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3 ladybugs

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Everything posted by 3 ladybugs

  1. Good morning Flyminds! Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: http://www.flylady.net/ You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it. We have completed the baby steps found here: http://forums.welltr...nday-october-1/ We have also completed a Building a Control Journal series found here: http://forums.welltr...-16-tue-oct-24/ Please join in on the fun!
  2. I think cost more then anything. You can get baby wipes really cheap and they have alcohol in them and that is what is used to disinfect you when you go to get blood drawn so it can't be a bad one! Well I went to Walmart tonight and they didn't have cinnamon chips so I am attempting to make my own. I do this often, just come up with a recipe or experiment with things. DH always likes how it turns out! :D I will let everyone know tomorrow if it works. DH got the living room clean today. So blessing hour tomorrow shouldn't be bad. I got to do some quilting today. So I am happy. :D
  3. Hmm... I will have to think about that. Nespresso!! Seriously I am from Washington State. I never got excited about coffee till we got the Nespresso machine. Now I am ALWAYS excited to drink a cup. The machines start at about $100 though and you have to buy aluminum pods ($0.80-$2.00 each). The price of the pods though includes recycling them and composting the grounds.
  4. Could you modify his school work so that he isn't so dependent on you? For instance, my son uses AAS. I dictate his spelling words into his iPad and he uses that to do tests. I also dictate any reading portions of other subjects so he can follow along if needed (Bible, some grammar, Writing and Rhetoric often). This way I can let him do his thing and I am not on top of him. If you don't want your child to use something electronic like and iPad, you could get a simple recorder fairly easily I would think. However I am unsure how they would help with separating subjects. I make several recordings and label them so he can do them in whatever order he wants as long as the work gets done.
  5. Meaning handwriting. With my 9 year old, I used several programs. HWOT taught him manuscript. However I didn't like the cursive so I went to ZB. I have a 4 year old that is close to needing something. I think in the next 6 months or so. Should I go directly to ZB or should I do HWOT again and jump back? Should I do something else? I am not opposed to doing cursive first either. I just want to use ZB style of cursive as it is closest to what I believe my boys need. I did a TON of research and settled on that for a reason. I guess my big question is, did you like ZB for first starting writing?
  6. Oh school comes first in my house! Having said that my 9 year old is fairly independent most of the week right now. I plan his school week on Sunday (rest day is Monday for me in a perfect week) so he has packets to do everyday. Any teaching is either on Monday or Tuesday typically. My 4 year old has only 3 subjects right now. Math, Reading and Science (comprehension... it is a combo). It only takes about an hour (tops) to do his school. I also have 3 year old foster child. She goes to daycare at 8:30 and my kids wake at 8. So some days I do good and get everything done early, other days not so much.
  7. Did you try Diane in Denmark's Snaps? I have 2 brewing right now. My father was an alcoholic. I don't even drink that often (seriously maybe 10 drinks in my life) but I am looking forward to trying this one! Not that I would swig that much but I tried about half a teaspoon and it seem good. :D It takes 6 weeks to make. Perfect for the holidays. :)
  8. Sorry about that! Is this better: https://youtu.be/Plf5koeeB_0 This is what happens when I don't have my laptop, I am late to the party with replies! So glad you found the fall blends for aroma therapy. This is the diffuser I have: https://www.amazon.com/InnoGear-Essential-Ultrasonic-Aromatherapy-Diffusers/dp/B01D1CJIS8/ref=sr_1_26_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1509132706&sr=8-26&keywords=diffusers%2Bfor%2Bessential%2Boils&th=1 It is good for travel too. Really small. For a large space though, I would get a larger one.
  9. I have this problem because of a low immune system (darn chemo). It isn't cheap, but bovine colostrum works for me. For a child I would give them just a little bit (it comes in a powder) and trust me it helps a LOT. I don't give it to my children. They are rarely sick anyway. However if you have a child that is more prone to illness, you might want to try it. I get mine from here:https://www.amazon.com/Colostrum-LD-Proprietary-Liposomal-Technology-Bioavailability/dp/B009HCLX3A/ref=sr_1_4_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1509121284&sr=8-4&keywords=colostrum I take the pills and a spray though. It is just easier for me.
  10. I will let you know. You know about the dinner rolls on Diane in Denmark right? Those are heavenly! However I do things slightly differently. https://youtu.be/jhXlnvYZZQs The last time I made them I was really impressed. I use instant yeast. Or quick yeast. There are 2 kinds and you want the fast one. So make sure you have that. I made mine with dried minced onion, garlic powder and some handfuls of parmesan cheese that was grated. I increased the sugar (I used granulated sugar) to just shy of 2 tablespoons. I left out the salt till after the first rising. Adding salt is needed for ALL bread, but salt kills yeast. I say make them as happy as possible and then you can add the salt. You have to stir it after the rise anyway so add the salt then. I also used water that was 125 degrees F. I can't use tap water. There is some thought that it could be contaminated with lead... they sent us a notice telling us that it wasn't and that it was another area of town... I don't trust that! So I used my kettle to get water this hot. If you use too cold or too hot of water the yeast will not be happy. 120-130 they say is happy. I used my candy thermometer and got it at 125. :D Seriously this resulted in VERY light and fluffy rolls. Very Hygge! So much so that I plan to get some cinnamon chips next time I am in the store to make some "cinnamon rolls". These will not be rolled but will be buns that have cinnamon in them. :D That makes me feel warm and cozy just thinking about them! The essential oils that I recommended are seriously good too! I have been using the orange spice one and I love how my living room smells. It looks like a bomb went off in there (kids have some cleaning to do!!) but it smells lovely! I am in a Facebook group that that company started and they say that they will be coming out with christmas scents soon. :D ________ I am working on my list for foods at christmas. I have some cookies, candies, and the boys (sons and DH) are wanting ham. I hate ham but they all like it so I will make it. We also know we want baked brie again this year. That is all I have. I need to figure out some more german traditions to put in there. So that is something I need to research. My routines are not great. I am taking bovine colostrum to help me not get ill and I need to take that 2 hours after and 30 minutes prior to eating. Mornings are no problem but evenings are not fun! This has cut into my time that I would have coffee and making me barely functional at about 7:30 at night. Need to figure out a way around this. So need to get back on the wagon!
  11. Good morning Flyminds! Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: http://www.flylady.net/ You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it. We have completed the baby steps found here: http://forums.welltr...nday-october-1/ We have also completed a Building a Control Journal series found here: http://forums.welltr...-16-tue-oct-24/ Please join in on the fun!
  12. How awful Garga! I hope things get better soon!
  13. I think this runs in families. My FIL knew what he wanted to be in grade school. He looked up in the sky and saw airplanes and said he wanted to work on those. He just retired from Boeing where was high up in the engineering department. He has several degrees with a PhD in artificial intelligence. My DH loved insects and playing with them and experimenting with them as a child. He got his PhD in biochemistry. When my 9 year old was 9 months old, I needed to help my husband with something and put him in a bouncy seat in front of the TV when NASCAR was on. He squealed with delight. At about a year old we would go on walks and he would point at the cars and want to know their make. We told him. Then he wanted to know the model. So we told him. I have altered how I homeschool him to reflect what he wants to do (and has said so for years) and that is become an automotive designer. That is the reason why he is learning German. Germany is still a big country in the automotive world. I like to think that the world is an oyster for my 9 year old to open and discover what he wants to become, but I am a realist and he will be an automotive engineer regardless of what I want him to be or how open minded I would like him to be about his career choice. On the other hand, my 4 year old wants to be a doctor/fire fighter/army man/ police officer. So I do have a less driven child as well. :lol:
  14. I know what I am about to say will fall on deaf ears and people will say that I am the exception to the rule but here is a story for you and where I am coming from. When my oldest was 15 months old I was diagnosed with a VERY rare form of lymphoma. My husband who was in pharma research at the time, looked up all he could in the medical journals and prayed and prayed that they were wrong. The cancer had less then a 50% 5 year survival rate. So needless to say for much of my treatment (I did have my moments) when my doctor said jump, I asked how high. One of the things she immediately put me on was a neutropenic diet. AWFUL diet. I couldn't eat anything that was even remotely fresh. It didn't matter as chemo knocked out my taste buds and I have never had a great since of smell. Because of this we were all on a VERY sad diet. I couldn't eat vegetables, fruit or anything of the sort. I was always tired and my husband worked over an hour away (each way commute). Everything tasted like cardboard so I didn't see the point of spending for the good stuff. So my son ate what I did. Like most people that live through something like that I did research on to how I could do things better. There was no history of cancer in my family. I was diagnosed only a year after my grandfather died of pancreatic cancer 6 weeks after he was diagnosed! So why did I get this? One of the things I found in my research was a more natural way of eating. We started eating Weston A Price way. I went through all of my cupboards and threw out all processed food. I didn't want it. I saw it as poison. Our son, now about 2 really didn't like all the vegetables that we were eating now, ALL THE TIME. He wanted the processed food we were eating when I had cancer. It was EXTREMELY hard but after 2 months of not letting him to eat any food at church or elsewhere, he stopped complaining and ate like we were eating. My oldest is now 9 years old. Since that time we have went full Paleo when my younger son was diagnosed with a milk protein allergy at 1 month of age. I did that as it was easiest way to cut out dairy. However I lost too much weight while Paleo and I had to have grains back in my diet. I then found out I was allergic to peanuts, pistachios and cashews and if you know anything about being paleo, you know that is REALLY not a good choice for me. So we now eat a diet high in veggies, but we have some processed food occasionally. No juices (I want my children to have the fiber that fruit provides) except on rare occasions. So you may think that my children are magic and that they were not picky ever. That is not the case at all. I have taken my son from eating processed Aldi food, to Paleo and now he will eat any veggie you put in front of him (brussel sprouts are my son's favorites). My youngest was brought up Paleo and actually doesn't like many carbs other then donuts (we all have our weaknesses). I also know how I felt when I couldn't eat veggies that were not cooked to death. Trust me I was never much of a salad eater before cancer, but I am sure one now. That is what I craved the most in treatment. So this why I worry about a child in my care that doesn't want to eat veggies. I have been there, it is much better to eat food then to not.
  15. I use CAP Grammar. If there is something you would like to know specifically let me know. I really like the program. Although I have found that with my son a lesson takes more then 2 weeks, generally speaking. I do plan to continue using it. I am just glad that he is progressing slowly enough that new levels can come out before we need them.
  16. Wood! Plastic always gets funky looking. I have a wood set that is in perfect condition despite being years old. I got a small one that can fit in a cabinet when not in use. It was by Habe and I got it at Target.
  17. One of my sons did have the food allergy thing. He was intolerant to nightshades and refused to eat anything with them in it. Surprisingly he figured out all the nightshades at about 18 months and did avoid them. Now he is 4 years old and is fine and eats all the nightshades. This isn't that type of case. She will eat veggies if it is all that is offered and she is hungry. In fact, I have seen her even ask for seconds in that situation. :thud: However, in certain situations she refuses. The other night we had a one pot pasta meal. I thought for sure she would eat it and not have a problem. It was chicken Alfredo with broccoli, one pot. The broccoli was just slightly green and different shape then the pasta. It was rich in sauce and she LOVES cheese. She ate around the broccoli (to my shock). When she was getting ready to start playing with her food, I said "Wow! you have only 2 more bites and you can have desert! Let me help you!" So I fed to her the last 3 bites (2 bites of broccoli and one to clean the plate). She happily took them that way and was able to get desert. So to me it isn't completely an issue of not liking what we are serving, it is more of a "I can do what I want" issue with a sprinkling of "I can eat more during the day so I don't have to eat at night". Also I have seen her say no to corn. I didn't know of any children that would say no to corn. Even picky eaters! The desert rule we have had in this house for about 7.5 years or so. It was started when my oldest was very young. It was put in place because we saw that there were times when he would not eat dinner so he could have desert. So we flipped it. We serve small portions in our house with the expectation that they can ALWAYS have more (provided it isn't left over night... even then we can accommodate most nights). They only have to eat the small portion, or if they ask for seconds, they need to finish the seconds.
  18. Okay is sounds like I am not too far off base. I have a child that she HATES all vegetables. She really doesn't like meat that often either. So if we serve a meal that is rich in vegetables she balks. Refuses even a bite. She does this several times a week despite us saying how good it is (including 2 other children saying the same thing). She will refuse it. We say okay, but she isn't getting desert (which we have every night). The next day though she expects more of the food she does like (cereal, sandwiches or whatever, she loves carbs). I say no, she gets a normal portion and go on from there. So does this sound about right?
  19. How awful!! I have been helped by people in the past when I had car trouble! Once I was was in the middle of a highway as a teenager and my car refused to start after stopping for a draw bridge. To think that people wouldn't be helpful anymore is just sad! What is this world coming to?
  20. I have a method that I have always used but I want to know what other people do to see if my idea is mainstream. To be clear what I am talking about. I am talking about a child 3-6 years old, you serve them something to eat and either they play with it and don't take a bite, or just flat out refuse to eat it. Would what you do change if it was a several times a week thing, vs an every now and then thing (like 2-3 times a month at most)?
  21. So how is everyone today? I sent my laptop to my father so that he can get it working again. It works but it has an old operating system on it so it needed some help. That will take a couple of weeks to get back so in the meanwhile I am using the family computer that was much slower then my laptop (I have been storing all files on Google drive so there is nothing on it to slow it down). My point with this is to say that I may be posting threads a bit later in the day. ;) YDS woke up at 1 am in pain and saying he needed to go to the doctor. After 30 minutes of persuasion I was finally able to get him to go to sleep and he woke up nearly fine this morning. No clue what happened but clearly his immune system kicked in and made him feel better. Wish mine worked that fast! So we are all just a bit tired today. I cleaned my bedroom windows yesterday. YAY! I can't tell you how dirty they were! I can't believe how clean they are now! So now all of my windows are clean except for the 2 bathroom ones and a casement windows in my kitchen that I need to get a ladder to reach from the outside. I think I will try to do this twice a year (fall and spring). That should make my house brighter, which is ALWAYS a good thing in my book! Today's goals: Do my routines Educate the boys Do 30-60 minutes of quilting - me time! Take a nap or have coffee this afternoon - me time again Can you tell that I often forget about myself during the day? :giggle:
  22. Good morning Flyminds! Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: http://www.flylady.net/ You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it. We have completed the baby steps found here: http://forums.welltr...nday-october-1/ We have also completed a Building a Control Journal series found here: http://forums.welltr...-16-tue-oct-24/ Please join in on the fun!
  23. So how is everyone today? I was able to do some, but not all of my blessing hour yesterday. I eventually got the kids educated though so that is good, oh and dinner was on the table so I hit many of the boxes. ;) Today my goals are to get some vacuuming done, kids educated, clean some of the master bedroom (after all that is the focus this week) including doing the windows and take some me time and do some quilting. We will see if that happens. I have a child with a dentist appointment this afternoon. That is always fun. :glare: So how about you?
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