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Everything posted by paulcindy

  1. My best friend has been homeschooling her 2 kids from preschool. They have never been to school. This year she decided to enroll her eldest son in High School for Grade 9. He has done quite well and has adjusted just fine. The high school isn't the greatest, but he is thriving socially and academically. Her other son, is 11. He would be going into Grade 6 this coming year. Her son has been BEGGING his mom to let him go to school. She does not really want to send him because she does not really like the school he would have to attend. Her son is very, very angry at her. He has been crying, moping, such and such because she keeps telling him no, he is not going to school and that is final. He has threatened to run away, locks himself in his room because he is so distraught over this. She is having second thoughts, because now she feels since her oldest has done okay, maybe her other son might to. They really are different kids. Her oldest is not really academic, and goes to a specialized high school for electronics. Her other son is more "book smart", and she feels that school would "dumb him down". And the choice of high school when he gets older, is either the one her oldest attends now, which would not be a good fit, or another high school that does not perform well academically. Her 11 year old has alot of public schooled friends, because that is who is around. There are very little homeschooled kids his age around. (She does not live near me)So of course, he hears all about school, and tells his mom he feels like a "social freak". He cannot converse with them because he has nothing to say. Sometimes the kids will go into their group and talk about what happened at school, and he feels left out. He is really resenting his mom. She calls me on the phone all the time, and has no idea what to do. I really do not know what to tell her. He was fine homeschooling until his brother went off, and his friends are now at the middle school. She is afraid she is going to lose him, and make things worse if she keeps him home. Her husband has stated that he is fine with whatever decision she makes. I have no idea what to say? Do you have any advice I can tell her? She does not homeschool for religious reasons if that makes any difference. :confused:
  2. I finally made up my mind, and I have everything purchased for the Fall. For my 5th grader: MFW CTG-History/Literature/Science/Vocabulary/Bible/Art/Music Math-Strayer Upton Practical Math-Gr 5/LoF Fractions LA-Queens Language Lessons for the Secondary Child Book 1 Writing-Writing Strands Nature Studies :Handbook of Nature Studies Lively Latin Book 1
  3. Does anyone know if I need the AK to Queens LL for the secondary child? Thanks!!
  4. You know, I was looking at this as well. The Strayor-Upton Practical Math. I wish there were samples somewhere. I have searched, but only gives a description of them. I think I might like these much better. Are there solutions, or only an AK in the back of the book? And did you use the books to Grade 8?? Thanks!!
  5. Has anyone used any of these? As either a supplement or as a full Math? Specifically elementary years?;)
  6. So, it was good to see both sides of the question. As far as all the books and building a good library, my daughter reads a book once and that is it. So, I guess building a good library may not really apply to me, as they would sit and collect dust. I suppose that is why we spend a lot of time at the library. You have so many books at your fingertips, and they are all FREE. Again though, we have an excellent library, and some people do not. So I could see how getting a program with all the books would be worth it. Also, not every book in these programs may be to her liking. I know, that I am particular in what I read. And she is the same way. It might be listed as "quality literature", but in her mind it is "boring"..............LOL. So, to sum it up, I am still looking, reading, and researching. I also want to look into other kinds of education besides the classical method. Charlotte Mason has always had me intrigued as well. Since some of the history program are sort of CM in approach. Thanks ladies, this was a great discussion!! I learned alot.:lol:
  7. See, I am thinking that might be more doable(MOH). And if it flops, I won't feel so badly. I am a tweaker, but I also like a schedule. Because some things my daughter might just HATE to read, so if we have some sort of schedule, with the flexibility to choose quality literature that she enjoys, we would all be happier. I think............:lol::lol:
  8. Kel Are you not doing HO this year? So, in thinking what OH Elizabeth said, maybe because I am asking it just doesn't seem worth it to me. Plus reading some other responses as well. I spent some $$ on Michael Clay Thomas' LA program for LA(Royal Fireworks Press) . And I am happy with it. Although, I am NOT happy with the writing(Paragraph Town) so we are going to ditch that and stay with IEW's Theme book writing series. We will use Grammar Town, Caesars English, and Poetry. LOVE those. So what about MOH then? Seems cheap, especially to start in book 1. This is for grades 4-8? And I can add in the books as we go and they have project ideas as well, correct? I just cannot see spending all that money, and let it sit on the shelf if we hate it, and feel tied to it because I spent all that money. Whew....I didn't want my post to come off as sounding rude!!! Thanks!!
  9. I have to take a closer look at this. Do you have to buy any books? I am going to really look at this closely. I only glanced at it before:lol:
  10. Okay, I am pretty sure I know what most people will say, The time and effort that goes into planning out a curriculum for history, plus all the books and resources etc..........(I am speaking of programs such as WP and Sonlight, maybe even MFW). Okay, with WP I understand you are getting a schedule, plus not only history but bible and great literature. Same with Sonlight. Yes, it is convenient. Yes, it is ewasy to just click the button and get your box. But in reality, is it really, really, really worth spending about $379.00 for a History program from WP. When the schedule are boxes(read this book and chapter this day and so on), no real comprehension questions, you do have a MYO history packet, and some hands on ideas. In looking at it, wouldn't it be just as good and comprehensive to just use the MOH Volume 1 and just get the same books WP uses from the library(which they all carry for free) or even paperback swap, create your own MYO pages(Which is easy to do), and get the craft books, make your own timeline, and maps??? HOw is that $379.00? Why do I feel like I am getting rooked? Let's take this a few steps further, you could use Our Los Bonos for free, or use WP or Sonlight for a hefty price. OR, how about Christine Miller's All Through the Ages? I think I can justify spending that kind of money on a LA program and Math because these are "core" subjects that must be done. The rest, IMO, is gravy. (Again, in my opinion only). Yes, we should learn history and science. But as homeschoolers, should we be spending this kind of money? Is it worth it? More money=better curriculum? Please do not take this as being rude. I am trying to portray a "good cop bad cop" scenario. Thoughts?
  11. any chance of an Ancient History Program? Thank you for providing this, it has been a blessing for many homeschoolers.
  12. Thank you for repsonding. I did hear of some unschoolers that turned to classical education, and wondering what made them leave the unschooling method. :001_smile:
  13. If you were, why did you decide to stop unschooling? What was the best part? What was the worst part?
  14. Thank you ladies. I really always wondered this.
  15. Yes. We are using Michael Clay Thompson's Grammar Town series. We are only using Galore Park Science after we finish Winter Promise Rock Around the Earth Science. So we are not using both at the same time. No, we are not using WP readers from there LA program, only the adventure reading. 11 yo will read the readers if she chooses to do so on her own. Maybe throw in a unit from DITOHR from one of their readers.
  16. I think I am still in the "public school" mind set. When I went to school, I never learned Ancient History. We learned an overview ov World History, and the focus was on American. Today, in looking at QAW(Quest for the Ancient World by WiInter Promise) that we will be using, how will this be helpful/useful later on in life? Just pondering..............?????????
  17. THe Earth science should probably take about 18 weeks. So we thought we would start with the other Science book the rest of the 18 weeks. Thanks for the opinions!!!
  18. Hi Melissa Okay, thank you SO much. I am going to leave Lively Latin then. Thanks for all your help!!
  19. Hi Melissa Oh, maybe we have some miscommunication in my plan. Galore Park is going to be my Science Program, not Language Arts. I have Galore Park "So You Want to Learn About Science" Book 1. This covers Physical and Life Science. Winter Promise Science-Rock Around the Earth- Covers our Earth Science Winter Promise Theme Program-Quest for the Ancient World-History, Literature, Bible and Art.(No LA with this program, it would be a seperate program from them). My main "core" LA program is MCT Grammar Town series. Grammar, Vocab, Writing and Poetry. I wasn't sure if I should ditch LIvely Latin or not, since there is grammar in that plus the Latin which MCT has. Did I make any sense??:lol: Thanks Melissa!!
  20. Can you all tell me if any of this is overkill??? Okay? Change anything?? Galore Park LA Grammar Town Series-Grammar, Vocab, Poetry, Writing LoF Fractions with CLE Math 4 moving into Grade 5 Galore Park-So You Really Want To Learn Science-Physical and Life-Bk 1 Winter Promise-Rock Around the Earth-Earth Science Winter Promise QAW-History, Literature, Bible, Art Lively Latin book 1 moving into Book 2 Thank you:)
  21. You had made a comment about my plan down below Galore Park LA Grammar Town Series-Grammar, Vocab, Poetry, Writing LoF Fractions with CLE Math 4 moving into Grade 5 Galore Park-So You Really Want To Learn Science-Physical and Life-Bk 1 Winter Promise-Rock Around the Earth-Earth Science Winter Promise QAW-History, Literature, Bible, Art Lively Latin book 1 moving into Book 2 You said I have 2 LA programs, 2 Science, and 2 Maths. AAACK, can you help me???? Okay, about the two LA programs. Are you talking about my Galore Park and Lively Latin? Do you think that is overkill??? About the two Science programs. WP Science only offers a study on Geology. And I am not sure if that is going to take a whole year or not. I would like her to have Physical and Life Science as well that year. I "think" WP states that their Science can be done in 2 to 5 hours a week. So I thought we could cover WP Science from August till December, then move into Galore Parks Science Book 1????????? No??? Overkill you think?? And the two Maths. Yes. LoF only covers Fractions. She still needs help with division, muliplication, graphing, geometry, etc. Kind of the "basics". Do you think that is to much as well?? I value your opinion Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. WHEW................................I was thinking I went and lost my mind!!!! I have got to either A. STAY off this board or B. STOP looking at catalogs or C. STAY off the computer. HA HA HA HA ................NOT:D
  23. Oh good. I feel a little nutso this year. :D Any feedback on my curriculum would be great:001_smile:
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