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Posts posted by hsingscrapper

  1. Dragon is currently working in FLL 3 and seems to find the non-writing assignments easy. He breezes ahead of me and I swear he's laughing at me. Getting him to write from his own imagination is near impossible.


    I am thinking of ordering FLL 4 to challenge him more. I am debating on which level of WWE to get.


    What say the Hive?

  2. I came on just to search around for help regarding my son who will be...you guessed it...9 next week! So glad to be able to commiserate!:grouphug:


    Any tips on how to keep a NON-reading 9yo boy occupied independently while I juggle my other 4 kiddos?


    I usually set him to his favorite subject while I feed the toddler cheerios (yes I have to "enjoy" another 9yo boy) and guide Fury in his lessons.

  3. Thank you all for sharing! I am thinking of buying a planner from Rainbow Resource that is actually meant for a homeschooler instead of the ones in the stores meant for classroom teachers.


    Notebooks have proven to be, as my boys are fond of saying, an "epic fail" for me. I have tried a spreadsheet but that doesn't seem to fit as I get carried away.


    What I do know is that if I don't write it down, it may not get done. We are currently hobbling along with just math, grammar, and reading. That needs to change. I feel like a horrible mom for not doing more.

  4. My son is two, and I am planning on homeschooling him (I am a big planner, in case you couldn't tell). What did you do, or would you have done to get ready for homeschooling? I read WTM at least annually, so I am not too worried yet about schooling, but what about the other aspects? Also, when did you start teaching your children to read. WTM says you can start at 3, but is that really feasible, or desirable?


    I taught Dragon to read at 3 3/4. He wouldn't leave us alone when we tried to read. It was time! I used OPGTTR and let him pick the color of the day for the letter card.

  5. My boys can be spazzy and they aren't ADHD.


    I don't know if this would work for your son but I have heard something to the effect of Mountain Dew (or is it Diet Dew?) will help to mellow kids with ADHD as it works opposite in their systems from a non-ADHD child (who may go hyper-spaz).


    Can anyone clarify that? If it does work, it may buy you 30-60 to get some math done.

  6. Oh, gosh, thank you!! I actually chuckled out loud for the first laugh I've had in days. :D


    Glad I could help! :lol: Dragon is very strong-willed and no love of waiting for or following directions. He's always been this way. But he's become hyper-sensitive and his stubborn nature has intensified since Christmas.

  7. Okay. There are just some mornings I don't want to fuss with anything.


    With a toddler, that's impossible. He can't help himself. I would love to have self-serve friendly items for mornings like that so I can grab and dole it out to him.


    I thought of fruit but that isn't self-stable for more than a few days. Cold cereal is okay but eats up milk.


    I'd like to try a breakfast bar or cookie. Something that has some sweet to it but is really good for you. Being able to cook it ahead and store it is an absolute must.


    What do you do on mornings like that?

  8. I made an epic fail on dh's fave cast iron beast by trying to deglaze it with cold liquid. Lesson learned=use hot or warm liquid on screaming hot cast iron.


    Other than that, non-stick pans don't survive long because the heat is too high.

    My regular stainless pans are okay, though. My dh calls me "impatient" and has commented that I would be better off with heavy-duty pans.

  9. Mr. Picky Pants (2yo) has been observing for the last month as putting him in his seat and hooking him up with cheerios or some other non-messy self-feeding snack gets us quiet time for school as his naps are unpredictable.


    He's very enamored of the dry erase lapboard I use with the older two. I've been thinking of getting dry-erase crayons for him to use during school on an older board we have.


    Do any of you have experience with the crayons? Is this a monumentally *bad* idea? If so, I need another idea to "include" him that is non-messy and non-destructive.

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