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Everything posted by NatureMomma

  1. Thank you all for your replies... To answer a few questions, an email campaign was sent out to everyone in his division, and since he's a campaign manager, and writes emails, he was able to retrieve the information, which he thinks some of his co-workers also have probably done. It was an oversight for HR to send it out in the manner they did, and he probably shouldn't have looked at the information, but it was right there, and not hidden. So probably not ethical, but it was sent directly to his campaign inbox, and HR didnt realize it... He does not have a degree- but not everyone on his team does. He does have 7 years experience with this company, and 2 more with his previous company, along with doing some certification courses on his own, to build up his résumé and experience level in dealing with these new launches in Europe. They have told him many times, and his co-workers have admitted too, that his position is invaluable- his client brings in by far the most amount of money within his group, and no one else is capable of handling the clients he has, and they don't want to. It is just bad mismanagement all around, and I do think his lack of a degree on paper will hinder him a bit from getting another position. It will probably be through networking. I really think what happened is he got base pay, economy crashed, they suspended all raises, and just never altered his pay. It's so bizarre, its unbelievable that they expect this kind of dedication on his current salary. They pay more for him to train his helpers than they do him....
  2. He can't find anything. He applied for many, many jobs last month, with no results. He feels so trapped in this situation because there's not another offer.
  3. Sorry for the typos! on my phone! I am a long time lurker and don't post much, but id really like some advice from the hive. I'll try to make this as brief as possible. 7 years ago, my do got hired on by a Fortune 500 company, through a friend of a friend, and it was a big step up from Pest Control sales, which he had been doing, so we moved across the country to From So-Cal to the south. He started out with the lowest base pay salary, and not much more than he was making doing pest control, but the company at the time was handing our raises and bonuses right and left...he has no degree only classes and experience, so he considered himself lucky to he in this position, and expected a raise the next year. That next year the economy crashed, and they said no more raises, no more bonuses. This is one of the oldest company's, and they jumped on the bandwagon with everyone else. Fast forward to 3 years ago, my husband very quickly became known as a hard worker, and was a handling more accounts than his co-workers, he developed a reputation, and his clients loved him. - these were with some of the biggest international, well known names. They also did a team wide pay cut at this time of 20 percent pay, and started firing people right and left and demanding more of the ones who stayed. They also structured any bonus to be team performance related, which means if the team doesn't make their numbers, no one gets paid. His 'team' don't have anything to do with each other. My husband is responsible for sending email campaigns out for huge companies, so he's directly customer power related. It was just another way for them to cut costs. My daughter also got diagnosed with a chronic health condition, which is very complex and serious. So at this time, although he was upset about these changes, we were focusing on her health, and needing insurance, over trying to figure out what he should be getting paid, and asking for more. The last 2 years- his position changed within the company, now a senior account manager, he was single handledly given the whole of a huge company to launch across Europe. Along with that he developed and figured out a very complex issue that was threatening their loss if this company because of overall bad management higher up, He was expected to start traveling more, to Mexico, Chicago several times a year, NY, Atlanta, and last year traveledto Europe for a total of 3 months...He's known he's severaly underpaid for some time, especially because of his "promotion" 2 years ago, with a pay 'decrease' under the new 'bonus' structure. I have been trying to get him to ask for a raise for some time, and he just felt like there was too many ovens in the fire with our daughter being so sick, he didnt want to rock the boat. We were simply trying to find a way to just keep going. He's been very unhappy the last year with his job, and the amount if work they expect of him. They completely depend on him for the European launch- literally NO ONE else is capable of doing what he does, and they would severaly hurt if he left. Hes so tired of being treated like this, and the level of work hes epxpeted with the SAME salary he had when he started, that month he was just done- he applied for jobs all over the US, and also virtually and hasn't been able to find ANYTHING. He then talked to his boss and requested to be paid what his job is worth, according to what 'tier' he is, he knew he was in the bottom of his pay structure. His boss actually admitted that he was underpaid, he didnt know how that happened and he would try to get HR to approve the new pay raise, but he didnt think they would, it would be hard, yada yada. My husband has asked for what he thought he was market value, he knows they need him, and literally NO ONE could do his job. He is holding his team together. His boss approved. 4thousand pay raise and that was it. No where close to what he is worth. WELL.... HR accidentally sent out an email to everyone in his division yesterday, announcing the 'bonuses' for the year, and somehow my husband was able to retrieve and login yo the system, the WHOLE divisions salary.... That is about 200 employees. They made a mistake but he said unless you know computers you wouldn't automatically be able to retrieve this info.... Well- He gets payed less than EVERYONE else, as in 50, 000 less than everyone else within his division. His company even has a tiered below average, and average, and above average salary, and he doesn't even get paid on the below average for his company. Its below that, and he is on par with others who get paid Above average, meaning he should be geting paid 50 k more than he does Customer power, who he TRAINED to be HELPERS to answer directly to HIM, get paid about 15k more than him.... They don't even have the value that he does. .for some reason he is literally making at least 50 THOUSAND less than what the HR says tierd for. He is saddened, and shocked, and feels stuck, and out of options. I'm not surprised at all. I knew how much at least one of his coworkers was getting, and know what his job is worth. He's severaly under market to the point it's humiliating for him. So what do we do? He now has some very valuable info- and doesn't know how to use it. Does he say something? He doeant want to be accused of being unethical but this is very eye openeing and shows how little they value him. people with a lower level postion are making more than him, way more. He has been trying to negotiate with his boss for WEEKS, and they keep saying they can't pay him what he's asking, but its way less than his position calls for. He stumbled across this by accident. We live paycheck to paycheck, no vacations, no new anything, no money for our daughter medical bills, and yet people think because he's traveling to Europe he must be getting paid well... To make matters worse.... We feel stuck because he can't find another job, and we really want to move back home, as we aren't happy here. So he feels locked in this situation... Sorry this is so long, if you've made it this far, thank you for! What should he do, and how should this be handled?
  4. I was going to say too... We met at a different location one time every month so as to see the variety of locales and to mix it up a bit With nature study, we picked out an idea from the handbook of nature study blog and would do a 15 minute nature study, and then draw/journal in a nature notebook. The moms took turns rotating monthly on the various things like circle, nature study, handiwork.
  5. Sorry for all the typos! 😮 I'm on my phone!
  6. We had a forest school co-op. it was modeled after the waldkindergaten but included Charlotte Mason elements. We met weekly in the forest from 9-2 for 4 years from the time my daughter was 6-10. We met outdoors in all weather, there was no such thing as bad weather just poor clothing choices! We dressed warm and were adaptable. The kids got a lot of free time, but our general schedule was this: arrive and free play for the kids for 45 min. (The forest was had a gazebo and meadow where we met) we did a circle time, which included poetry, memorization, nature show and tell, movement exercises, nature or other literature stories. Then we would play a nature game using the book Sharing nature with Children. (Awesome book) have a snack, and do picture study, then nature study, then a very long walk, usually to the creek where they played, built fairy houses, dams, climb trees, collected rocks, found bugs/spiders, nature treasure hunt, etc. while the parents visited. After walking back we would eat lunch and play more, then do a handiwork. Everything from painting, to whittling (even the 4 year olds did this safely) sewing, felting, ceramics, beeswax modeling, etc. We met in all weather from Late August-June. Sometimes it got very cold, we just dealt with it, rain, just wore rain coats. the hardest part was the extreme wind. It was a fabulous experience for the kids and I wish we still had it going. We met at a state forest which was pretty isolated so it was a perfect spot. a lot of people would express interest and wanted to join, but we inly allowed super commited people to join. no drop-ins but people whi commites to coming every week. Our group happened to be all girls after the first couple years, and they actually really enjoyed this, they had their own little world, developed friendship with te trees, (we picked a tree each year to make our friend, and would visit and observe it every week) picked berries, ran barefoot through the meadow.... It was awesome, we had about 9 kids ranging from babies to 10 year olds, with most if the girls being between 8-10 years of age. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to share just let me know!
  7. Tess, I am a big long time lurker here... my husband may be getting a job in NL, and we have always homechooled, so very nervous here! I'm going to Pm you if that's ok.
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