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Posts posted by Avila

  1. People don't like Sarita. She comes off as a hypocrite. This is just another example of that.


    What I don't get is why, if they can come up with this to make money off the public schools, they can't offer the same secularized version as an option for homeschoolers. Homeschoolers have been asking for that for years and have been told that secularizing Sonlight would be going against their values. If they will now sell to charters, why not sell to homeschoolers?

  2. I have to agree with 8FilltheHeart. Seton is traditional school, not classical. Some elements line up nicely (the math and grammar, for example). For the rest, ypu need to decide specifically what appeals to you about classical and where you want to incorporate that. Doing classical is not as simple as just choosing the same resources as WTM. It is all about how you use them.


    Probably the easiest thing to start with is history. You can use the Seton history book as a spine and add in history a la WTM. What really taught me the basics of how to do classical history was History Odyssey. It is just one way of translating the theory to practice, but it was concrete enough for me to start to see how to actually do it. You do start with book choices and adding in your historical fiction, nonfiction (like the history encyclopedia) and literature to match your time period. But you are also using the history as your vehicle to build critical thinking, logic and writing skills. If you are not doing thise things, it is not classical, no matter what resources you are using.


    So for instance, with 5th grade Seton, you are studying the second half of American history. So you need to read the logic history section of WTM very closely to see what to do: narration, outlining, interacting with primary source documents. Look through the WTM 7th grade lists for American history suggestions (skip the world because you will actually be doing that with Seton in 7th). I would also look at the MODG 5th grade history list or the list from Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum (Emmanuel Books has the MODG list free online). That is the same basic time period, and Laura Berquist chooses great books. If you can, get a copy of DYOCC and see what Laura has to say about classical. It is a different spin on classical than WTM (Catholic and CM-influenced). It might help you better understand the differences between the traditional approach and classical methodology in general.


    There is nothing wrong with choosing a traditional approach, and nothing wrong with choosing which elements of classical to incorporate.

  3. A quick question-is Pope Francis Eastern Rite? Byzantine? I keep seeing confusing references in news articles and I'm tired and confused. Lol


    No. He did serve as the Eastern Catholic ordinary, because they did not have their own prelate. So he is familiar with (and I am sure sympathetic to) issues for Eastern Catholics. But he is Latin rite.

  4. I was laughing because we are watching CNN and apparently none of the talking heads know Latin so it took a minute after the announcement in Latin for them to announce who they *thought* it was and still for a long time afterwards they kept saying "if it is who we think it is." DH was questioning me last night on why I wanted to teach the kids Latin and I just joked with him that then they wouldn't have to wait for Anderson Cooper to get a translator to tell him who the new pope is.

    There are advantages to EWTN. Some of the commentators know Latin. :)

  5. Not a fan. I am not ashamed of them by any means, but I don't need to be strictly defined by them either. I think it will end with some stereotyping and disregarding of people solely based on their affiliations. And some people will be reluctant to join social groups like the religious searching ones because they don't want the whole board automatically knowing they have questions. I know the groups were open to being read by non-members, but it was not being advertised publicly that you joined one. My 2 cents anyhow.

  6. No, it is not an anti-Catholic blog. I believe it's a "Let's discuss these crucial issues without name-calling"


    I will research the semper iden on my own~just haven't had time.


    You really think a blog by the teaching fellowship of R.C. Sproul is an impartial source? The people involved seem to want to talk people out of coming into communion with the Church. They have an agenda. It is not some great discussion with open sharing. It is a bunch of articles pointing out all the "flaws" of the Church with absolutely no source references and all their interpretations and opinions. I can't even go back and check where they get their "information." So I agree with Chucki. It is a blog set up to give their opinions on a Church they don't understand, with no attempt to give accurate information or accurately understand what they talk about. It is a one-sided diatribe on why you don't want to be Catholic.

  7. Is your question just for Catholics?


    I didn't know the Church made the claim of semper idem until I read this article recently (and I was born/raised RC). http://www.ligonier....ming-the-tiber/


    Why are you so adamant that the RCC WILL NEVER change the two things you mentioned when it has changed its stance on a huge issue such as justification?


    How can a pope make changes? I don't understand how that works.

    You are going to have to explain further the "claim of semper idem," since it is not something any of us are finding in any official Catholic sources. And the Church has NOT changed its stance on justification either. Dogma does not change. Practices can change, but official dogma will not and does not. No Pope has the power to change dogma.



    It's been discussed. Nastily. On the anti-pope side usually. It was time for a fun thread, not a nasty one.


    Absolutely. Discussed to death on more than one thread and social group.


    So tired of the Catholic bashing. We know people don't like the Pope. Or the Church. Or lots of other things. If you hate us, it really is ok to keep those tidbits to yourself now instead of further schooling us.


    Bring on the kilts and cupcakes.

  9. Confession time about confession: I always forget the Act of Contrition. It is a combination of nerves and having to memorize different versions with each kid for theirs. ;). I try to carry a card with it on there now. Or I have to make one up on the spot. And I have been doing this pretty regularly for 17 years now.


    But Reconciliation leaves me with such peace. It is such amazing thing to confess, get counsel, and actually hear you are forgiven. And it helps me to be accountable.

  10. And it is a little different if we are discussing Catholics.


    If you tell me that Catholics worship Mary and you know this because your neighbor (friend, aunt, lady at Walmart) Susie (who self-identifies as Catholic) says so, I can completely and authoritatively tell you the Catholic Church does not teach that. We have an official book, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, that explains what we teach and what all Catholics are called to believe. If Susie worships Mary, she has seriously misunderstood the Church on that and is speaking only for Susie. And I can show you in print exactly what it is the Church does teach about that.


    If you are, for example, non-denominational, you can't really do the same thing. You can say that you don't believe X and that your local church that you attend does not teach X. And I will completely believe you. But you can't really say that non-denominational churches don't believe or teach X, because each pretty much decides that on its own.


    That does mean we should use that as an excuse to misunderstand or misrepresent each other. And if you tell me that you don't believe whatever it is we are talking about, I will completely take you at your word. And if you say you are Christian, I will take you at your word on that too.


    But I think that is a large part of how people end up defensive about it. And religion and beliefs are a very personal thing, after all.

  11. Trying to have this conversation is like trying to nail jello to the wall.


    If you try to be specific and label groups, you will immediately get people who identify as that group piping in to explain thatbtheir church does not teach whatever it is you are discussing. And they are right. But who can survey all the 33,000 groups and however many churches to be accurate about it?


    If I say, when I was Baptist, the churches I went to taught and believed X, people still jump in to disagree. Or accuse me of misrepresenting them, even if all I am doing is descrbing what I believed when I self-identified as that.


    If I try to be less specific and just try to discuss the doctrine, it still falls apart because there are fundamental differences in how we define things and we cannot agree on terms without people getting defensive and accusing whoever is trying to have the conversation of slandering them. Sola Scriptura can mean several different things depending on who you ask, for example. But just try to discuss it, and people get nasty, accusing you of tarring their beliefs if you want to talk about one subset and they belong to another.


    Here, there is no way to approach it without people assuming the absolute worst motivations. I don't know why that is.


    No matter how you approach it or what you call it, people get defensive and upset.

  12. Just an FYI on the FB group: I have responded to everyone who has PMd me. I am going to be at an AHG campout all day, so it will be late tonight or tomorrow before I can add anyone else. You are all welcome join, but I just won't be home to do it! Parrothead and Justamouse can also add you if you need in today.


    And again, we are not shutting down over here. Just giving another option with increased privacy for those who want that. :)

  13. I have everybody who PMd me responded to or added. To make the FB group Secret (and not readable by your family and friends), it meant you all have to friend someone who is already a member and then that person will add you to the group.


    So if you want in, PM me for my FB page link and let me know your name (so I know who to look for). Then add me as a friend (you don't have to keep me as one if you don't want to ;) ) I will accept the friend request and add you in to the group.


    I am sorry if I have missed anybody. The ipad is glitchy sometimes. Justamouse and Parrothead can also add people, if I don't get to you quickly enough.

  14. It does not have to be either/or.


    But even when the social groups are up, we are still open enough that some people might feel more comfortable asking questions where they don't have an audience.


    So really, just another option.


    I would really, really, really love Chucki to get on Facebook though. :)

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