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Posts posted by Cakes

  1. DD 12 is reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer for lit (LL& Comp) and we seem to have hit a stabling block. 


    This is our first year HSing, so she has not had much in the way of classics and this one is proving to be a challenge to get thru. She started it on her own and struggled so we decided to do it as a read a loud.


    Would it be helpful or detrimental to give her an easier to read version to knock out before tacking this one or do we just continue moving thru this one? I wonder if understanding the story will help her to understand the original better or if that will just become a crutch.


    She is an incredibly bright girl but struggles with the writing style, and dislikes reading in general. It is important to me that we get over this hump and get her reading more! More quantity and quality.


    I would appreciate any advice!

  2. I suggest that you go easy on the fruit, it can really spike he blood sugar and most people go really fruit heavy!


    My go to is:


    large handful spinach or kale

    1/3 c frozen berries of choice

    protein powder of choice

    1/2 cup kombucha with chia ( or use filtered water and add a tablespoon of chia or hemp seed)

    1/2 c coconut milk 

    Liq vitamins or minerals


  3. I think it is great that you are able to help, but if you are worried about setting a precedent, perhaps you could contact the landlord and make the payment anonymously. Or at least make the landlord keep your gift anonymous simply stating that the payment was made.


  4. I have been assigned the task of naming a character from a movie, play or literature along with a statement from them which resonates with me. I am at a loss! I don't remember characters, let alone what they had to say!!


    The example that was used was :

    WWho is your favorite character of all time? This could be a literary character, someone from a movie, etc. Once you have it figured out, write out your favorite line they said.

    Notes: Mine is George C. Scott when he played General Patton in the film “Patton.†My favorite line is from the movie after Patton got suspended during WW2, when he said “A whole world at war and I’m left out of it. God would not allow this to happen. I will be allowed to fulfill my destiny.â€

  5. I am the mom of a dancing girl (12 yr old) and I would be mortified if she EVER spoke about anyone at the studio that way, regardless of their sex.


    I think it would have bee totally appropriate to have replied (after a mom said that the girls did not like the boys) that it is important that the boys and girls get a long and support each other because that is how the dance world works. After that I would have sent an email to the AD informing him or her that there is some trash talk going on and you over heard it. 1) it is critical that these youngsters learn to work together and 2) boys are way too valuable in the ballet world to allow them to be mocked and pushed out of ballet.


    If this happened at our studio it would be addressed immediately.


    Hugs to you and your boy. The ballet world needs boys and it is hard enough for them without being bullied in their own studio. Those mothers and their daughters need a talking to.

  6. regentrude, I think writing it out the issue I see is that the areas that I have little knowledge or experience I feel like I need to be more systematic. I've never been into much music or art, perhaps because of little exposure and I want them to have more experience than I have. So, I find it easier to find natural ways to include science and nature in our days because it is an interest and passion but with art and music I feel lost. We do visit museums and go to some showing and performances but this gets considerable less attention than other areas. Perhaps just acknowledging that weakness and trying to be more conscious of including these areas is what I need to do and let it develop on its own? Accept that I cannot provide everything but hope for exposure in a wide range and try to follow my own interests and look for ways to develop their passions as they come to light.


    Perhaps use nature and science to launch into art and even music?


    Gathering natural materials to create art sounds like it would be right up your alley,  quite lovely, and the options are endless. If you are trying to stay away from something contrived why not look on pintrest for some seasonal art projects using natural materials? Art is an expression and some people gravitate towards pencils, some toward paint but there are many media uses that could be just as expressive but also free flowing and fit well with your family. I just saw on FB  how to transform autumn leaves into roses, they were beautiful.


    You could even start looking at raw materials with the question of "does it make noise" ....then create some musical instruments. Some cultures use shells as horns, or one could craft a simple string interment our of a hollow gourd


    Best of luck!

    • Like 1
  7. You have gotten great advice and lots of suggestions. Biking and swimming are great exercise if the running doesn't work well.


    I wanted to address weight loss and diet. It IS true that you will need to adjust your diet if you are looking to lose weight, but contrary to what has been voice several times here, running WILL help you to lose weight. It will increase your metabolism and build muscle...allowing you to burn more calories on a daily basis, even days that you do not run (assuming you run 3-4 times per week). 


    Diet and exercise do need to go hand in hand for weight loss success. Primarily weight loss occurs in the kitchen, however exercise is a critical component that can boost weight loss and your energy levels. Not to mention it is good for your heart and it is considered a weight bearing exercise so it is good for your bone health. But the bottom line is that you need to find something that you enjoy enough to do several times per week!

  8. I was not overweight but I was certainly out of shape! 


    I started walking, and while I had always despised running my husband convinced me to start in just small bursts, eventually building up to about 20 miles per week. I have few little pieces of advice that will hopefully help you in your transformation.


    Get to a good running store and have your gait and feet evaluated. If you have a Road Runner near by they do a great job. This simple act *could* help keep you Achilies issues at bay.


    Run slowly. As you begin to run more, focus on going really slowly. Build distance and speed will come, don't push it.


    If weight loss and toning are your goal be careful that you don't start adding in extra calories. Gatorade etc can be such an empty caloric waste!


    Best of luck!

  9. You say that you are slow to start in the morning, but you do stay up quite late. So perhaps you could try to get to sleep a bit earlier, or if you are happy with your routine you could make time for some meal prep on the weekends and make it a family affair if possible? Chop and prep veggies, cook ahead some meats or make patties (chicken, beef, fish whatever) and freeze for easy meals. Even making a menu of simple meals ahead of time makes a huge difference in getting the meal actually made.


     Ferments are really easy to start, you could do two or so per week and it would take less than an hour.  Kraut comes together pretty quickly if you have a food processor, mixed veg ferments only take a 15-20 minutes to cut some veg and mix up a brine.


    I suspect that you are overwhelmed at the big picture of it all, but I bet that if you looked for a little time here and there, you could squeak some out. Just form my perspective, your health and good diet are a priority over writing. Not judging, just offering a different view. If you don't take care of your body you are not going to feel well. Hugs!

  10. I obviously don't know your situation but I think it would be imperative to get your DD on board. Maybe offer up some incentives or rewards if you need to?


    Eating a sugary lunch 5 days a week is certainly enough sugar to be disruptive. Sorry :-(

  11. I should add that she has expressed an interest in writing a series of children's books, on ballet of course ;-)


    Over the summer I purchased two books which I thought would be helpful, Writing Magic     http://www.amazon.com/Writing-Magic-Creating-Stories-that/dp/B006XGGP5Y/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1413048764&sr=1-2&keywords=writing+magicand Spilling Ink    http://www.amazon.com/Spilling-Ink-Young-Writers-Handbook/dp/159643628X   both have sat largely untouched. Perhaps I could to add that to her weekly list. Even just a chapter a week would probably be helpful and I suspect that she would get into it as she goes.


    I see areas that she has interest, and yet I am feeling resistance in getting her to dive in. Perhaps it is just the transition, but let's be real...if you want to write books, you have to put in some effort!


    I should also say that for her the school day ends before 2:30  so that she can get ready for dance. Most nights she is not home until sometime between 6;30-8:30, then it is shower, dinner and relax.

  12. Great feedback! Thanks so much for taking the time. 


    Day to day here is awesome, my DD's stress has completely gone away! My husband and I enjoy spending the day with our sweet DD. I just heard this morning that at her old school a bunch of kids are reading 50 Shades of Grey, and that a note went home about increased sexual interest amongst the 7-8th graders to the point that they are planning an assembly (separate for both sexes) on proper behavior in regards to sex! I thank God that DD is not there to experience that!


    I know without a shadow of a doubt that we made the right choice in bringing her home and yet from a distance as I view what we are doing, I do worry a little bit. I worry that we will fall into a 'checking off the box' habit and it is important to me that I make it interesting and interactive enough to spark her love of learning. I am so grateful to this forum and the support and wonderful feedback that you all offer!

  13. I think it sounds pretty great.  I especially like that you are explicitly building in time for 7 Habits, and I would definitely encourage you to keep going with that - have some weekly time that can focus on study skills, learning about learning, critical thinking, etc.  There was a thread here awhile back on Metacognition where people shared favorite resources.  We're finding that making the time for this is invaluable, and it rubs off on all other subjects.  Two books we have really liked so far were The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking and Mind for Numbers: How to Excel in Math & Science.  There is also a Coursera class called Learning How to Learn that goes with Mind for Numbers.


    What are your goals for writing? Where is she at?  What makes sense to do next depends on that.  Is she a 7th grader, or an 8th grader?  (Meaning, does she have two year before it really starts to "count" for high school, or one?)  Do you plan to homeschool high school, or is she heading back to a b&m school then? 


    I will look into the resources that you mentioned, I love the idea of making time for learning how to learn :-)


    I am so new that I truly don't have any goals. She is extremely bright and was in 'Seminar' (which is the top end of our gifted and talented program in PS). She is technically in 7th but we are trying to bridge 7-8th so that we can start some high school level courses next year, all of her PS classes were advanced, for example this year she was slated to finish the 2nd semester 7 th grade math and all of 8th. I plan to HS her thru high school and the goal is for her to finish a year early to free her up for professional ballet school. I want to make sure that she is very thoroughly educated because I feel that it is important that she be prepared for college.

  14. I could use a little guidance at this point. We are truly only one week into homeschooling, after two weeks of down time.


    I keep everything in Onenote. DD12 is responsible to get everything done in a week but it is at her discretion as to what to work on when.



    Thinkwell math, about 1 hour

    Lightning Lit and Comp also about 1 hour

    30 mins of free choice reading.



    Elemental earth science and astrology, one Cosmos show w/dad

    7 Habits of the Highly Effective Teen & Workbook 1 chapter

    Human Odyssey (I am waiting on the student & teacher guides).

    Vocab consists of noting unknown words in a notebook and writing definitions at the end of the week.


    I think I need to add in writing, like the Lively Art of, but not really sure if there will be enough in LL. We also do not really have critical thinking, unless the 7 Habits counts. 7Habits will be done in a couple months and I can plug in some  critical thinking. We had started that before starting homeschooling and I think it is beneficial so we included it in her weekly curric.


    In Feb/March we are starting a Shakespeare study of A Midsummer Night's Dream - a simplified version of the book, the movie and a local ballet in April.  Her passion is ballet and I would like to wrap some history and geography around that in the future. For now we are just getting our feet wet, and this seemed like a great way to introduce some Shakespeare.


    I would like to do more interactive stuff, as in the above plan for A Midsummer Night, but not really sure how or what. I would like to make history more interesting with some historical fiction but need some recommendations for the prehistory- middle ages...should have gone with something more modern!


    I would love some feedback on all of this, what am I doing wrong, what is good, where can I improve (more fun and interactive, less school @ home-ish) etc. I would really love to get clarity on how we can play around with all of this and keep it fun, let her develop her own interests and still get the important things done. Any and all feedback is welcome!!


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