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Everything posted by Slache

  1. I need to place an order at Amazon so I was going to throw these in my cart too. They've been on my list for a few months. What do we think? Is 20 ounces good, or too big? I can't find higher quality ones I like better. These are to for both the kids and adults as the kids' cups have worn out and Matt's broken many of our glasses. And dishes. And appliances. And a car.
  2. I'm awake before anyone else. I don't want to get out of bed. I want tea though. Hmmm. Decisions.
  3. :laugh: This is awesome! I am aware. I have a dress from high school that I looked effing fabulous in that taught me that lesson. We don't really craft here. I'm going to teach them to sew and knit and work with clay. But glitter? Not my thing. I still have that dress because I love it so much and I refuse to spend $200 on an evening gown if I ever need one. It's in a zip lock bag. Because glitter.
  4. So I have to actually be a decent parent for the book to work? That sounds hard.
  5. Trying to hide McDonald's from kids is like trying to commit tax fraud. I had McDonald's. I feel better. We're reading The Children's Book of Virtues and I discovered The Children's Book of Heroes. I guess we're reading that next.
  6. I loved when Paul got fixed. He tried to jump on his cat post from across the room and was bewildered when he landed on the floor. I don't think his back feet even left the floor. He also decided at one point to walk across the room, fell over and decided that was good.
  7. John's been struggling with the minutes on the clock so Matt's now laminating this. http://www.minieco.co.uk/tell-the-time-clock-free-printable/ #mom'stoopregnanttoteachsoshemadeatoy
  8. There are still Peanuts stickers all over my walls about 3 feet high. They don't need more stickers.
  9. I'm going to The Learning Palace (like a school supply/toy store) tomorrow for handwriting paper and more fridge letters. Do I need anything else?
  10. I like poetry, but I'm sure I don't appreciate it for what it is. Whoever said Shakespeare was bad for poetry is wrong. Critterfixer, I thought I was wrong about curriculum/a based on something someone said, but apparently I had it right, so thanks. When I first joined the forum someone was really nasty to me and said I used curricula wrong but she was wrong and I've been really gun shy about the whole thing since. I almost left because of her. No one would be surprised if I gave her name up, but board rules and such. She's a nasty one. Linsey left. We had tea and talked all about theology and life and marriage and such. She took my John MacArthur commentary home to see if she wants to buy one. We also talked about her job because Matt's considering going back to school to do what she does. She looks at blood, urine and poop under a microscope and makes twice what Matt does and loves her job. Matt wants something different but he's not sure what.
  11. I'm becoming more confused so I'm going to use to kill a man once used curriculum. Ha! That's a peach to text for ya! I'm becoming more confused about when to use curricula and when to use curriculum. Should I just leave this forum? Linsey's coming over for our Galatians study. Kids are breakfasting and listening to The Timeline Song. It's their thing. Contractions are back, but weaker. I'm tired. Have a good day. Tex, we have an amazing vet on a donation only basis. We found them when I called the local emergency vet about putting Paul (cat) down and they said it would be $200. He needed to be put down immediately and we did not have $200. The vet we took him to said pay later if you can, if not don't worry about it. The vet tech cried when they put him down. They are an amazing company. The first thing they did was put him in an oxygen chamber so that he would feel better while they did their examination. After they decided there was nothing they could do they gave him the medicine to put him to sleep before they actually put him down because sometimes the medication they used to put them down permanently has painful side effects. They offered to do a separate cremation so that we could keep the ashes and said we could pay later for that if we wanted. We didn't want his ashes but I was so grateful that they made him feel better. He was in so much pain and it was so unfair that we didn't have a way to make it stop.
  12. Why Insa Pot and not another brand? My contractions stopped hours ago. They seem to only happen in the mornings which is odd because my real ones started in the evening both times. I'm eating a chocolate cupcake and it's absolutely fabulous.
  13. I was just dancing a little too emphatically to Rascal Flatts and realized I was being watched by a guy in a pickup. I waved. He laughed. I'm slightly embarrassed.
  14. Are Braxton Hicks and false contractions the same thing? I called them false contractions because my entire uterus becomes hard for a few seconds, but I don't believe anything is happening. I had false contractions with the first two for the last month.
  15. I was on WIC. I think it was $200/mo on average. I'm planning on pumping and hopefully getting the rest out of pocket. I can understand the mommy wars. I think breastmilk is so much better than formula. People just don't know how to mind their own business and don't understand that an unstressed mother is the most important thing an infant needs.
  16. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0096CG0L6/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?ie=UTF8&btkr=1 Not that I've read it... or anything.
  17. Oh, no not at all! I had even been thinking about that beforehand. :coolgleamA:
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