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Posts posted by ~Victoria~

  1. So they are $30 off right now with the code mayday30 and I was wondering if I should get one. I mostly want it for surfing the web at home, reading PDF files (like tm's), and reading books to my k'er. I love gutenberg.org, but I read a review there that kind of bashed the kindle fire.


    Thoughts? I have a kindle e-ink that is a few years old, so the new purchase might not be justifiable, except PDF files on my old kindle are awful.

  2. I used this curriculum for k4, and letters A-P is free if you scroll to the bottom (the entire program is $10 if you like it)



    Here's another free resource that directs the child through computer work/activities (my friend uses it for her 3rd grader)



    I would honestly use something free online to guide me, add in progressive phonics or 100ez, and spend the $20 on materials (whiteboard, some markers, etc).  Your library is definitely your best friend :)


  3. My son turned 5 in August and here is what we have done


    IEW's PAL reading program

    MUS Alpha

    Salsa online videos for Spanish

    Working through a geography workbook

    HWOT handwriting

    WWE very gently introduced with read alouds

    Adding AAS1 now as a review to what we have learned in PAL


    If I could do over, I probably would have gotten PAL writing as well (it includes AAS1) and ditched HWOT.

  4. This coming year I will rotate a weekly pic study and musical instrument study using Britten's Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra. It will be very laid back. Here is where we can listen http://www.mhhe.com/socscience/music/kamien9e/part01/chapter02/youngpersonsguide/brittenguideinteractive.htm

    Here is a game he can play to introduce new sections http://listeningadventures.carnegiehall.org/ypgto/index.aspx


    There is also a composer study that I'm sure is good and is available for download for cheap. http://www.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/blog/2012/01/worlds-greatest-composers-vol-1.html


    We will probably do instruments for year 1, then composer studies based on the 2-4 sotw time period for a four year rotation. Plus piano and later guitar lessons from my husband.

  5. We are doing sotw next year for first (maybe just 2 days a week). We have the AG and I plan to do the map work and maybe get an encyclopedia to use along with it.


    For science we are doing Mr. Q's Life Science (which is free) maybe twice a week. If I want to do any experiments it looks like it mostly uses stuff from around the house.


    For Math we will continue using MUS. My son probably won't finish up alpha this year, so we will pick up next year where we leave off. Easy open and go.


    For spelling we will use AAS. We are finishing up IEW's PAL reading program and we will just walk through McGuffey reading lessons for practice.


    Memorization and copywork - scripture passages I've chosen and will write up with startwrite.


    Then I have pulled together literature to read through and use WWE with (Aesop's fables, a child's poetry book, and books available through Gutenberg.org), art for picture studies, and instruments to learn (young persons guide to the orchestra). There is something similar that is available and called Language Lesson through Literature (tells you what to read, when). It looks great - very open and go if you have a way to download books to a computer/kindle/tablet.

  6. I have been using HWOT for my k5 son and loved it until we got to lowercase letters. He is reading on about a beginning first grade level and can form all the letters, but needs practice. I am wanting to ditch our HWOT workbook :/ We have recently started doing copywork that corresponds with our literature and I am thinking about just using it as our handwriting. So my question is what font type do you prefer? I do not really care for ball and stick type fonts. So D'Nealian? Something else?

  7. I had been trying to piece together literature, poems, scriptures, pictures for study, and fables to use next year and then found this thread :) I am thinking about getting lltl 1 for the next year but I was wondering about what is done after each reading. I saw that Kathy takes more of a cm approach here (I haven't deeply researched the cm method) but should discussion take place? I have been incorporating wwe 1 techniques this year and feel like talking briefly about passages read is natural (or even doing narrations).

  8. This year (k) we used Salsa videos online with phrases and vocabulary focus. It was very relaxed and I don't know if I should find something to use for Spanish next year or not. I would like to do Latin later on but we live in Texas and learning Spanish is very valuable here. Any thoughts?

  9. I found and downloaded the free Life Science year and plan on using it next year.  Has anyone used this?  I am planning to read the student guide from my computer, access the teacher manual from my kindle, and print what pages we want (but honestly, from what I looked at, it seems that we could keep a science journal and write down the workpage activities).


    Man, pdf files and ebooks REALLY make me want a kindle fire or a tablet!

  10. I got the AG during the sale they had after Thanksgiving.  I am glad I did - we will most likely use the encyclopedia cross reference, additional reading list, review questions, maybe the narration exercise a few days a week, and the map work.  There are coloring sheets that we may use too.  I got the pdf file so I can print the maps easily.  There is a group on yahoo (Hannah_hs_helps) where you can get timeline stuff and book recommendations.  I think you could do without it for sure (I had planned to) by looking at tons of stuff other people have done, but I am glad I got the AG because that is one less thing I have to search out online. 


    I have seen AG's go for less than $10 on ebay - so you could get one cheap if you wanted.

  11. I bought PAL for 50% off in Mardel because it was so cheap and had decent reviews.  I walked through it at a super slow pace last year with my son (now 5) and we are over half way through it this year.  I haven't found any reviews of people who completed the program or what they did next.  We are adding in WWE and AAS 1 after the new year and didn't do PAW.


    Can anyone weigh in on how they liked the last portions of PAL and what they did next? 

  12. If this has been discussed recently, feel free to link it to me - I can't find what I'm looking for.


    I have a kindle (not touch, one of the older models) that I love.  I haven't done much with pdf's on it but I'm interested in using WWE and FLL on it.  I downloaded a sample and put it on my kindle and it is a little difficult to navigate, but once I start using it for school I will just be walking through each lesson.


    I should have asked this question this morning.  I am not wanting to let the 40% off downloads slip through my fingers if it is my best choice.  Right now I am only teaching one child.  My other is 10 months old.

  13. Edited to tell what I plan on using next year for first. I got aar1 and it is just review of what PAL has taught, so I returned it.


    Reading - Discovery portion of IEW's PAL then McGuffey readers

    Spelling - AAS 1 (or 2 if we finish 1 this semester)

    Writing/Language - WWE 1 or LLtL

    History - SOTW 1

    Science - Mr. Q Life Science

    Piano - my hubs

    Math - MUS Beta


    Not sure about Spanish - we did Salsa videos online this year but I feel like other subjects are much more important at this age

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