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Everything posted by summerreading

  1. Thank you. He fessed up to it. I changed our router password for now.
  2. So we're having issues with my 12 year old sneaking the tablet or the DS into his room. I found the DS stashed today and see some things in the browser history that is upsetting to me. It was given to us second hand so I am trying to find out if it is just old, but I don't see how to view the date viewed. Anyone know this?
  3. Server Design 1 is at the Homeschool Buyers Co-op now. I missed YD's emails with their own promotion at 40%, but if enough people sign up on the co-op it will be 40% off again.
  4. So based on other advice given here before and the info on this link, I think what I'm going to do is give him some time with copywork, dictation and spelling and see how that progresses. If we're getting nowhere, I'll send a certified letter to the school referencing this law and my concerns and that they have so many days to reply. I've read on other threads that some kids come home from ps with terrible handwriting and some time to focus on it made a huge difference. So I want to give it a try. So I would need to have a diagnosis by 8th grade to get SAT accommodations?
  5. Yes, two different kids. Ok this makes sense. I think the OD is going to give me some names next week. So I will ask about both kids.
  6. It does :) I guess I should call the insurance again. Looking on their website under OTs gives me nothing. Maybe that is why the doctors I called weren't helpful. Maybe they can give me out of network coverage then. If an OT eval shows nothing then, I will know to keep looking.
  7. Yes, they will. But when I call the OTs who take my insurance they say they only treat injuries, not "cognitive" as they called it.
  8. I've looked into it for his younger brother. But now younger is progressing with VT, I think I am less worried he might be dyslexic b/c his reading is picking up. But I still would be looking at maybe 2 evaluations we are trying to afford. Our school said they won't test them. At the time I asked for his brother, I didn't feel like pushing it. I was going to wait until after the summer to see how he's doing. I just get caught up thinking if I make him write more, then I'll see if it works itself out, but he avoids writing as much as he can. I will just have to find a way to afford it if Scottish Rite cannot help us.
  9. I'm feeling so awful. I don't know what to do with my oldest. He's bright, is reading books all the time. I test his comprehension sometimes and it seems fine. His handwriting is an issue as I mentioned before. We have never done fill the blanks type of work, all of stuff has been done orally or on the computer, but I'm really seeing his bad spelling and inconsistent spacing needs to be worked on. He will leave out vowel, even in copying something I wrote. I don't think it's his grasp. I looked up the name for his grasp and he does a quadropod grasp with a thumb wrap. It's not the gold standard tripod, but I don't think it's that bad. But, the big red flag that is making me feel so bad is the has a B in his name and he still does it with a capital unless someone points it out to him. He says he does this because he Bs and Ds are confusing. Ps and 9s also, he has to still think each time how they go. I just keep thinking if he writes more, he will get it. But he's 12, I think he'd have it figured out by now I put a call into the Scottish Rite and I hope they can give him and his younger brother a full eval. I just can't afford an eval at $2,500 per child. Our insurance will only pay for the psych part of an NP eval, so if I could get the education part done through them it would be great. The school district said they won't work with homeschoolers on evals. Idk, this stuff gets overwhelming. Maybe homeschooling is not good for my family. How can I let this kid get to 12 not writing his name properly? This year has been so focused on getting his younger brother through VT, I guess I just figured he was being quirky and would stop doing the capital B thing at some point. ETA family history: his younger has/had many visual diagnoses and his dad was given the dyslexia label in high school. Maybe I should start with a VT eval first?
  10. KA has a section on homeschooling if you'd like to get ideas https://www.khanacademy.org/coach-res/parents-and-tutors/home-case-studies/a/start-homeschooling-with-khan-academy
  11. Thank you! This looks very helpful. I also just discovered Lattice Multiplication on Khan Academy after seeing his tutor doing it. I think these things will help a lot. I guess Mom is just old school :)
  12. Our VT doctor said older students go through therapy much faster because they are motivated. She sounds like she is willing to push through a lot and sounds like VT would help. You might want to see how long therapy is expected to take and make dual enrollment plans based on that.
  13. Sorry you are having a rough time with maybe more rough spots ahead. Do you see someone for the PTSD that you can talk to about how down you feel? It's hard when you're stressed already and think more stress is in the future.
  14. Ds is almost done with VT! He just had one convergence exercise he is trying to master. I got nowhere seeking an NP eval for him because insurance won't cover all of it and since they are state insurance, they say the doctor can't bill me for the rest. But since he had progress with convergence, he is reading much better. Still doing Recipe for Reading, he did compound words and working on 2 syllable words. The VT doctor just recommended that we might want to get him evaluated for the way he is with sounds. He is one of those kids that had to have utter silence if he's trying to figure something out, and if a repetitive sound is annoying (like his little brother) he overreacts. The other day, I had to bring all the kids to VT and the little one was playing legos in the waiting room and ds marched over and slammed the therapy room door so he could work. He does this at home with therapy work with any noise like a breeze. One point in recommending he get checked out was to have accommodations in place if he went to ps. Is this really a big deal? If he's having fun, he can put up with tons of noise and he's pretty loud himself. He can do math with the little one nearby coloring, who had constant soundtrack going. But he's a really reactive kid in general, lots of drama. I do think he deals with a lot.
  15. Let her rack up all the points she wants over the summer (or however long your break is) then do a placement test in the program you are using or considering at that time.
  16. You would be surprised what these kids are dealing with and just think is normal. My son always had a "thinking face" as we called it. He'd turn his head and squint slightly to block double vision. We thought he was being quirky and just deep in thought. Then the doctor explained what it was. And I was really surprised when the doctor asked him if he had headaches and he said yes, all the time! But it's all correctable and it sounds like you are in the right place. I'm so curious if my dh's dyslexia is really vision issues. It's amazing that we can catch this earlier now and have a course of action to take.
  17. I think this is it. I'm just getting nervous and feel like how am I going to do all this and wouldn't someone other than mom be better. I've posted about anxiety before. It's an issue with me I'm trying to work on. But lately I've been waking up early thinking, thinking. I have a hard time turning my brain off, especially about homeschooling. At least this thread lets me know I can wait a few years to figure out out.
  18. I think there have been other parents here that say the glasses were all that was needed. For us, that wasn't offered. Is the second exam for perceptual issues?
  19. My son is going on his 36th week of VT, he is almost done! When we got his diagnoses, I started an O-G reading system too. I wouldn't give up anything that is making it easier for her to actually read and not guess. Because of her convergence issues, the letters are not staying still. You are looking at one word, but the letters from another word keep moving onto the word she is reading. Yes, making the font bigger helps so much. Here is some info about vision and attention issues: http://www.covd.org/?page=ADD_Vision Was she evaluated by a COVD doctor or a regular eye doctor? ETA; my son could not read with the same and more issues are mentioning when we started VT. With VT and the O-G reading program, he's now onto two syllable words
  20. I hope you can find someone as good as that tutor. Are you on facebook? There's probably a HS group for your state you can ask on, I do find good resources this way. The rote memorizing is definitely an issue. I just started asking him to do apps, games, drills now every day to get moving on this. Concepts, I don't know. He seems to want to do things his own way instead of sticking to a base 10 system. Like what is 8% of 20 - instead of either converting to a decimal and multiplying, or thinking 8% of 10 is 8 so it's 16, he somehow figured out what's 8% of 25 and counted back. Meanwhile I have no idea what he's doing b/c I always have to tell him to show his work. He doesn't want to b/c he's got his own weird way. I guess it's more a memory issue. He sees the problem and there's just this big delay on how to set it up and what step comes next. It's taking us an hour to do one lesson that I have chopped to take out anything he has really mastered. He's great with 3D shapes and geometry concepts. He will cut out shapes on his own to figure out symmetry and then after the lesson keep folding and cutting for fun. I don;t know what kind of strength that is but I guess I should look for a supplement that plays up to that. I don't want to switch from CLE; I do like it a lot.
  21. He is a sweet kid and very friendly, but a little shy and thinks the goofier he acts, the better. Ok I think I'm over this idea :D
  22. We just signed up with a social co-op and there were issues right away. It was a bit discouraging. But he is starting fencing this week and I just found out my friends daughter is studying to a be math teacher, so he just got a tutor too :) Yes, I could keep trying to tweak things.
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