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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. I'm not sick. I have not been to the dentist today. I never get carolers at my door. In fact, although I remember caroling with my church as a kid, I do not ever remember having carolers come to my door. Ever.
  2. That's very sweet of you to offer! But nah, I'm good. I actually do like my job. It's QA, so basically I get to be a miss bossy pants. And since the role is already filled here, I think I'll keep the job. 😆
  3. Agreed. Agreed to the extent that I just poured myself a bowl.
  4. So...what you are saying is you are at the dentist infecting them, who will in turn infect all of their clients. Smashing! Bwaaahahaha.... I often get sick after a dentist visit. Coincidence?
  5. I knew. Because I lived in Amish territory. The PA one. And I have been stuck behind enough buggies to last me a lifetime. BUT...I have never used it or seen the packaging. Just know the name.
  6. Yeah, but it's not fair. I still have to go to work every day. And they are actually expecting me to work lately. (The nerve! ;) )
  7. You all need to get back to teaching your kids, or cleaning, or something. 200 more posts. I can't keep up! :lol:
  8. Unfortunately I am part of the 1.4% who do not have peanut butter in the house.
  9. Neither do I. Which is why I remember stuff you said 300 pages ago.
  10. I think just Quackers. My sister is adopted. ( :lol: not really)
  11. Well, yeah, 'cause it's our happy place. And a Happy Place BOOYAH to all, and to all an ITT day!
  12. I just ordered my sister crack for Christmas. http://www.amazon.com/Treats-Chickens-Chicken-Crack-1-Pound/dp/B00K5NBMB8
  13. You need to make them kid sizes and available for Halloween?
  14. GAH! Not me. Just keep reading, just keep reading, pause to listen to debate, just keep reading...
  15. Humph! (I was an art history major in college... :leaving: )
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