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Posts posted by Avila


    Cool. I can pronounce this one. :lol:


    How is your class going?


    I hope OJ gets the groups back soon. Advent is coming soon.



    Yes, so can I! I would have thought a little harder about my username when I first registered if I had realized that. Lol.


    My class is moving along. We are year-round, so we have people coming in next month and people just starting in the same group. Makes for an interesting time teaching. I also help run the Mystagogy group, when I am not with the big room. So it keeps me busy.


    I miss our CTT group. Hopefully they will bring us back online next week. People always have questions during Advent.

  2. I'm sorry. I don't mean to whine. It's just that in my 14 years of homeschooling I have not figured out a better way. I haven't seen the color of my floor in years, and sometimes I miss the days when I could actually SEE outside my windows. Oh well. At least my kids know their multiplication facts by the time they graduate high school, so I can say with confidence that I am doing SOMETHING right.


    It is OK, Denise. We are obviously all hiding out from CPS and the health department. Oh, and Clinton and Stacey from What Not to Wear. Maybe when the kids all graduate, we can leave our homes again in real clothes instead of pajama pants.

  3. It looks like that parish has daily Mass on Wednesdays and Fridays and adoration on the first Friday of the month.


    When I am looking for a parish, I always use the diocesan web site (http://www.archgh.org/). That way, I know it will be an actual RC parish and not a split off church calling itself Catholic.


    That parish looks pretty small. They don't have a web site, so the best way to know what else they offer is to talk to a parishioner and/or go to a Mass and pick up their weekly bulletin. It also looks like they are bilingual, so make sure the Mass you are attending is in English, if that is important to you.

  4. Many parishes have daily Mass. Ours does twice a day. Daily Mass is a full serivce, but it is less formal than Sunday Mass and has one less reading. It is also shorter, mostly because there are fewer people. Sometimes, parishes don't have a daily Mass and just offer a Communion Service.


    Some parishes offer adoration, which would be a very prayerful quiet atmosphere.


    Then we would have our weekly Masses on Saturday evening for vigil and throughout the day on Sunday.

  5. I just made my Catholic FB list open for friends to see, instead of private. And I shared it. I know I am FB friends with several of you, but if anyone else is interested, just PM me.


    ETA: i think you might have to friend me. PM me, and I can link you to my page. I cannot figure out how to make it public enough, and there are over 90 pages liked, so too many to list out here. My favorites right now are John Michael Talbot and Ignatius Press.

  6. I am a big fan of FB. I know lots of people don't like it. But I have mine set to see posts from all sorts of interesting Catholic sources, and I love that. I get apologetics, early church fathers, scripture, saints, and current news all while scrolling through FB.


    I also like Catholic Answers. I love listening to the free MP3s. I love Scott Hahn's site http://www.salvationhistory.com. Their free online Bible studies and MP3s are wonderful. And the Fr. John Hardon site http://www.therealpresence.org also has wonderful articles and MP3s to listen to.


    Listening to the MP3s helps me feel like I am multi-tasking.

  7. Mine advertised on Catholic radio and in my Church bulletin. Can you call your local Catholic radio station and ask if they know any NFP practioners?


    Or email the contact for the Catholic homeschool group and ask them the same question. PM me your city, and I will do it for you, if you want.


    I think you have to get the medical stuff figured out first. You need to know exactly what you have going on now. I really think that will help you see where to go next.

  8. I have probably given you my best take over there (NFP doctor, find an in-person NFP teacher, get counsel from a priest).


    When you and your husband discussed this, what did he think about it? Did you discuss NFP before you married? Did you talk about what it means to be open to life -- spiritually? Where is he in his faith journey?


    I would just say to slow down and take your time working through this, getting good medical care and good counsel from someone in person experienced with NFP and Church teaching. You need to work this through with a doctor, your priest and your husband. And you can't really do any of it until you see where you are now medically.

  9. I thank everyone for their replies.


    I've been putting off converting to Catholicism for awhile because of the bc issue. I don't want to join the Church knowingly disobeying any of their teachings.


    As far as continuing bc for irregular cycles, I have no idea if I will have regular cycles when coming off the pill or if there is an underlying issue there. If the former, then great! But if the latter, I don't believe staying on the pill and masking the issue is a good alternative.


    I don't really know how to articulate anything else right now. I'm deeply conflicted. It seems some people are making the case that it is choosing between the Church or my DH. If I am interpreting incorrectly, I apologize. I'm just really raw over this right now.


    But I do welcome more dialogue.




    I think the first thing to do is to find a good doctor to figure out if you 1. do still have the issues medically and 2. if they can now be remedied in some other way. Do that first, and see where you are. Discuss the treatment options, if need be, with the doctor. Then take that to a good priest for one-on-one counseling of what you need to do and how that works with Church teaching.


    Then find someone in person to teach you NFP. This person can also help you work through the issues you have and how to interpret your chart.


    While this is going on, keep reading about why the Church teaches what it does. Keep learning, and share what you learn with your husband. Talk about it openly with him. Pray. Pray together, if he is open to it.


    After you have all that, you will be in a better place emotionally, intellectually, and hopefully physically to see where you need to go.

  10. My focus was what is said at the Mass. It is what the priest says and what the people hear spoken.


    Nobody said the bread was just bread. Nobody. Not once.


    CCC 1390: since Christ is sacramentally present under each of the species, communion under the species of bread alone makes it possible to receive all the fruit of Eucharistic grace.


    For as often as we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim the death of the Lord. St. Ambrose


    CCC 1413: Under the consecrated species of bread and wine Christ himself, living and glorious, is present in a true, real, and substantial manner: his Body and his Blood, with his soul and divinity.

  11. The word Host is not in the current Sunday Missal or the current Eucharistic prayers. I listed the words currently used.


    Not in the Sunday Missal. Not in the Magnificat.


    At Mass, they use the word bread. Even when we sing, "when we eat this bread ..."


    I just don't see the quibbling. Not helpful here.


    When was the last time you went to Novus Ordo Mass?

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