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Everything posted by Justmeandyou

  1. If mom is gone for a week, dad would be home at night for most nights. 4 or 5 of 7 for example. He does usually find places for the kids if he has to work very late.
  2. Mom goes regardless if the kids have child care or not. The 13 yo watches them for up to a week at a time. I only take in one or two when dad asks, usually if he isn't going to be home at night. Sometimes I am not able to take any of them and he'll find someone else or they just stay home alone.
  3. It is not yet in my area, but I am concerned. We'll be doing lots of hand sanitizer.
  4. Thank you. Indeed, a mandatory reporter would have just turned them in to CPS and let the fall out happen. That is not my preference.
  5. I'd like to talk to mom and dad together. Mom has to stay home long enough for me to do that. I'll keep watching/judging (as you put it )as long as I have contact with them and they keep asking me to watch their kid(s) while their mom flies off to have fun on a beach in California. (Clarification, if dad cannot be home for dinner or overnight for some reason, he does try to have the youngest kids stay at someone's home so they are not home alone overnight) After a talk with both of them about their plans to educate their children, I'll make a decision about calling additional authorities.
  6. This is a good question. My gut feeling is that she will continue to not do school. She has developed a strong outside of home life that is probably way more fun that doing school all day long with 4 kids. If that were me, it would be really hard to go back to being tied down.
  7. This is true. This state requires yearly testing and submitting curriculum plans to the school district, so that might be enough to get things moving.
  8. Locally, we have university model schools and many free charter schools. I have many friends/acquaintances that utilize both.
  9. They have been here for something like 12 years, so I don't anticipate that happening. If they move, it would be to 'home', the state that they came from, which is a high regulation homeschool state, so that would not necessarily be a bad thing.
  10. I was planning on talking to mom at church again tonight, but she flew out this morning (by herself) for some sort of mini-vacation today. Dad wasn't there either. Still stuck in the same place with them.
  11. Looks like the 3rd edition is the cheapest. The solutions manual is more than the book. :)
  12. We very well may do that. Since Lial is so inexpensive, I've ordered it. Thanks so much for all of your help!
  13. I want to purchase Lial's pre-alg. or BCM. Not sure which. Also I want to go ahead and get Algebra. So many editions, I have no idea which to choose. Suggestions?
  14. The Derek Owens looks like an on-line course, I can't find a text and DVD for it. Looking at CLE, people seem to like it pretty well
  15. I had trouble with milk production as I aged. I had a ton with my first and second, I pumped and gave to a milk bank. I had an adequate supply with my 3rd, but no where near enough to pump and donate. With my 4 my supply was not nearly as strong and it dwindled significantly by 6 months. From 9 mo-15 months I nursed all night long in order to give him enough to eat. My supply was higher at night.
  16. Yes, thank you for the info and the links! I had not heard of Derek Owens and did not know that Foerster had any type of video.
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