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City Mouse

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Posts posted by City Mouse

  1. I have seen railroad crossing that have stop signs, but that was long ago in Houston on a particular rail line that had unprotected crossings in a highly populated area. That rail line has long since been removed. The rural area where I live now has a few unprotected crossing but non of them have stop signs. The lines are not used anymore and no one stops for them. Only school busses are required to stop at all rail crossings in this state. A person who stopped at one of the crossings might end up getting rear ended by the next motorist as such a stop would be quite unexpected.  Usually I will slow down when approaching a rail crossing just because of the uneven, rough crossing.

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  2.  knowing how to send letters by mail is not a skill that a lot of young people have since most everything is done electronically these days. My DH works with an organization that provides scholarships to youth and has specific requirements as to what students need to send them by mail, or drop off in person. I hear him complain year after year about the kids who can’t follow directions and only want to submit things by email.

    That being said, if your DD tends to not have a positive response when you offer assistance, I wouldn’t bother saying anything. Maybe just send her a link to a website or blog post that addresses that issue. Perhaps her college has a job placement service that could help her.

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  3. What about the baked version of common chip varieties? I know they are only slightly healthier than the regular variety, but the Cheetos, Lays, Ruffles names may be more acceptable to a person who is extremely picky. Or Sensible Potions brand https://www.gardenveggiesnacks.com

    Would portion control packaging help? Lots of snacks come in multi-packs of small individual bags that are holiday themed. Halloween has the most, but valentines and Easter have some too. I have gotten Goldfish cracker, pretzels, cheese balls, Sensible Portion chips, rice crispy treats, granola bars. (Not all at the same time)
    Since you bring her fruit on a daily basis, maybe the crunchy snacks could be given out that way too so that she doesn’t eat too much at one time. 

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  4. I think it is okay to say that you don’t feel up to her staying with you right now, and give her the names of a couple of local hotels near by.

    Later, when your sister stays with you, it is fine that you feel up to hosting someone at that time. 

    Don’t feel bad that you like having some people stay in your house and not other people. In the 15 years since I moved away from where my parents lived, I never invited them to stay in my house, but other people have stayed with us if only for 1 night or 2. My parents came to visit but stayed in a local motel and then later in their rv. There is no need to offer her any more explanation.

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  5. I lived in the Houston area (and graduated from UH a long time ago) for 35 years but never in a gated neighborhood or gated apartment complex. I did have stuff stolen out of cars when I forgot to lock the car door, but never experienced any crime beyond that. (Not saying it never happens, but I don’t think it is anymore likely to happen in Houston that other cities) Just need to follow standard safety precautions. 

    Traffic is terrible at times, so the suggestion above to check the commute time during rush hour(s) is a good idea. What takes 15 min at a lower traffic time can take 3 time that during rush hours. 

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  6. I agree that you should apply and then decide later. 

    I can see positives and negatives from either choice. I know the frustration of having an opposite schedule from DH, but I also know the frustration of trying to take care of elderly parents while working as a public school teacher. 

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  7. I’ve never really cared much about fashion styles. If something fits and is clean are what I mainly care about. Also, I am of the age that I expect to be mocked by younger generations for my fashion choices, but that is ok, because in my head I am doing the same thing to them.  

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    • Haha 5
  8. Probably. My paternal line came to Virginia in the late 1600’s and is all over the southeast United States. It is a fairly common month last name for both Caucasian and African Americans in the Deep South which leads me to believe that at least parts of the family line owned slaves, but I have no direct knowledge of slaveownership.

  9. My DD who is nearly 30yrs old. She was diagnosed and started on meds for ADHD in the 4th grade. She has gone through diagnostic testing two time as an adult, and she is about to have to go though it again to get back on meds. I don’t think it is profiling as much as it is just the system that we have. Every time she sees a new doctor, they make do it all again.

    • Sad 1
  10. My 2 kids are 7 yrs apart. They are not close bu5 it has way more to do with their individual personalities that it does age difference. 
    Also, being close in age does not mean that they will be close emotionally either as kids or adults,and I could give you more personal examples of this, so I would not think having another kids just for that reason is a good reason.

    If you want another kid, then that is great, but I wouldn’t do it with any expectations on future relationships.

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  11. From my personal experience, it usually takes 2 episodes of “escaping” before the facility can require that the resident move to a higher level of care. I would guess that if she gets out again like this she will be required to move. 

    Yes, it can b3 dangerous. My MIL was found two blocks away from her assisted living facility scooting in her wheelchair trying to “go to church”. Luckily, the AL was in an area of town that had streets but wasn’t otherwise developed. The only neighbors at that time were a city fire station, and the local firefighters took care of her and brought her back to her facility.

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  12. I think it all comes down to what is the best that a parent can do at any given moment.

    Sure, cooking a chicken at home with fresh vegetables is probably the healthiest and cheapest depending on the number of people to be fed, but time and convenience and ease and cost can also be important. 


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  13. Offer to drive if you don’t like his driving style. For several years I refused to drive with my mother and let her do the driving when we were together because she was an extremely anxious passenger and slightly less anxious as a driver. 

    My DH is a more aggressive driver than I am, but in general we manage pretty well together in the car and enjoy road trips together.

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  14. My DS had some asynchronous on-line classes (even before Covid) that were well organized and planned out for the entire semester in advance. They followed the system for on-line course that I had been trained in several years before that. Then, during Covid, he took several classes at the same college that had become online due to the pandemic. Some of those were awful, and others were just ok. This leads me to think that the quality of the course is left to the instructor when there is so big differences on the same campus.

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  15. My oldest has always been quite picky, and she is one of those kids with AU that will go hungry rather than eat something she doesn’t like. That caused her doctor some concerns over the years, but she lives on her own now and buys her own food, so she can eat whatever she wants. My DS was picky as a young kid, but once he hit puberty, he grew so much so fast that he was always hungry and learned to branch out. He is probably now the most adventurous eater of us all now.

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