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Posts posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. Forwarding this opportunity.

    Free webinar while it is streaming on Executive Functioning Skills. TEFOS, The Executive Function Online Summit, is a unique, Free 3-day learning event for Proactive & Compassionate Parents of Struggling Students. Join 75,000+ Families & Teachers worldwide, with one of 
    the best ways to prep for Back 2 School! Immerse yourself in game-changing strategies to help your neurodivergent child, taught by 30 leading experts.


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  2. I really love Code Wizard HQ's classes. Finally I found a place where the scope and sequence was well thought out and flexible in terms of timing. 


    My son completed the Middle School Level 1 series. Then he did the entire High School Python series this past summer. We will take a break in the fall and then pick up when he feels he is ready to return because classes begin all the time and you jump back into the sequence and start back into where he will place in the High School series at a time and day that works for your schedule. The grading of projects and the feedback is great as well as daily open office hours for help on your coding work is great as well. The classes are fairly small usually about 6 students and the instructor can see everyone's screens and give feedback in real time on their coding. 



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  3. 44 minutes ago, Jackie said:

    She dislikes how directed/lecture-based it is. She wants exploration of interesting math, which can absolutely include contest prep, but this past year was sign in, listen to someone with very little interaction.

    IME, she will find more than 1/2 the time is spent on problem solving together in groups in person if that helps at all.

  4. I drive 100% of the time but that is because after pg, I became incredibly motion sick as a passenger. It never went away. I would dearly love to never have to drive all the time, but I do it all even our extremely long haul drives. 10-12 hours in a day.

  5. 3 hours ago, Jackie said:

    Haven’t been around here in a while, but DD12 does have plans for fall.

    Math: She’s currently about halfway through AOPS Geometry and will continue. She prefers learning from the book and working on Alcumus, and has been 95% independent with the Geometry book. This summer is her last year with Epsilon Camp. She doesn’t like the local Math Circle, so she’s going to return to piecing together interest-based math using some online stuff from MoMath, and a variety of math books. She’s been carefully reading through Symmetries of Things because one of the authors taught her previously at Epsilon Camp and will be back this summer, so she wants to pick his brain about some of it.

    English: she’s taking a class on personal essay writing this summer (meant for high schoolers writing college app essays, but she wants to try for a CDB scholarship and has never written this style essay before), next year will just be the SEA Tween book clubs sometimes with the writing supplement

    Social Studies: she still reads nonfiction for fun, so not doing formal stuff. Will have a subscription to The Sweary Historian and regularly watch CNN10.

    Science: high school level Marine Bio through Athena’s

    Foreign language: ASL at the CC

    EC: Destination Imagination team, flying trapeze, various circus arts classes

    This past year, she put hundreds of hours into learning how to custom craft lotions, lip balms, and a few other body products. All just for funsies, but now that she has the knowledge, she’s going to try her hand at launching it as a business by the end of summer. After having put some of the time in, she learned she is allergic to the vast majority of body products on the market and further learned how to play with ingredients so she can custom make for herself and others who need to avoid any given ingredient. So we’re keeping academics especially light (by her standards) so she can put time into further product development and learning some marketing and bookkeeping skills.

    Online version of math circle is a drag...Maybe give the in person a go in the fall? Though admittedly it is highly competition math oriented, so if that is not her cup of tea...I would not get up early on Saturdays to go.

  6. I used both. I used CWP a couple of sections behind where I was in TB and WB and just worked through a page at a time. I didn't use Fan Math because I was comfortable teaching my son how to set up bar modeling and he is highly gifted in math and intuits things easily. Bar modeling was not difficult for me to intuit how to set it up. I think that it doesn't show up in the SM TB math books until level 3 books? I could be wrong in my memory but I think that is where it first shows up. Anyways, the Fan Math books are great if you need explicit step by step instruction. I am not certain yet if my daughter will need it or not. 

    For IP, I use that 1/2 level behind as review to go deeper. So for example, I would do 2A TB/WB and then I would do IP1B. Basically I would just work through a section in 2A and go over to IP and work through a section in that then go back to 2A. I would add in a CWP problems everyday if they were the first section of the CWP problems. If it was the more challenging ones then I might just only do 1 problem if the day's math assignment was long. I always just went with how long his stamina was. I wasn't concerned with getting it all done by a certain date. 

    Another thing I did was run Beast Academy a full level behind Singapore Math as well.

    I really liked using Glen Ellison's Hard Math for Elementary which is best when a gifted student reaches around 4th grade level math.

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  7. I did it in a co-op setting all 4 books over a 2 year period with a group of 5th to 7th graders. I think that first year the 5th year boys struggled a little more because the were still very concrete/black and white in their thinking. A lot of how I was running the discussion and designed the running journaling in between classes required nuanced thinking and self reflection that they were unused to. While they say you can use it for younger grade I would never use it for younger than 10 because so much is over their heads. Even then my perference is a more mature 10 because of what I described. To be honest, it was the boys I had who struggled than the girls. In any event, how I would run it next go when I do it again for my daughter will be to wait until 6th so I don't have boys struggling so hard to keep up with the rest of the group.

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  8. On 5/5/2022 at 12:23 PM, RoundAbout said:

    DS did his first - AP Chem on Monday. He said it was easier than he expected. He did Connie's Advanced Honors Chem over 1.5 years and then self-studied for the AP Exam. Fingers crossed.

    I seriously hope this will be the case for my son...AP Chem will be his first one next year. He is with Connie is year.

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  9. Maybe I should clarify that my point is more that perhaps the old Apologia biology scope and sequence was perhaps not quite up there in rigor. So asking if it should be honors seems like the question should be whether or not it is has sufficient rigor for that level as compared to other honors level type bio coursework. However, that is just a wondering aloud. 

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