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Everything posted by tmstranger

  1. according to their website, it should be released this summer
  2. My 6th grader will be doing History Odyssey next year.
  3. I just looked over the samples and I really like the look of it for my older kiddo, but it does look like a lot of work for the 8yo. I'm not really sure that Spelling Workout is "working" for my 8yo as much as the words are easy so far...but he could fairly easily spell the words in his brother's level, too. I'll need to think about what to do for him. He may do well with something like Spelling Wisdom...thanks for the input, though!
  4. May I ask a question about spelling here? I have an 8yo natural speller and an 11yo terrible speller. We are using Spelling Workout this year and it works fine for the little guy, but I don't think my older kid is really learning any spelling. I'm interested in A&P. Is there a placement test somewhere or does everyone start at level 1 and go from there? Also, for the 8yo good speller...someone above mentioned it is a lot of writing for that age...should I just get him a different program? or is there a way to tweak this, so it's doable for him?
  5. I love that you are all so happy with this. My 2nd grader has been using WWE2, but I'm planning WWS1 for my 6th grader next year and I hope we are just as successful!
  6. I agree with Farrar regarding the science integration in the story...it is just stuck in there. I just asked about Sassafras the other day, so I'll tell you my experience. We used Zoology 1 this year for my 2nd grader. My 5th grader used NOEO, but LOVED listening to the Sassafras story. He would stop whatever he was doing to come hear what was going to happen next. I have been planning to use Elemental Science Earth Science for both kids next year (Grammar and Logic). When I finished the Sassafras novel last week, my 2nd grader wanted to continue with it for next year. I don't want to use it for science because I do think it's light and he's moving to 3rd grade, so I wanted a little more, but also because I wanted to do Earth Science and that book isn't out yet (nor is it "next" in the storyline). We have decided to use the next book, Anatomy, with supplementation to make it a health curriculum for both kids. Pros: Easy to use, open and go A lot of choices for activities--coloring, food charts, notebooking pages Includes vocabulary, dictation, copywork Easy experiments for each chapter Includes reading list for additional study Cons: LOOOONNNNGGG chapters :) Not well-written and the science is just weirdly added in. Not a very deep study of each area--although you could certainly add to it I wouldn't use it on it's own, but it is a nice jumping off point if you can stand the story. My kids enjoy the story, so it works for us.
  7. This won't work for Earth Science...or maybe it will since I *think* that book is due out this summer...but have you looked at Sassafras Science? It's from the same people as Elemental Science, but it is a living book and you get a guide as the teacher. You can make it as much or as little as you like.
  8. Perfect. I'm just going to take my time with the Anatomy book and then add some other things throughout the year. I'm glad this works, then!
  9. Well, I'm in MD, so that works! LOL! The kids just really enjoy the story (more than me!), so I don't mind continuing, but I didn't want to continue for "science" as I'd rather do something else.
  10. Curious to know how this turned out. I'm planning History Odyssey for older ds next year, but I want to try to combine it with reading for younger ds in either SOTW or MOH.
  11. For Science this year, my 2nd grader used Sassafras Science Vol. 1 Zoology. We finished the book today and I have a MBTP unit for him to start next week. For next year, my plan was to move both of my kiddos to Elemental Science Earth Science with one doing Grammar and the other doing Logic. Now, my son wants to continue the Sassafras series. I don't really mind continuing, but I was trying to get them both doing the same science topic and be more "on schedule" with TWTM. Since the next Sassafras book is Anatomy, I've got this idea to get it and consider it "health," which is required in my state. My kids do not care for Abeka, which is what they are doing now for Health. I guess I'm thinking that I can spread this book out over the year (it's technically 18 weeks per book) and supplement with library books about safety issues or manners. I had already planned to cover "body issues/puberty stuff" with my 6th grader, so that would be additional for him. Does this sound crazy? Could I consider this "health?" Any suggestions for other things to add to make it fit the health box better?
  12. Thanks. I agree that 4 pages for all of those topics is not bad! Both CLE and R&S will be at our local curriculum fair, so I'm excited to look at them both hands on. I love hearing from families that actually use them, though!
  13. Looking at CLE Language Arts for next year. They sell Answer Keys for the Light Units, but also a Teacher's Guide w/Answers. What do I need? What is in the Teacher's Guide? I didn't see samples of that online. It must be more than the answers, but are there lesson plans or activities?? I'm also considering R&S, but I think the workbooks would work well for this subject. I've seen mentioned on here that there are a "lot" of workbook pages in CLE to do for each lesson. What is meant by a "lot?" How long does a lesson usually take? I would likely use all sections (won't omit spelling, etc.). I'm asking specifically for 3rd grade, but I'm considering it for my rising 6th grader also (he's a workbook lover right now). Thanks.
  14. hmmm...I guess it's just not as well-known as LFC or Memoria Press and some others. It looks cute.
  15. Has anyone here used this? I had never heard of it and recently met a mom who told me she used for her son because SWB recommended it. Then yesterday, I saw it on a used curriculum site...so, now I'm curious. We are currently using LFC Primer A.
  16. This is my first year as a homeschooler. I am sure you can imagine that I have second guessed EVERYTHING this first year! Well, now that I'm planning for next year, I've been reading on the boards again and posting lots of questions. Thank you for taking the time to help me! But more importantly, thank you for helping me to realize that I am doing ok!! I was stressing over a "reading" curriculum for my kids and deciding between which writing program to use...do I need vocabulary? Do I need literary analysis? etc. etc.!!!! Then, as I looked over the WWE2 that we currently use and looking at samples of WWS1 for my older child for next year, I realized that I am already doing reading comprehension! All of those questions to get the kids to narrate...in SOTW and the science narrations...it's ALL reading comprehension!! I don't need a separate "curriculum" at this age. We talk about the books they read and we get the "comprehension" there and through their narrations across the subjects. This was such a big weight off of my shoulders! I'm already doing enough...I don't need to add more!! And my kids are doing just fine! :) I don't know why it took this long for the lightbulb to go off in my head, but thank you all for helping me get there!
  17. Thanks. I've always liked the look of Sonlight, but I haven't tried any of it yet.
  18. I *thought* I had made a decision on science for next year...but then I play around on the internet and, well, you know...lol!! So, can someone please tell me about Sonlight Science? Is it challenging? Boring? Did your kids learn a lot? I'm looking at G for my 6th grader. My other choice was Elemental Science, Earth Science for Logic Stage. Sonlight is so expensive...is it worth it?? And, can it be simplified for a 3rd grader to tag along? (not sure I want to cover all of the topics included with him, but some) Thanks for your input.
  19. Gregor the Overlander series (Hunger Games author, but for younger set)--I think my 11yo has read the whole series at least 3 times All of the books by Margaret Haddix Mine is also reading The Last Thirteen books from Usborne. He likes them...not sure if they're a favorite. The Mysterious Benedict Society
  20. Ok, I went ahead about bought History Odyseey while it's on sale this month. You have all been very helpful. I don't see myself using every single assignment, but I can tweak it to have it work for my kids. :)
  21. Well, I only have 2 kiddos, but they will be in 3rd and 6th next year doing Middle Ages. I like the look of History Odyssey and I'm leaning that way for the 6th grader. I don't know if I'll have the little one do SOTW 2 or History Odyssey level 1...not sure. For science, this should be our Earth Science year and I think I'm leaning toward Elemental Science this year. I think I'm going to buy both Grammar and Logic stages in ebook form, so it's not too expensive. I hear what you're saying about making sure the older one gets enough!
  22. I love reading how you all use HO...or don't use some of it. I am soooo indecisive and thought I had eliminated this one, but just revisited it today! Ugh!! :)
  23. I voted, but it was a reeeaaaallllyyy tough choice. My kids and I loved both books.
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