I've found that as we move into more advanced and complex material, it really helps to have someone "teach" as well as have the kids learn from a textbook. http://www.finders-keepers.net/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_90&products_id=548 You can also buy this directly from Apologia or Red Wagon Tutorials. I did ask the teacher, and even though he is offering pre-orders on the next version, the only difference between the 2.0 and 3.0 dvds is essentially updated web links. The lecture content is essentially the same.
  9. Thanks for the info! I just want the meat of the lecture, so if we can shave 20 minutes off the front of each session, it will help a lot.
  10. I'm looking at using the RWT dvds for Apologia Chemistry with a small group of kids, but we only have a 2 hour block of time. With the lectures being 1.5 hours, it doesn't leave us much time for the experiments. The sample lecture includes a lot of classroom management information at the beginning. I'm assuming this isn't the case for the rest of the lectures, but can someone verify that for me? Also, do you think it would be possible to skip some of the material and shorten the lecture something closer to an hour? Thanks for any help!
  11. If you use Jill Pike's syllabus with the additional books, it is a 1 credit course. We replaced Hamlet with Twelfth Night as this is our students' first Shakespeare play.
  12. We use the companion cds in our mac, and I just tested the audio mp3, and it worked, too.
  13. I haven't used them yet, but here's what I'm doing in the fall... I just finished scheduling the TTC dvds with the Holt Geometry 1997 that I'm going to be using. I showed a brief sample to my daughter of both the TTC and Teaching Textbooks dvds, and she chose TTC. The reason I wanted to use some sort of "lecture" is that my own presentation of concepts can be random and not well thought through (as we experienced in Alg 1 this year). Having a dvd to watch let's us hear the material once in a coherant manner as a first pass; then we'll get to the textbook, where the material will be presented again, and then she'll do the lesson. I will also be in a better position to help my daughter if I've had a review of the geometry to freshen it in my own mind. We'll see how it goes, but I'm optomistic that even if my daughter doesn't love it, it will be better than going through the text alone.
  14. I was just at the donnayoung.org website, and the very first thing I saw was an announcement that there is now a schedule for marine biology.
  15. I like that Lial's quote! I agree it gives me a higher level of confidence in the text and a heightened interest. Thanks!
  16. Thanks, Jann and Hoosiermom, for the clarification. I don't teach math, except to my own kids, but I was a math major in college. My kids are not allowed to use a calculator for their math work, and I am skeptical that math at the high school level has changed so drastically that there would now be a real need for it. What I'm being told is that the new math texts have an emphasis on real world problems that require a graphing calculator to solve, and the kids are required to have them in Alg 1. In the homeschooling math classes, they are waiting until Alg 2, but then it is a requirement.
  17. I'm not actually concerned about how the calculator works but how to use it in math. I never used one, I'm not sure why you need to, so I need the curriculum to address it. It does seem very prevalent among the schools around here, so I want to be sure my kids know how to use this tool like everyone else.
  18. It seems like all the kids use graphing calculators in the public schools. My nephew even had to have one for Algebra 1. Since we didn't use graphing calculators when I went to school, I'm wondering if the Alg 2 textbooks leave it to the teacher or if some of them actually include the teaching in the text.
  19. I'm wondering if anyone knows if there are significant differences between the 1st and 2nd editions of Lial's "Essentials of Geometry". I know many of the college textbooks are rereleased every year, but this book seems to be only in it's 2nd edition.
  20. I'm considering using Teaching Textbooks Geometry next year after finishing Algebra 1 this year. From what I've read, it sounds like TT Geometry doesn't use any algebra. So I'm thinking of using the Key to Algebra series and just having my dd do a page a day along with her Geometry work just to keep things fresh. Any thoughts?
  21. I found several very positive reviews Spanish learning websites. They do list how their curriculum counts for credit in high school and is accredited with NAHRS. I'd love to hear some more feedback, too.
  22. I'm looking at the current version of Tell Me More Spanish, and I was told there are two "initiation" levels of Spanish to get you ready for Level 1. Can someone tell me if they thing they are adequate to get you ready for Level 1? I have heard the comment that Tell Me More is difficult if you haven't had any Spanish prior to starting.
  23. I've read many of your posts, Jann, and I appreciate your time and advice. In another post, you commented that with the Holt 1997 edition it would be difficult for a homeschooler to know what to assign since there was so much material. I'm not someone who needs to use the latest and greatest curriculum, so if an older edition/curriculum has proven itself well, I'm happy to use it. Plus with the difficulty of getting the teacher's materials for the 1997 edition and the higher cost, I was leaning towards the 1992 edition. Did you make the change to Jacobs 3rd edition and now to Holt 1997 because you were dissatisfied with the Holt 1992 materials?
  24. Without going into all the reasons as to why I'm considering these two curriculums, can anyone tell me if the Holt Geometry 1992 is more "rigorous" than Teaching Textbooks geometry? Thanks!
  25. Could you use the new CD geometry textbook without the dvds? I'm not looking for a video curriculum, but I am looking for a textbook that does a complete of explaining vs. expecting a teacher to give a complete lesson. I'm happy to come alongside my dd, but I would like there to be good teaching in the textbook.
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