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Posts posted by RKWAcademy

  1. Has her thyroid been tested? When my thyroid went crazy,my main symptom was hair loss.


    Both of my sons are underweight,low percentile for weight,but tall with high percentile for height. I think it's the nature of parenting to worry.


    Thyroid was my first thought, too.  Hair loss was my first symptom, along with cold extremities.  Underweight isn't typical, I believe.  But, it's worth testing.  I was late teens when mine started.


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  2. We just remodeled our kitchen and it is a dream.  We bought our cabinets and corian counters used on craigslist.  We lucked into the deal, it was cheap, and the layout fit our space with only a bit of extra work.  Now, I love my kitchen.  It should be noted that we worked hard on this remodel and did it ourselves, with my dad's electrical help.


    I love my modern oven/stove.  I love my deep sink with disposal.  I love that I have an island with a butcher block surface.  Under the island is a cabinet with two pull out shelves for my pots and pans - this is the best invention for the kitchen!  I love my thin cabinet for sheet pans and cutting boards.  I love lots of drawers in my kitchen.  I love having a "baking center" where my mixer is stored and I have an outlet and counter space.  In the cabinets below, I keep sugar, flour, etc and my measuring devices.  I love having a large bar/peninsula for eating breakfast or doing art or science.  I love having hardwood floors because in the past tile floor has hurt my feet.  I like finally having a microwave mounted above the stove and off the counter.  I like the wood of the cabinets and the fact that I now have a lot of cabinets.  I like how open and airy the space feels now (we removed the wall between the kitchen and dining room/front of house).  I like my fish tank in the breakfast area and our computer desk, instead of another table - we just use the dining room, it's attached and not very formal at all. 


    I like the color on my walls (Sherwin Williams Grey Screen).  I like the crown molding.  I like that the 1970's trim is now painted white (worst job). 


    There is not a lot I don't love about my kitchen.  I wish it was in a house somewhere else because I still hate the house as a whole.  I do wish I had a fancy refrigerator but mine works just fine and a new one wasn't in the budget.  I do wish I had a bigger pantry, although mine is still bigger than many I've seen.  I wish my island had an electrical outlet.  I wish the kitchen was against an outside wall so I could have a window at my kitchen sink, thus the ability to have an herb in a pot (the view through the "window" above my sink is to the living room, so I do get to see my kids playing).  I wish there was a door I could close between the kitchen and the laundry room.  Although I like that the laundry room is very big and has my upright freezer.  I picked bead board for my backsplash against the long wall that has the stove and sink plus counters.  I don't hate it but I don't love it.  It was easy, cheap, and looked fine.  Nice tile would have looked better and been more durable.  But it was not fun to paint! 


    I had a really bad kitchen before, so I'm particularly enamored with my kitchen now.  Kitchen remodels are hard work.  Lots of luck!

  3. I've not painted exterior, but I was very pleasantly surprised with the difference in quality when I finally splurged on Sherwin Williams interior paint.  I've usually used Lowe's or Home Depot mid-grade paint.  I bought a SW paint and loved it.  It went on well and covered well.  It is a good bit more expensive.  We just repainted another room and this time, I did go with a Lowe's paint due to price alone (a recent rebate sweetened the deal).  SW does have paint sales occasionally.

  4. My kids are different from each other.  One is up with the sun (or before) every day.  The other staggers out around 8 or later if her body just needs the rest.  I don't make them get dressed unless we are heading somewhere.  We somehow manage something for breakfast.  I'm a night owl so mornings are hard for me.  We usually start school by 9.  I am not strict with mornings because I know how it feels to be a night owl.  But I don't allow electronics before school or they'll have bad attitudes for school.

  5. we've been taking a break from school and have been busy with home repair, so the kids have been enjoying more than their fair share of tv lately.  One figured out how to work the Roku and found a lot of annoying-ness on Netflix.  I have officially banned The Cat in the Hat.  It has to be the most annoying thing on Netflix.  That cat has a nasty, condescending tone sometimes.  I've allowed Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood because the kiddos wrote me thank you notes for all I do for them after Daniel did it on tv.  So, as much as I hate the tv, sometimes it's ok.


    They are also allowed Handy Manny because I counted to ten in Spanish along with Manny (about all I can say in Spanish) and it totally impressed the kids.  Now I randomly say Spanish words and the kids go bonkers!  They'll know more than I do after a week learning Spanish (whenever I get around to that!). 

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  6. So sad; he was so young.  Really makes me think about how precious life is when someone close to my age or my husband's age dies like this.  And I can't imagine the VP's pain of losing his children like he has. 


    I must say that the statement that the Obamas released was very touching indeed.  It pains me to complement them, but it was well done.

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  7. good luck!  We are hoping to list ours ASAP, too.  I haven't contacted the realtor yet because I know some things that are lacking.  It's hard to find a realtor who will honestly shine light on the problems.   The ones I know are just chipper, positive people.  I want one who comes in and says get rid of this, this, and this and paint this and basically hands me a to-do list!  I want to list a home that looks like a showcase.  We have a 40 year old house that must compete with brand new homes!  Best of luck to you!


    As an aside - my kids are LOVING all this painting and fixing-up I'm doing because I ended school early and they veg-out in front of TV.  They almost never get TV usually, so they are having the time of their little couch potato lives. 

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  8. There are 11 in there now, zero unread.  How do I do it?  Spend way too much time on the computer :)  I have gmail and archive most everything if not a pressing issue or I need the reminder.  Folders would never work for me; it would take too much thought/time to sort.  A cluttered inbox gives me anxiety.  I'm sure it's all a trade-off and others will have different priorities.  But I don't use text much or facebook or anything else.  Email is my go-to communication method so I like it orderly. 

  9. My son just turned 6.  I get quite a bit of push-back from him if I make him write more than his name or ABCs.  I've never used ETC so I don't know how much writing it contains, but I wouldn't push the issue write now.  My kid likes math so numbers are not a big deal, either.  Mine do like to write more if they get to use dry erase markers. 


    I have boy/girl twins that are just now 6, and there is a huge difference between the two in fine motor skills.  My daughter will happily draw and write all day.  I just bought Draw Write Now.  I bought it primarily for my daughter because she loves art but I was surprised that my son loved it and even copied a sentence from it (mainly he did the sentence because his sister did and he had to keep up with her).  But, it was completely voluntary to go along with a picture he was interested in. Of course, he hasn't yet done a second lesson, so who knows?


    For a boy, I'd back off.

  10. I've always held on to any and all books.  I love books.  I'm in the same position you are now.  My shelves are overloaded, I have boxes of unpacked books in the attic (from our move 8.5 years ago), and we are contemplating moving again.  Just recently, part of me has decided the books have to go.  I'm slowly donating a bag or two every week (we drive by a donation center (for Alzheimer's!) weekly).  I won't throw any classics or my favorites or even books my kids may read.  But the rest are leaving.  I couldn't do a huge purge on the books; it would overwhelm me and I'd refuse to get rid of any.  My method is working now.  Good luck!

  11. I don't think I'd ever elect to have a cosmetic surgery absent a real medical issue such as the before mentioned bunions or eyelid causing vision issues.  However, I'd gladly do laser procedures or corrective eye procedures.  I'm never going to look like I did before I had children.  Plus, I've heard the horror story of a friend who had abdominal surgery (not cosmetic) which became infected.  Nasty stuff like leaving the wound open and packing it and drainage and pain.  No thanks.  Also, I had surgery last year.  While the rational side told me that anesthesia is safe and death is so very rare, there was a nagging little concern that what if I never woke up?  I guess I'm a bit of a worrier.  But, I'd never tell someone not to do something that is very important to them.  You have to live with it, no one else. 

  12. We're a bit out in the country.  However, I still live within an hour (or hour fifteen minutes) of two very large state universities (and an hour and a half from a third major university - private).  I live within 30 minutes of a couple of community colleges.  There is only one of the universities I would consider within commuting distance from my house.  The others would be a stretch.  That one is the one I hope my (now only 6 year old) kids pick!

  13. No reading over my shoulder out loud.  No talking (and no fighting).  No loud toys if they are playing instead of sitting with me.


    Mostly, they sit with me in a big chair.  They are generally very good because like a PP, I stop reading if they act up. 


    When they listen to audio books, they can make more noise and play because I'm not in there.  DS usually plays Legos, and DD usually does gymnastics, draws, or plays with DS during an audio book.

  14. I 2nd the triangle NC area.  COL is not bad and weather not terrible.  Good schools.  Area is growing on me after 9 years.  I no longer dream DAILY about when DH retires and we can move.  In fact, I've actually considered the possibility we will stay and kids will go to NC State.


    Tuscaloosa, AL is a nice little town but very college-y, not much else redeeming there, IMHO.  Huntsville, AL is miles better.  But if you are wanting to avoid tornadoes, cross Tuscaloosa off the list. 


    I puffy heart Austin.  All of Texas, actually.  That is my home and I miss it.  UT is great (BIG, but great).  However, they don't have the slogan "keep Austin weird" for nothing.

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  15. I can't help you with your questions, but I wanted to comment that I love the Austin area.  I grew up a few hours south of there but my grandparents had a lake house on Lake Travis.  Best summers ever.  I don't think Travis fared well with the droughts but I'm sure it will recover eventually.  Also, there is a Mexican restaurant near there called Rosie's.  Best TexMex ever.  Ah, I miss Texas.  It's been half a lifetime since I was back, so Rosie's could be history and Travis could be a dust bowl.

  16. I used to think I'd be satisfied staying home. And actually, I think I would, if I didn't have to take care of any children, and if I could afford it. I would still work, though, because I love art, and I've never been able to do that as a career (no connections, too poor, hate advertising). And creation is work.


    I am just not that extroverted. And I like my job, too, because I provide a useful service without having to put up with people's whining.


    But I do get staying home particularly without small children in the house, because to me, staying home just means you don't have to do anything. You can take classes, you can join clubs, you can create. You just don't have to. I would love to be rich. I would write, paint, draw, and compose.



    Totally thought you were talking about a zoo NICU for kangaroos for about .5 seconds there. "Wow, she really loves animals... oh."


    Ah, because of my crafty use of kangaroo as a verb!

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  17. Nope, I wouldn't work a typical job.  I'd like to volunteer in a NICU to kangaroo preemies who don't have someone with them.  Otherwise, I'd want a life of leisure, where I'd read a lot of books, tend my garden through the entire season, and swim a lot.  And, I'd likely take up scuba again.  I stopped when we had kids but my husband is an instructor.  Neither of us dives like we'd like to.  Someday.  I can find plenty to do with myself that I enjoy.  I'd never be bored, although I can understand that inclination. 

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