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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Greyhound costs ~$22 a person to go from New Orleans to a stop on the gulf coast. Amtrak may or may not be fully operating again out of the Biloxi area. Couldn’t get site to give me info. Keeping these things in mind for times when I don’t want to use my own car or someone wants to visit me and just meet me at the station/doesn’t need to find parking for their car. Not super ideal to travel with dd as we’d spend more in tickets than gas. There are extra fees for bags too I think.
  2. I wonder if the credit union will be as strict about a car loan as the cc limit — requiring 3 pay stubs?? I’d like to get a preowned vehicle in the very near future and it’s probably better to finance through my credit union vs the dealership. That’s what we did with my current vehicle years ago. I saw some cars online with monthly car notes in the $330 range. That would be comfortable enough for me. I’d still have money left at the end of the month after bills, rent etc. My current rent estimate is ~$900 but it may go up to $1000ish depending on availability. The unit I am looking at is a 1 bd under $900 but I see no evidence of laundry access so I’d probably have to use a laundromat. I’m going to text the landlord today. They didn’t answer my question in the Zillow app. Most of these places do not stay on the market long — several I looked at weeks ago are gone. So who knows if this unit will even be available by the time the background check clears. But my Zillow matches only show 2 units under $1000 right now. And the other had confusing verbiage about pets so may not allow my cat.
  3. A guy xh knew was murdered walking his dog in NOLA years ago It’s just out of my comfort level
  4. At one point this was coined Murder Capital. I’ve used buses in CA in a small city but.. I wouldn’t feel safe. I don’t know how far it is but I don’t even like walking from a parking garage a few blocks in NOLA. That’s why I usually have a friend with me.
  5. I think current students get them free or cheaper. Also they have different rules for requesting them for graduate school.
  6. Re: public transit I’m leery of using it at all. Bring a single woman getting off work at 7 pm on the rough side of town? Nope nope nope. Random day to go to the grocery store? Maybe.
  7. Parchment is who the school uses and it’s $10
  8. I told him I get $199 a week and I just sent him $110 this week (the remainder of Oct child support I owed). Then stated the rest went to gas etc. He said he understands. But yes those texts and receipts are annoying to receive 😐 I’m not even sure how much money I can borrow from family but I’ll need a ton to move in. I can maybe stall on home wifi. But then my data use will skyrocket. The credit union already told me I’d need three pay stubs to increase my cc limit. Well if it’s anything like my last library job, I’ll get paid monthly. Which means after Christmas will be my first check 😓And I think that Nov 27 start date was tentative so who knows.
  9. The last time I toured apartments I did ask this and they were ok with a letter. However, I don’t know how many weeks til a letter will be available stating I have the job (as in, drug test results and background check have cleared). Sigh. My current email has the pending background/drug test info. Now I may try to stay in my friend’s cottage a week but that’s not much help. I cannot stay longer because her sis is also trying to transition to the area and stays there on weekends while working a side job. Our settlement describes child support & medical so I think both are enforceable but basically told him it will probably be late. I’m not even gonna worry about it. It costs money to contact my lawyer and what’s xh gonna do? I don’t think I’ll be reprimanded.
  10. When we went to court I asked my lawyer if we would ask the child support to be paused and he said it wasn’t worth it because they would only pause it briefly, assuming I’d be working soon. And then I’d just owe back pay. Right now I barely have enough on my debit card to purchase an official college transcript requested by the library. on a happier note, when my sister visited from England she told me to use a free kohls gift card she got from an American company. I couldn’t find any workout tanks (I need new ones, I’m swimming in my others) but I found dd a pair of joggers and bought and gave the couple here a baby gift (they are expecting).
  11. Part of me can’t even think that far ahead. I’m so stressed about the move. And processing the breakup. Guess we’ll remain friends (we’ve had plans to shoot zombie targets since before Halloween and will try to do that soon). Every time I turn around there’s more financial stress looming. Xh just said how much I owe on dd’s new glasses and that ds has an eye appt Nov 16 (I’ll owe half. We don’t have vision coverage). I literally cannot keep up with these expenses. Maybe I can start investigating cell phone plans that work where I’m moving and see if I can get a cheaper one.
  12. The email I got a few weeks ago said Nov 27. The drug test/paperwork/background check date is Nov 16. I don’t know how soon after that I can get them to give me a letter to show a future landlord. It’s all kinda hard to plan.
  13. The path I’m on. I mean, part of the children’s exhibit in the museum. When the RBT job contacts me tomorrow I guess I’ll let them know I’ve accepted another job (NOLA). Cutting my losses here. I just need to plan to move, work a hopefully low-stress job, search for a car and accept a lackluster love life scenario once again (seldom see him or break up).
  14. AL interview went well but the city decided to repost the job today (!) so they won’t even hire for several weeks… too bad. It pays ballpark $45-51k and I think I’d be able to do it. They gave me a free pass to tour the museum so I’m doing that now. the ones interviewing had no idea the job would be reposted.
  15. It’s probably not my calling. It was just a carrier path I investigated because I have experience with kids (homeschool co-op, Sunday school, nanny agency babysitting). They have a local office. The pay is $16-18/hr. If they paid on the higher end it would be on par with the library salary and closer to the kids. The library job title is associate. It’s not librarian. I don’t know if I’ll ever want the MLS/MLIS degree as I loathe the idea of returning to school. I just want to pay my bills, build savings and retirement and have health ins. again. I do not know if there is much room for income increases in the library. With RBT I know they do merit based evals/raises annually. But as long as I can pay my bills I’d make do with the library salary as long as possible.
  16. I saw a commercial for cars dot com and went online to get a quote for my car. There was an error and they asked me to go to a dealership in person. A local dealership called me. I figured why not. So I went and had my car seen at two dealerships located side by side. One offered $500 and one offered $800. Not surprised. I know my best bang for my buck is to sell the car to an individual. But I’m not sure anyone will pay much for a car that has a failing transmission etc. I started looking at what it would cost to have a car note. Typically they are quite high. I don’t have the room in my budget. I could maybe barely afford that if the cat was used and cheap… close to a $200/mo car note. But that’s really pushing it. And I know from a friend that moved from MS to LA that the car ins shoots way up. I am feeling a bit discouraged. Like how many weeks can I drive on a bad cv joint as I wait for pay stubs. I’d like to get rid of the car rather than throw more money at repairs. My boyfriend tries to make time for me but I see a pattern that our plans are very dependent on his schedule and I hate to say it but “convenience.” Like last night we didn’t see each other because his teen son wanted to stay up and play video games together. I never want to me the woman that comes between a parent & kid. I will not fight or force things. I have my AL interview today.
  17. There’s growth with RBT jobs too but I see what you’re saying. The car/distance is what scares me most about the NOLA job.
  18. To stay in the black, I will hardly hold onto any of this unemployment money as it goes directly toward the cc that keeps maxing out from auto drafts (storage unit, etc). Hoping I can make at least one cc payment this month with cc rewards. Last month I didn’t have enough points. I hear the cv joint on left and right turns now. Ugh. But I don’t have $400 to give the auto shop and I don’t want to ask my dad for money. He has his own new expenses he’s dealing with plus if I do have to ask him for money I’d rather it be on my moving expenses. And as said before, I feel like there are strings attached and I already feel very in debt to him. I’ve tried to babysit for extra money, but that hasn’t worked out thus far.
  19. NOLA job just said they want me to come Nov 16 to handle paperwork, drug test, background check. I hope I hear back from a closer job before then.
  20. Months ago I bought concert tickets to see a goth band this Nov. My gf backed out last min due to an injury so I offered her ticket to my bf (the tickets were on my phone). We went and had a blast. The parking rates were extra high apparently due to it being a weekend night. But the machine acted up so badly the attendant let us drive through and I see no pending charge on my debit card. My dad knew about the concert in advance so I asked if I could borrow his car due to my car issues and he agreed. There were 2 opening bands and we enjoyed the whole show.
  21. Old email regarding museum job came from government job site. But when logged in, it does not show an application in history so I can’t see any details. I applied back in Feb. Im stressed for financial reasons, stability reasons, imposing on others, and worrying if I don’t get a close by job I’ll lose another relationship. With a really good guy.
  22. I have a job interview next week for an event coordinator position in AL but this sounds different than the last one because it’s tied to a museum. I can’t keep up. These are jobs I applied to early in the year. I’ll see if I can dig up a job description/salary somewhere.
  23. Cv joint + labor. It’s a $400 job. My friend’s brother can install for cheaper labor but don’t think it’s really worth driving to him. I’ll shop around for a part. They run ~$200.
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