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Evergreen State Sue

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  1. Hi! I recently got a new oven. I love it except it is a slide in oven so there is a gap between the oven and my counter on both sides so crumbs fall in the crack. My last oven had a lip that went over the counter. I think there is something that you can place between the oven and the counter to eliminate the gap. I tried to google this appliance accessory, but I couldn't find it. Any ideas? Thanks so much! Merry Christmas!
  2. I'm so very sorry for your family's loss. Praying you will be comforted at the memorial service.
  3. Our son lived at home while attending a local college so there has never been a time without him to price with and without his use of food or utilities. No college loans either. I do think that having multiple people living in a house takes its toll on the house so using rent money to help with fixing up the house makes sense.
  4. I love the idea of multi-generational housing. Our parents are with the Lord, so it will only be two generations here. I love having my children with us, but I don't have personal experience with it since I had been out of my parent's house since age 19. Prices are high here too.
  5. Yep, I'm in your area. When I was on my own (granted many, many years ago) my large 1 br apt. cost $250/month. Now the same apt. is up over $1,000 from there!
  6. Good idea to half the cost of a 2 bedroom apt. No student loans, but I would support a child paying those off first before charging rent as we plan to do that with another child.
  7. Great idea to base it on a percentage of his income. I think some financial experts talk about using a percentage of your income to figure out how much house you can afford to buy. Thanks!
  8. You sound like a great mom! I love how you've thought it through for your son and have given me things to think about for mine. Thanks!
  9. I never thought about upping the rent each month as an incentive to move out. I have mixed feelings about him moving - I know he needs to take on that responsibility, but I sure hate to see him spending the kind of money it would take for even a 1 br apartment if he didn't have a good job. And who would mow the lawn? ha!
  10. 1 br apartments around here are closer to 1200!
  11. Thanks for sharing your ideas, Chris. I'm not sure if we would keep it for ourselves or save it to gift for a down payment on a condo or house for his future. I guess it will depend what our financial needs are at the time. I'll check out that thread.
  12. Hello! I told my oldest (almost 23) that when he graduates from college in June that we would give him until September and then start charging him rent. I assumed it would take about 3 months to get a good job. How much do you think we should charge him for room, utilities, and meals when he's here. He does some chores around the house, but not nearly enough for a free ride at his age. Thanks!
  13. God speaks to me by having a complete peace about the decision I've made. Sometimes, though, if I don't have that complete peace and I have to make a decision in a short amount of time, I just do the best I can, and it generally works out. God gives us freedom to make decisions.
  14. I don't know what the r word is. Can anyone tell me in such a way it it isn't too offensive? I grew up with a longshoreman for a dad, so I heard some words, but the f word was very rarely spoken. I still find it shocking when people use it for an adjective.
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