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Posts posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. @CondessaOr Math Without Borders. All of that is Foerster (except Geometry). I would have had no problem doing this. I slowed mine down because we were tandem doing Singapore and Beast. Then we worked through Jousting Armadillos first not because it was challenging but to make him learn to read a textbook and write out problems in an organized manner. Zaccaro. Glen Ellison. Cleo Borac. Patty Paper Geometry. Jacobs' Mathematics: A Human Endeavor. We did all this and more to go sideways and build EF skills along the way. We actually ended up doing Intermediate Algebra before Geometry (he doesn't love Geometry topics and finally has gotten over his proofs issues). It's onto Precalc this fall.

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  2. You aren't alone. I know what I am now. I am a dissenter. I count myself with the crew at Holy Post, Russell Moore, Beth Moore, David Brooks, David French, Ed Stetzer...all those voices speaking out.

    This is something I have spent a great deal of the last two years thinking and praying about how to move forward proactively in a positive constructive way. If you can't read this NYT article look below for a google drive link.


    This was a interesting and insightful article from Russell Moore

    This was such an insightful conversation between Russell Moore and David Brooks of NYT. At the beginning, David Brooks says something about how we have moved from a society of moral relativism when we have eschewed ever passing judgment to a place now of extreme judgment. He posits this idea that we have now left the age of the moral individual and moved into an age of tribalism so that on social media there is understanding nowhere but judgment everywhere.
    His remarks about the 60 cycle moral convulsion cycle in American was especially interesting to think about because we tend to amplify our present circumstances and not see things in the context of a history. What is happening now has happened before. It just hasn't happened in my lifetime and not in the age of social media and 24 hour media.
    I thought his thoughts about the future of the church in America becoming more global and more multicultural was thought provoking especially as I am personally working on developing and new models of ministry and engagement. I believe in the Church and the mission of the Church. I just recognize that there are too many churches and ministries (and yes people) that have lost sight of the mission.
    You might not agree with all that David Brooks has to say, but he does give a lot to pause and think about.



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  3. 10 minutes ago, kbutton said:

    I have not had issues with Singulair, and I hope I never have to stop taking it due to a bad reaction because it's helpful. My doctor said it's more common with kids, but I don't know if that's current information or not. 


    That's true, but the black box warning came later ONLY because adults patients and adult parents of child patients sued about this. They denied this was happening for YEARS. 




  4. Singulair has black box warning. I was on it for intermittantly, and then the last time it was bad. Like dark, scary bad. I didn't recognize myself. I was on it before there was before the black box warning. I did not get warned it was possible. I stopped it myself and told my doctor. She didn't think it was possible because it was not reported at the time only in children. Now there is finally a black box warning. What I do now is a combo of Advair + flonase. 

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  5. Are you asking for suggestions for where to learn digital animation and coding?

    My favorite for digital animation is https://www.theanimcourse.com/ . My son is only able to find time to do these courses during the summers. The workload is usually about 4 hours per week. It can be more depending on how much time you want to put into refining and improving your weekly project. The grader feedback is individual and excellent.

    For coding (my husband is a VP in Silicon Valley tech company - so he is very picky about this), this is the most intentional and thought out class progression/curriculum that we have found. It's not hodge podge or randomly assortment of projects. There are specific goals and a set of skills that students are working towards developing. The parent dashboard is excellent so you can see exactly what is happening. Sessions are recorded as well. The students are given homework. At MS level, that takes maybe 1 hour a week. I love that there are multiple times offered and you can pick up classes seamlessly throughout the year in the progression without missing a beat to fit whatever your schedule and take breaks whenever you need to take breaks. The refund policy is great. 100% up to the 4th week of class. It's online, but the class sizes are small and highly interactive. 


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  6. This was the prayer request shared by my new friend:


    Hello everyone!

    Some of you we have already told, but Russian troops have already entered Ukraine unofficially. There has not been a declaration of war on Ukraine, but our connections in Ukraine say that the troops started crossing the border within hours of Putin recognizing the sovereignty of the 2 regions in Ukraine, the DPR and LPR.

    Some of our family never left Kyiv, which is one of the intended targets, analysts say.

    Our parents, and one brother and my husband’s sister with her kids and husband are either in Lviv, western Ukraine, or in Poland as of yesterday.

    We are working out a way to transfer them funds so they could continue to be away from Kyiv.

    Please pray for them, for their safety, and for all the people in Ukraine.

    Pray for peace. Pray for resolution of conflict without more loss of life.

    Pray for a spirit of reason among the leaders in Europe and Russia.

    Many people doubted us when we left Ukraine, but we know it was the right decision for our family.

    I want to thank all of you for the donations and prayers for our family. We are truly blessed by this community, and look forward to deepening our friendships.

    God bless you all!

    J & O (names removed for privacy)

    Updated 2/23:

    Good evening everyone.

    Bombings are happening all over Ukraine. Airports are on fire, people are panicking and the roads are jammed everywhere including Kyiv where we came from.

    Please be in constant prayer for our family, friends, people we ministered to there and the people in general.

    The reports from our friends are frightening, and it's too late for most of them to get out.
    Updated just now:

    An update about our family: dad and brothers are now stuck in the country and will potentially be forced drafted into the military. They have no training and have never served before, so we pray they won’t have to, because they don’t want to fight. 

    • Sad 16
  7. I just befriended a Ukranian homeschooling family who fled Kyiv and arrived her on 1/28. THe mom is American and the husband is Ukranian. They were able to come to stay with her family. They left everything behind. His entire family is still there and their community. They have no income because their jobs were there. They can't claim refugee status because there is no official war. His status is in limbo because they have to apply for a green card now and he can't work here legally. She is pregnant and due with child #3. I just can't imagine. The kids are traumatized. They were forced to leave behind their dog. They don't know if they can ever go back and what they would be going back to. They giving his family all their money and resources to try to leave Kyiv. It's awful and heartbreaking.


    • Sad 38
  8. It's a math curriculum that was developed for math adept students who need little repetition. It introduces depth which these students need. Unfortunately, far too many people don't understand that aspect of this curriculum and use it with students would need far more repetition. I have a gifted math learner but I never used it stand alone. I used it a level behind Singapore Math to introduce depth and interest, but I never used it stand alone. Philosophically, I subscribe more to the school of though that fluidity comes through familiarity. I don't drill and kill, but I believe that there is a certain level of mastery that comes only after you put in signficant time and effort. I recognize this is more in line culturally with my Asian background, but I don't agree with what goes on as the norm overseas in Asia around education.

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  9. I would say get the AOPS content math books. Look on this page and scroll down. https://artofproblemsolving.com/store/list/all-products

    This would be the way I would suggest to incorporate some of this with full solution manual or you can just use the free videos for PA and algebra and Alcumus problems.

    I really think Dimensions with the videos or if you do not want to teach it yourself. Do Amelia Chan's classes which uses Dimensions. https://www.mathamelia.com/classes It seems like you are attracted to conceptual math programs, but teaching it yourself is overwhelming. These are honors level math courses.

  10. One thing that you should be aware of  about AOPS. There is no repetition in the problem sets. Every problem builds off the previous ones and whatever conceptual leap you were supposed to make. If you need more practice, you do that by going on Alcumus. The curriculum is really designed for students who grasp math concepts quickly and do not need repetition before going very deeply into the topic. Drill and practice are not AOPS. If you want/need a curriculum to have drill and practice, then AOPS is probably not be a good fit.

    My son very rarely uses Alcumus. 

  11. It all depends on the student, and it depends on how you define pre-algebra. Art of Problem Solving pre-algebra looks so incredibly different and at such a depth that I hesitate to even call it just pre-algebra. I use pre-algebra to do a lot of other math topics, so for us, we did a lot of other exploration in math topics outside of arithmetic and traditional math sequence before moving on to higher level mathematics. Even doing that, we will be getting to pre-calc in 8th grade.

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  12. Those are pretty helpful if you are in the math contest world. I do think that it is hard to find time to fit these in later. In my mind, I hate losing momentum once I get going on the calculus sequence with college level math courses as I fully expect him to continue onwards beyond calc BC. I'm trying to think about when to do statistics or whether or not to run that parallel in a given year.

    We totally do math during the summer as well.

    FWIW, he completed Intermediate Algebra and will be do Pre-Calc in the fall. We cover NT and C&P through our math circle, but we are looking at picking up courses over the summers in those topics specifically.


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  13. 12 minutes ago, Ting Tang said:

    I'm not sure I responded to this part. I am going to check out Jacobs.  🙂  MB still thinks its students can do it after two years of its Principles of Mathematics, but interesting that it has pre-algebra built in!

    It doesn't mean that Jacobs necessarily intended it to be used instead of pre-algebra. He just thoroughly reviews all the topics before delving into the algebra topics. Remember this was a text written for use in public school, so students routinely had summer brain drain, so review is generally necessary.


  14. If you want discovery approach, a far more accessible curriculum for younger accelerated students would be Jacobs' Algebra or Arbor's curriculum starting with Jousting Armadillos. The first 1/3 of Jacobs is pre-algebra. Many students have gone from from from MM6 or MM7 or SM5 ot SM6 directly into Jacobs. Even though this is currently published by Master Books, it has nothing to do with MB. There are DVDs that go along with it. Ignore the fact that it is published by them. Or if you really dislike the company. Look for old copies on the used market and old Dr. Callahan DVDs. MB only acquired the right to publich in the last couple of years..


    A highly overlooked, but very enjoyable book from Harold Jacobs which is used by many accelerated math learners is Harold Jacob's Mathematics: A Human Endeavor. It can be used alongside pre-algebra work and explore many topics in math are never covered in traditional math sequence like number theory, probability, combiatronics, etc.


    Another excellent resource during the pre-algebra/algebra years is Patty Paper Geometry by Michael Serra. This is a really wonderful hands on way to introduce geometric in a discovery based way as well.


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