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Posts posted by RKWAcademy

  1. My twins finished AAR 1 in about 5 months.  We didn't rush at all.  Some lessons took several days, some took only one.  AAR 2 was going faster (we are taking a break for a month or so) towards the middle as their stamina picks up.  I'd say it will be a total of 4-5 months, also. 

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  2. ...


    2) WE MUST HAVE INSULATION!!! I don't know what was up with our builder, but there is no insulation between the walls in our house. Which means you can hear almost everything going on in every room in the house. The downstairs bathroom is right next to the living room. Need I say more?




    And for fun, I'd really like a screened porch so I can enjoy the outside in the summer without being a personal snack station to mosquitoes. This is not high on dh's list. Mosquitoes don't bother him. :glare:

    The insulation issue is common, I've decided. I think unless you specify and pay more, a builder is going to put zero insulation on internal walls! I bet his personal house has internal insulation, though! Who could think that's a good idea?


    Also, Mosquitos keep us inside in the summer, too. My daughter gets bitten even with deep woods off. She's their favorite snack.

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  3. Cal Ripkin jr. (Baseball, gorgeous)

    Harrison Ford

    Just about every hair metal guy but mostly Bret Michels and Richie Sambora

    Yeh, I'll admit Corey Haim

    Andre Agassi

    Steve Young (football)


    So boy crazy I suppose. I'm sure I'm missing someone.

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  4. AAR is working for my kids but in your situation I'm not sure you need to jump ship. For mine, it took a lot of practice for fluency to build. Mine were in no way early readers. I will say that I resold my AAR for nearly what I paid. So, if you get it, you can get most of your money back, if you so desire.


    Oh, I went back and see you ordered it. I hope you like it. My kids enjoy it. The readers are very good.

  5. My daughter has a big reaction to mosquito bites.  When she was about 4, she had a bite on her upper eyelid right beneath the brow.  It swelled her entire eye and the skin was a bit off colored - not blue or red but just not the same color.  The next day it was actually worse.  I'd given her benedryl.  I took her to her doctor who told me it happens and there is nothing to worry about.  I stopped the benedryl and we just had to wait.  She looked like she'd been in a fight for many days.  Then it was gone.  I wouldn't worry about it unless it gets substantially worse.

  6. My husband has diverticulitis.  The way he found out is a ruptured bowel that required immediate surgery resulting in a colostomy.  He had a few hours notice of imminent death from the infection leaking in his abdomen (although it had been very uncomfortable for a few days).  Not a pleasant 6 months and two surgeries, including one post surgical infection.  I'd take the advice to stay near a hospital seriously.

  7. I'm doing Adventures in America (Elemental History) with my rising 1st graders.  They enjoy it because it includes coloring but they also love the little stories (they are not very deep at all but are a jumping off point for real books).  From there, I add in a lot of additional books (it includes a good list but I add more), including the Betsy Maestro books.  It also happens to cover the 50 states but not very completely.  My kids love it and beg for history.

  8. There is no way I would ever appoint a guardian who had a history of substance abuse and kicking out their own teenage children. I wouldn't appoint them as co-guardians. I wouldn't make them financial custodians. I wouldn't make them executors. No way, no how.


    Is this the fil who was so harsh with your son over chess and made him cry (or am I confusing you with someone else)?


    I would strongly suggest that you and your husband visit a therapist (and a lawyer) together to sort it out. I would not draw up a will without informing your husband, but I would be wary of the possibility that he could draw one up without your knowledge.


    This!  But I would make my own will.  But no way would they get my children.  Your momma instincts have to rule here.

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  9. I wouldn't buy it.  We are on a moderately busy country road - not a main one by any stretch.  My kids are little so I deeply regret not having a safe place for them to ride bikes or for us to walk.  People FLY down our road.  I don't feel safe with my kids in the front yard, either, just because it is so public.  Plus, resell is not as good.  I can hear the cars in the house during the day but I've never noticed the noise in a keeping-me-awake kind of way.

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    What I wish I had now, though, is a 6 year old girl who could just be dropped off, without the mom and siblings staying. Because sometimes I just need to get other things done, but DD needs more social interaction.


    me too!  but I'd need for her to have a twin brother for my guy to play with, too!


    And they'd have to live out in the boonies like we do.

  11. gymnastics!  My son is in no way a gymnast but he loves his classes.  He started out in a co-ed preschool level class.  Now he's in a boys only class.  It is only once per week now but I wish it were twice.  He hasn't made lasting friends yet but he loves hanging with other boys. 


    you could put him in summer camps and see if you meet any similar families.  or swimming lessons.  Just because it only meets temporarily doesn't mean you can't meet people to have play time with during the year.  Then, the play would be free.

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  12. My son had an umbilical hernia.  His was very large.  I was told to make sure it doesn't get hard and is easily pushed in (I believe that means no intestines were pushed through the opening).  I just made sure it was fine daily when he was little but otherwise ignored it.  He had surgery to fix it at age 3.  It's not the prettiest belly button now but it looks normal.  Honestly, your pic looks about like my son.  I'd just keep an eye on it and have the surgery when he's old enough (3 is what I was told).  The surgery was very simple.

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  13. We are right there with you. We've moved some stuff to storage but are busy finishing up the little details we never got around to when we remodeled the kitchen TWO years ago! It feels like it will never be ready to list! Our to-do list gets longer and longer. I'm almost certain with all our hard work, it is supposed to be getting shorter and shorter.


    Also, from what I've read, if you grab them with the main living areas, buyers will overlook odd colors in the non-master bedrooms. At least that's what I'm hoping for my daughter's entirely pink - down to the ceiling fan - room.

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  14. My son has been in speech therapy for many years. Mostly it feels like drudgery. However, it is so necessary. Part of the time insurance has covered it. I'd really recommend some time with a SLP. They know the order of sounds and proper progression. It's worth it. I don't use anything else with my son - just his weekly therapy and the homework she sends with us. You can buy material designed for therapists but when I looked into it man years ago, they were pricey. Mine used an app -I can't remember the name but it was detailed- that was very pricey to buy on our own.

  15. I can understand not wanting the kids inside.  Be firm with the boundaries.  We are stuck in the country with NO neighboring kids around.  I feel so bad for my kids.  We are trying to move to a neighborhood.  They have seen friends who live in neighborhoods have tons of other little kids to just start playing with.  They long for that.  We are trying to find a way to sell our place for not a huge loss to make a neighborhood happen for my kids.  When/If that happens, I will do what many on here are saying - kids stay outside at all times!

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