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Posts posted by hsingscrapper

  1. If he's a 2nd grader, I'm assuming he's 8 or 9? If so, he *needs* manipulatives of some kind. Some kids drop them in third and others may need them until 4th.


    I'm not familiar with Barton. Hunter might be. That being said, might I suggest Miquon and a set of c-rods for math?


    For reading instruction, I like OPGTR. When I was teaching Dragon to read, we used that and leftover blank business cards. We wrote on them with markers and he picked the color for the day. If memory serves, Jessie offers suggestions for teaching dyslexic students.


    HWT is good for handwriting. It was developed by an OT for her son. Take a look at it. Fury struggled with handwriting and we used that. His writing isn't pretty but at least it's legible.


    I hope this helps! Sorry for rambling.

  2. Does this sound like a winning combo for a 9yo boy? Or would I need to supplement something for punctuation?


    I bought the books yesterday for a whopping total of 75 cents. I would just need to include the cards with my rainbow order and maybe skip FLL Level 4? We have CGE for a backup if this didn't work out.


    What say the Hive?

  3. 21 items for 25 cents each. But I only picked 17 of them. Dragon picked the other four.


    Here's what I got:


    4 Miquon Books

    1 Miquon Teacher book

    1 C-rod idea book for Primary

    1 Winston Grammar Basic Teacher

    1 Winston Grammar Basic Student

    1 Applications of Grammar Student Book 2

    1 The American Promise: A History of the United States

    1 Reading The American Past (goes with above history book)

    2 Buckle Down Algebra books

    1 Magic School Bus book

    1 dry-erase book for Mr. Picky Pants

    1 Stephen King novel for Fury


    What do you think?

  4. Be careful here.


    He's young. You can insist on keeping other options open, but refusing to even consider his preferences might be a recipe for disaster.


    Very true. I just don't want to see him put all of his hopes on just one thing. Dh and I have been reminding him that it will look more favorably if he has a degree under his belt.


    His PS experience was socially horrible. He's afraid of going back to a class room. We've explained to him, or tried to, that college students are paying to be there and his chances of being teased are almost non-existent.

  5. Okay. I think that title sounds a bit wonky but bear with me.


    I had a realization that my time with Fury is sort of running out. He is 13 and working at mostly 7th grade level. He wants to be a beat cop. I'd like to see him pursue a degree in case the law enforcement didn't pan out.


    So I'm wondering if you plan first and then worry about the transcript or flesh out a makeshift transcript and reverse-engineer the game plan from that?


    Or am I being a silly worry wart and there's a much better way?

  6. I don't keep track of daily assignments. I do give them a percentage on tests and quizzes.


    Soon the time will come when we have to start thinking of a transcript. I have ZERO clue on how to do this. Having a form would help but I feel so lost.


    I would rather *not* rely on the computer to do this as I fear my laptop might die soon.



  7. My 13 yo is in the know. He asked when we were expecting our youngest.


    "How did the baby get in Mom's belly?"


    We told him about the sperm fertilizing the egg. He then wanted to know how the sperm and egg got together. :blushing: We tried to tell him as plainly as possible by reminding him of a time when he walked in on us. All he said was "oh" and made it clear he had heard enough for the time being.

  8. :lol: I carefully avoided that part of anatomy when we studied the human body when DS11 was 9 yo. Earlier this year DS13 expressed concern that DS11 knew nothing about human reproduction and might be teased when he started school this September, so I then went through it all in a very clinical, businesslike manner. It all went fine until I got around to the details of how the man's seed was introduced to the woman's egg, at which point DS11 just looked shocked and said "That's really disturbing!".


    :lol::lol::lol: So what book did you end up using? Did I mention this same child wanted to watch a youtube of a c-section because Mom was having one?

  9. I've been up since 4:30ish. I'm on my second or third cup of coffee trying to ditch a headache.


    I got to thinking about everyone having more babies and started to cry. I have 3 awesome boys and have lost 3 in the first trimester. I had a total histerectomy almost a year ago. The doc told me after surgery that said surgery saved my life.


    Has anybody else been here? I need to know I'm not alone and not going crazy.

  10. Dragon was looking through the Rainbow Resource catalog and said he wanted to know more about female anatomy! I tried really hard to hide my shock and asked him why.


    He said "because I want to know how a woman's body works."


    He also found a book on how babies are made.


    I am soooo *not* ready to have this conversation with him.



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