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Posts posted by RKWAcademy

  1. It is a very relaxing feeling not to have a mortgage.  However, you'll have more than just utilities.  You still have taxes and insurance to think about, too.  And savings for broken air conditioners.  I don't know what to recommend because I don't make wise housing choices.  But I'm still smarting from recent big expenses (AC!) and a half-remodeled kitchen (that is still better than the old kitchen!).  Good luck! 

  2. We're on lesson 20 in AAR2. I too skip the words and phrases on the fluency sheets (wish I had started doing this sooner), and just use the sentences. We don't review the cards very often either, occasionally I'll pull out one of the supplemental ziggy games and play it with the review cards. its fun that way and more gets covered. I have been spreading the stories over two days, because my daughter just gets tired. She was very overwhelmed when we hit the broken robot and the stories suddenly had 3x the number of words on each page. Even though she can read the words. How do you do the buddy reading? I think that could work well for my DD, but the only thing I can think of is to alternate sentences, how do you do it so your child is reading 2/3?


    They read the first two pages unless there are a lot of paragraphs.  After that, we alternate either paragraphs or pages.  For instance, many of the pages have three paragraphs.  I'd read the middle one.  I think it would get confusing alternating sentences.  Or I let them read until it is obvious they need a break.  Then, I will take over for a page. 


    Usually, they read it again the next day (or on the weekend).  I try to alternate different paragraphs on that reading.  But, it gets confusing with two kids reading the same stories.  Fortunately, they are pretty cute.  However, they don't have the same draw that Level 1 readers had.  My kids used to pick those books up all the time and re-read their favorite stories. 


    We've enjoyed AAR so far, but I'm thinking hard about what I'm going to do after this level.

  3. We're on lesson 22 in AAR2.  I agree that the readers jump a bit too much from level 1 to 2.  We don't do all of the fluency sheets and we buddy read the readers.  They read about 2/3 and I read about 1/3 of the readers.  They can read the words but the volume is just overwhelming for them.  We read the sentences on the fluency sheets but skip the phrases and most of the words at the top (they are generally repeats from the cards and sentences).

  4. My kids were preemies, and their doctor said it would be great if they could stay home for the first two years of life.  After those 2 years, I didn't want to put them in preschool or anywhere!  It kind of snowballed from there.  I wanted them home with me.  Our school district is awful.  I'd stopped working, and we wouldn't be able to afford private school.  So, here we are!

    • Like 1
  5. Dr Pepper....


    This!  Fortunately, I kicked the habit over a year ago.  Life isn't the same :sad:  I'm not they type of person who can have just one every so often.  Nope.  None for me, ever.


    researching homeschool curriculum


    And this.


    YouTube.  I don't watch TV so I justify my time on YouTube as being better than TV.  Still a giant time suck. 

    • Like 1
  6. That's crazy. There's no way that's their policy. I would have complained about her.

    True, but I was alone, so I'm sure I was in a great mood. No reason to let the cashier sully my kid-free high!


    I do love their swimming suits!

  7. Moving to level 2 was a bit of a jump for my kids. It could have been because we transitioned after Christmas break. We've settled in nicely with level 2, though. The fluency sheets and stories are meatier. There is a bit of review. I'd go with level 2 and just take it slow. Any chance you have AAS1 you could use to review? I agree with PP about the level 1 readers. They are fantastic.

  8. Yes, it is easy to return to Sears.  However, I returned some swimming suits last year.  The cashier told me that she'd let it pass that time but in the future they will require me to try the suits on and show them why it didn't work.  Yeah right, that's not happening.  But, maybe I just got a cashier with an attitude.  Their quality hasn't been the same since Sears bought them.  It's possible Sears has since spun it off into its own org, but I'm not sure.

  9. DS stopped at 4. DD just stopped recently around 5.5. We still have quiet time if we are home. They must separate from each other AND me! They usually listen to audiobooks in their rooms. DD will occasionally fall asleep. DS plays Lego while listening (and usually attempting to make a Lego tower fall very loudly on his wooden floors to make sure his sister doesn't have peace).


    I sit in absolute silence.

  10. Our house is almost 40 years old.  We've remodeled (professionally) once by adding a garage and bedroom/bath.  Then, we upgraded another bathroom and the kitchen ourselves.  We lucked out and found pretty modern kitchen cabinets and corian countertops for sale on craigslist.  We got a steal!  The owner was remodeling his house and putting granite and fancy cabinets in his house.  His leftovers were a HUGE step up for us.  It's a lovely kitchen now.  For floors in the main areas, we continued the hardwoods.  The bathroom remodel, we found (also through craigslist, actually) a discontinued floor model with granite countertop.  It took some work to get these pieces to fit in our house and changing the plumbing, but it makes the house so much more liveable. 


    In our situation, we were reluctant remodelers.  We tried to sell but couldn't.  Me tried to make the house fit us.  We currently have so much more money in this house than we'll ever get back out - even with the good deals on the remodels. 


    I wouldn't put Pergo in the bathroom.  Some vinyl can look really nice these days.  You can get small pieces at Lowes.  HTH.

  11. I've always felt much better when my TSH is kept very low.  You just have to find a doctor who will listen to you.  Doesn't make the weight fall off, but I always feel better.  I have Hashimoto's which is the autoimmune version of a wonky thyroid.  I think that is why my levels are always all over the board.  Also, they can differ in summer vs winter.  At least for me, it's never as simple as taking a TSH and giving a dose of synthroid.  Ask for T3 and T4.  I think they all panic about Vit D levels now, too.

  12. I played tennis from 6th grade through high school.  I took very few lessons before that and played with my mom and older sister a bit.  I don't think age is a factor in her situation.  However, I think playing on the hard surface of a tennis court would not be good for her joints.  Crew sounds like the lowest impact option.  My sister rowed crew in college (and had huge upper body strength!) but that's the extent of my knowledge on crew.  Oh, and they had to wake up really early for crew  :thumbdown:

    • Like 1
  13. We are doing mom-made prehistory for part of the year (my four kids are young 5-6 years old currently but very interested in all this kind of stuff). Here's a rough draft outline. UILE is the Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia Of World History.  PL is a Prehistoric Life book that we have.  I'll be reading all the books aloud. Our family is Christian, but we also believe in evolution.





    Wow.  This is fantastic!  I tried to do something similar for our kindergarten year this year but really only managed to read the PreHistoric Life book and some various dinosaur books.  They did love Walking with Dinosaurs and similar docos.  They love talking about the "Big Boom".  I can't fix it to big bang in their minds!  This is really well done!



    • Like 2
  14. Going to Bed Book - I still have it memorized!

    Dear Zoo

    On the Night you were Born

    I Love you Through and Through

    any of the Lois Lenski - Mr Small books - Fireman Small, the Little Sailboat, Policeman Small, The Little Train - all great.

    Sheep in a Jeep

    Mr Brown can Moo Can You?

    Brown Bear, Brown Bear

    Pokey Little Puppy

    Color Kittens

    We Help Mommy - not board book but old golden book


    oops, I went over.  better stop.


  15. My kids started with Singapore Essentials A & B. At the same time, I added MUS Primer. MUS really helped the one that was struggling in the beginning (perhaps she wasn't ready to start when her brother was, I don't know). But when we finished those, we moved into Singapore Primary Math 1. I have no plans to move away from it. I don't care for the MUS scope and sequence, although for my 4-5 year old, Primer was just what she needed. And, both my kids prefer Singapore. They found MUS worksheets boring, and I eventually stopped using most of them. It is easy for me to teach Singapore. There are samples on their website, along with the scope and sequence. You could try getting just a CWP or intensive practice book, or even the workbook, to get an idea for the style. They are fairly inexpensive by themselves.


    ETA - I should add that I have a bit of a curriculum problem. Or a hoarding of it problem. After Essentials/MUS but before SM1A, I flirted with math mammoth and rightstart. MM was hated by my kids. Rightstart games were a hit but the consensus was that we liked singapore the best. We supplement with RS games. And we will probably add CWP or intensive practice later.

  16. Ok, I checked, it is available here in India - will order today...thanks for the recommendation.  Like I said, I have not come across any "feeding specialists" here in Bangalore.  And I have been to quite a few doctors over the years (gastro, endo, pediatric) trying to address these issues.


    A feeding specialist would be a speech therapist.  Not all handle those issues, but some do.  Ours was very good, if for nothing else than to reassure me.  We had one evaluation on sensory issues, but it never went anywhere else.  You might look into that since you mentioned his extreme reactions to new foods. 


  17. Funny, my picky eater was also the smaller twin at birth. Her sister would drink 3-4 ounces of breast milk, she'd only take in a quarter of an ounce!


    They're the same size now, even though her sister has a voracious appetite and eats any new food that's offered to her.


    Ah, I remember the days of being desperate for just a few more mls from her!  I am so glad to be done with counting her intake!  So stressful.  My DD will never catch up to my son.  He's a big chunk of guy!  She's a petite gymnast.  No one thinks they are twins now.  Most people think she is about 4 and he's 6 or 7.

  18. My daughter is almost 6 now.  She was a preemie (born at 28 wks, but as tiny as a 24-weeker, due to lack of nutrition from her cord!, her twin was much bigger).  She was born tiny and has always been tiny.  We struggle to get her to eat.  We went through periods of spiking her food with added calories (I got very creative - applesauce spiked with melted butter!) and eating therapy and constant battles.  But, her doctor says she's healthy (and strong as an ox, she's a perfect gymnast), she's just petite.  I confirm every time that her doctor is not concerned.  So I dropped the drama and the fights and the begging.  I just let it go.  She gets hungry, she eats.  **Most of the time** I just accept what she's eaten.  Sometimes I slip and start to harp on her, but it really never ends well.  But, I do make sure that she doesn't get any junk food.  The small amounts she eats are going to be fruit, vegetable, meat, eggs, peanut butter, or something equally nutritionally dense.  No carb, sugar, etc taking up room that good stuff could be using!  She now has a pretty sophisticated palate for a kid.  Also, at least when she was younger, she was filling up on liquid calories - milk mostly - and that left little room for food.  So, when I cut the milk (and juice, but she never really had that much), she ate a lot more.  Now, she only gets milk in the morning and in the afternoon as a snack. 


    Our situations don't sound exactly alike, though, because my daughter does get hungry and ask for food.  But she eats just tiny amounts.  Not sure I offered any help, but I have been there.  And I am assured by her doctor that she is healthy, just petite.  So, I guess, if your doctor doesn't see a problem with his health, maybe he's doing ok.  I know there are medications that can stimulate appetite, but my doctor said my daughter wouldn't need that.  You could ask your doctor.  Also, maybe try ridding his diet of empty carbs or juice.  Even if he protests the choices for a few days, he'll eventually eat.  Or, have you tried eating therapy.  I think she was about two when we did that, but it could help.  Sorry you're dealing with this.  I know how frustrating it can be.

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