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Posts posted by Nissi

  1. Both Ds.1 and Ds.2 want to become doctors since both of them like the life sciences, like interacting with people, teaching, and are very compassionate. Ds.1 likes debate, current events, international relations, public speaking etc. but does not want to be a lawyer. Maybe he'll change his mind later. Right now he's focussing on getting getting into college and doing premed. He is also spiritual and likes theology. It will be interesting to see what he'll be doing in the future. Ds. 2 is still in middle school and loves speech and debate but especially speech. But, since science is his favorite subject and he is an extrovert, he thinks he'd like to be a doctor too. We'll see.

  2. I faced this same dilemma with my oldest. He did Latin I and Latin II using Wheelocks in 8th and 9th grades and has now moved on to Spanish I. He is doing well in Spanish using a college text with Scholars Online. He did not see the point in continuing with Latin. He plans to continue with Spanish through highschool. With my youngest I am doing Latin I and Latin II in 7th and 8th grades and then will move on to Spanish for 4 years in highschool. In elementary school both my kids did Latin for Children Primer A & B. Oldest ds. also did Greek I and Greek II in 7th and 8th grades but chose not to continue partly because of his increasing interest in extracurriculars like Team Policy Debate. SWB talks about the benefits of learning translation and this comes only if you continue in one language for more than two years.


  3. My dd has taken precal at veritas press. The teacher is different now, so I can't speak to the quality. She's going to take Calculs there too.


    Is Derek Owen's class interactive (live)? If so, his looks good. I got the impression that it was more watch the video then do the assignment. I could be wrong though.


    Derek Owens classes are not live. You watch his lectures, do the assignments, and tests, scan and mail it in and he will grade them and give feedback.


    Potter's School, Veritas Press, and Scholars Online provide live classes and I have heard good things about Potters School Math classes but ds. liked Derek Owens' classes because he could do it at his own pace.

  4. I would suggest doing a regular high school course before tackling the AP course. This preparation will definitely make your child's experience with the AP course a smooth and pleasant one. Ds. is taking AP Chemistry after Apologia and is still finding it challenging. He is making an "A" but he has had to work hard at it. My younger one is definitely going to take a rigorous high school Chemistry course before tackling AP.

  5. Dc. are interested in Medicine. Oldest has successfully taken Human Geo, US Govt. & Politics, and English Language and Comp. in Grade 9. In 10th he is doing European History and Chemistry. He has loved every single course he has taken so far. So, this child is all for APs. He wishes he had more time to watch movies, documentaries, and novels relevant to his European History course than he has now. We plan on doing some of these during Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are also planning to include some college courses for jr. and sr. years but will continue with APs too. I don't know how things will work out for my younger one. Each child is so different.

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