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Posts posted by displace

  1. Good morning!



    Made breakfast for me and kids (pancakes)

    Dressed to the shoes!

    Cleaned sink

    Cut my own hair with experimental gadget cleaclip knock-off -- turned out pretty well!

    Dishes loaded in dishwasher

    Changed dirty tablecloth

    Folded two loads of laundry


    To Do:

    HWT/read aloud/sight words/reading -- done!

    Workout with family -- um, family worked out and I cleaned and organized instead

    Go swimming with family-- family went swimming. I was unable but kept organizing

    Change bedsheets DC -- nope

    Laundry (as much as possible) -- did 4? More loads

    Wash dishes -- done and sink cleaned

    clear out office and organize office supplies. -- started organization. Much bigger project and lots of decluttering needed


    We'll see how it goes! -- did okay and got a lot of stuff done but still feel like it was an unproductive day. I think it's because I'm focusing on cleaning instead of self (exercise and eating healthy). Will focus more on self care tomorrow.

  2. If you didn't have a known injury and don't currently have warning bell symptoms (like tingling/numbness/change in color or feeling anywhere in your foot), you may be able to lay off and deal with pain meds.  Most primary doctors don't have xrays in the office, so you'd have to get an early/morning appointment, then go to a radiologist, then figure out what the diagnosis is (if it's broken).  If it's broken, you will get a referral to an orthopedic surgeon at their next available slot but also a script for pain medicine.  Get a copy of your xrays to bring with you to the orthopedic surgeon if possible.   


    The downside is if it is broken and the bones are not aligned properly, it may need surgery/manipulation, and the sooner the better for those injuries. 

  3. Maybe remote tutoring or teaching?


    If you have five years, that sounds like some time to take some skills courses in a career you may be interested in. Though you say you're not a writer, maybe editing could be a goal? Or even consider one of those career placement tests. I'm sure some take into account working remotely. Sorry I'm not full of ideas.

  4. Unsure what to prioritize today...


    Done: HWT, read aloud, reading, two sight words

    Saw movie with DC

    Got dressed to shoes (trying out fly lady)

    Cleaned kitchen sink to start fly lady program maybe!

    Had breakfast

    Weigh in at home (ouch)

    Took back library books

    Took back redbox

    Changed sheets master

    1 load laundry


    To do: hopefully get DC to nap -- done, and I rested too

    Errands to get fly lady task supplies -- done but took all evening

    Pick up books at library (didn't have card earlier) -- done

    Start decluttering family room 15 min-- only 5 min

    DC swimming with DH -- done

    Clear out office as a mad dash project -- nope

  5. Do you think it may be similar to those books that take place in one city over a Long period of time, telling historical fiction stories before moving on to a new time period?


    I read one years ago that was awesome but can't find the name at the moment. Hopefully someone else will chime in!

  6. It's usually more of an academic question if the cause of hypothyroidism was Hashimoto's. In general, it's recommended to check a full thyroid panel at diagnosis (including TSH) to make sure there isn't another cause.


    Treatments are the same whether it is Hashimoto's or another benign cause of hypothyroidism.


    Beware, if you get pregnant in the future you need your meds adjusted at the first positive pregnancy test. An OB may or may not adjust meds as quickly as necessary and may play catch up with levels. Also norms during pregnancy tend to be different than lab norms given which an OB may or may not follow. I think it's worthwhilwork have an endocrinologist treat your hypothyroidism if there's a chance of pregnancy in the future just to have him/her adjust the meds as soon as possible. In general you don't need an endo for this, but I like to be conservative.

  7. Recovering from illness, teething, and DC colds. Feeling energetic but will probably have to have a low productivity day.


    Also woke up at 3:30 but was hopeful I'd fall back asleep. Oh well.


    Science camp transport. -- done!

    Buy indoor sneakers me, new shoes DC -- done! Bonus is there were a TON on clearance and I got two more sizes up for DC! All at 1/4 price! And they had free exclamation points! :)

    Clean kitchen and living room

    Research cleaning systems for myself

    Laundry 2-3 loads

    Visit library

    Change sheets master bed

    Return redbox

    And I can't forget: HWT, reading, sight words, read alouds

  8. Have you read Sidetracked Home Executives? You make index cards for chores so you only have cards for things that happen in your house. If you habitually make your bed when you wake up, you don't bother with a card for that. It's a very flexible, customized system.

    I read a preview online yesterday. I didn't see about the actual system. Maybe that would work better than fly lady. I will see if our library has it

  9. Maybe amusement parks that have animals?


    Or those rescue places everywhere? We have ones near us for large cats and also horses.


    ETA: indeed.com has a listing for wildlife biologist For migratory birds in Alaska! That might be good IMO. For US fish and wildlife services. I just typed in zoology there and got several other ads, including zoos.


    Maybe a falconer for a renaissance festival ? :) jk

  10. I have the Motivated Moms chore printout and I just follow that. Some days go quicker than others. But that job printout really keeps me on task AND the house is usually drop-in guest ready!


    Is there any way to personalize this?  I looked at just one page and it seemed to have some things on there I don't do or don't want to do so frequently or want to do differently.  Like, instead of cleaning all the bathroom toilets one day, I prefer to clean one bathroom at a time, top to bottom and rotate them. 

  11. Thanks for all these perspectives!  I guess I don't really see errands, planning, and shopping as "housework" either, but since it takes time away from me organizing and decluttering I think it counts.  I'm going to have to look into that Motivated Moms printout.  I looked at FlyLady website, which I remembered being so confusing years ago, and I still feel pretty confused about it.  Though it did motivate me to declutter/pick up at least some.  It's a start!

  12. I'm wondering if there's an average amount of time you think you spend on home matters daily.  Cleaning, cooking, laundry, grocery shopping, yardwork, etc.  I know this is very dependent on number of kids, size of home, availability of rest of family to help, etc.  I also tend to group errands as part of my housework because someone needs to do them and I do them all.  Just curious. 


    Thanks for participating!   :001_smile:






  13. We have 3 indoor cats.  Well, two got moved to the screened-in patio after urination issues were unable to be resolved (behavioral per vet).  I'd like this to be temporary and bring them back inside full time.  They currently come inside during the day when I'm around.  All three occasionally either vomit or have furballs.  Maybe one per month per cat. 


    Our problem is the carpeting where the urination occurred is ruined and the whole flooring needs replacing.  I love carpeting, how it feels on my sore feet, how it looks, etc.  It's also upstairs so carpeting would be much quieter than a solid floor.


    I would hate to replace the floor with carpeting and have a need to replace it in a year.  Even if the outdoor cats stop urinating inside, there's still furballs/vomit to contend with.


    Is it ever possible to have indoor cats with carpeting or is this a fantasy unless I want trashed carpets?  Should I keep this dream for when I have no more cats? 

  14. I also think construction but all sorts: plumbing, electrical, etc.


    Any science summer camps nearby? Around here there are Lego robotics courses for elem kids that may need teacher helpers, etc? Perhaps some creative Lego job? Any legoland nearby? Or lego retail stores? Or 3d printing jobs? Are there any?


    Lego.com has a job listing with almost 300 jobs there. :)

  15. Thanks for all these tips! I'll have to go over them more fully and take notes. My migraines are triggered hormonally but sometimes assoc with stress and muscle tension. I'll have to pick up some naproxen and try that.


    I did not work out and so far the ibuprofen is staving off the worst of it. Could have been just the beginning of one or a false alarm. Interesting about barometric pressure cause there was a super strange storm here today.


    I tend to avoid rx meds because I'm still nursing, and also imitrex caused a throat tightening episode with me in the past, so getting rx meds safe for nursing that are a different class may be difficult but at least require a little research on my behalf. Everyone's so sweet to wish me well . Thanks, Hive!

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