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Posts posted by ~Victoria~

  1. I had a 40% off coupon to Mardel so I went and hot the CLP Nature Reader 1 today - I like it!  I also went by our Hastings and they had Texas guides for Butterflies, Wildflowers, Trees, Birds, and Tracks (Mammals).  They were all clearanced out so I paid $15 for all of them.  They are laminated pamphlets, and Noah has already been looking at the bird one. 

    I subscribed to the One Hour Challenge newsletter, so maybe there will be enough recommendations in that to guide me each month. 

  2. I don't know :). I want to go out once a week to a park or our local nature center and let my son explore. Then I want there to be a specific task he has to complete: locate a plant, draw an item, find an item in a field guide, something like that. I'd like to do one "project" each semester (like composting, raising butterflies, having a small garden).


    The other day I found 5 pine cones on his dresser and he said he had found them in a neighbor's yard. I though to myself, "you're going to love nature study!"

  3. This is so enlightening! When people ask my son if he's in kindergarten, he says he homeschools but I respond that we school at home. I had no idea it meant anything other than I educate my son at home. We are structured but only for about 3 hours 3 days a week. I am a cross between classical and cm and I piece together our curriculum. My degree is in education and I was a teacher at ps (gasp!!) until my son was 2 1/2.

  4. I asked my hubs what we should name our homeschool and his response was the Derek Zoolander Center For Children Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too. Apparently we teach that there's more to life than being really, really ridiculously good looking ;)


    I would love to use Bereans/Berea in our name for the people who received the gospel and studied to test it's truth, but the name is kind of strange... I think of us as Robertson Academy. Maybe Robertson Academy of Classical Studies. We could just use the Scottish coat of arms as our logo and make a knight as our mascot.post-75700-0-98374000-1392455492_thumb.jpg

  5. I was planning on doing Mr. Q's science, but it is a textbook and I just don't know if I want to go that route.  It looks nice for upper grades, and I could see myself using it later on.  So... I have been looking around and the CLP nature readers interest me.  Are they intended to be read by the parent or by the child?  I would love to have my son read them and narrate from them, then also do a nature walk/study once a week.  I was thinking we could do worm composting in the fall and then raise butterflies in the spring.  Opinions?






  6. I have found some more Spanish things I am looking at... I really like the looks of Song School Spanish, but I don't know if it is going to foster a lot of Spanish conversation in our home.

    Lightning Fast Spanish for Kids and Families reminds me of Speaking Spanish with Miss Mason and Francois a little bit, super simple but maybe a good option

    52 Weeks of Family Spanish

    Rock A Lingua I will definitely use this to supplement whatever we do - but I thought about buying the cd and doing the vocab and phrases from one song


  7. I am getting a kindle fire and wonder which size would be better to use for schooling.  Here is primarily what I want it for


    Books (chapter books, readers, etc)

    PDF tm's

    Textbooks (like Mr. Q)

    Audio books

    Educational games and apps

    Spanish videos (salsa and instant replay)

    Web surfing


    Then I figure it will be handy for movies on trips, etc.  I was really wanting the 8.9" but now I am wondering if it will be so big that I won't want to carry it around with me.  I have an old kindle keyboard that I keep in my purse and it is not too heavy, I just doubt I will want to carry around an 8.9"...  Thoughts?


  8. I think I was able to prioritize things alright last night. I feel like this is manageable and now I just need to NOT feel the need to add a billion books and more curriculum. I am also planning to only school 4 days a week. I really enjoy reading how y'all prioritize!

    Morning work - calendar, Bible copywork, memorization work, and a poem or fable
    Reading - walking through readers
    Spelling - AAS
    Literature w/ WWE
    Math - MUS

    Twice a week each (for around 30 min)
    History - MrQ
    Science - SOTW 1 w/coloring pages and mapwork

    Once a week (15 minutes-ish)
    Art Study
    Greek Alphabet
    Orchestra Study


    He loves puzzles, legos, coloring, painting, play-doh, etc - so he will have those available to him also. 

  9. I keep seeing posts pop up concerning subjects that I hadn't even considered.  Then I think, "Hmmm, I want us to do that too!"  Until I realize that I have something like 15 study areas... and I know that just won't work.  So I am trying to prioritize.  Could you tell me what your priorities are for the early years?


    I'd probably put the core as follows:






    But what about Bible and other areas of English, like copywork, grammar, literature, spelling, and writing (I guess I need to figure out how to combine some of these with the core subjects)?  Where does a second language fit in?  Then learning Spanish is very important to us, but I also want to introduce him to the Greek alphabet.  Then there is art study and music study and learning piano... And logic - I just saw a post about teaching logic!


    I read some good advice to start with a few basic areas of study and add when we have those managed. 



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