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Posts posted by speedmom4

  1. My poor son has had GI issues for years. When he was younger he would feel nauseous and throw up at bedtime. Turns out the pediatric GI said that our stomachs begin to produce acid at night.  GI scoped my son and found a very inflamed esophagus as well as several large stomach ulcers.


    Acid production could be the issue your dd is dealing with. A short term round of a PPI might help. 


    I hope your little girl begins to feel better soon!

  2. No specific advice but you have my deepest sympathies! When I have made mistakes at work I am literally sick. I can't get over it easily and it eats at me for months. Now when someone else makes a mistake it doesn't phase me at all. I've had my paycheck messed up many times and it doesn't bother me because I know they'll fix it. 



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  3. What would it do to your stress level if you got a cleaning lady in once a week? Personally, I'd rather spend my time on my part time job than on scrubbing the bathrooms. Would taking heavy cleaning off your plate ease the burden? You might even have a parishioner who needs a cleaning job. Heck, have your college-aged kids step up and treat cooking/housekeeping as a job and 'pay' their college fund for it. It doesn't have to be extreme . . . "On Monday, you do these 10 chores, it'll take about three hours, and cook dinner for the family." Give another kid Tuesday. They deserve to learn how to manage their living quarters and to cook for themselves and you don't really learn that when you just pitch in occasionally.


    5-10 hours a week outside of the home doesn't seem like a lot for older kids to absorb. There are four adults in your house. You shouldn't even be trying to juggle it all yourself.

    They do help a tremendous amount while home but oldest is in college out of state. The next one will be in college 3 hours away.


    It's not just the 5-10 hours away from home. The other 10-15 hours are spent working in my home office. I'm expected to be available in very short notice. I'm constantly thinking about what I need to do. My son could have died or suffered permanent damage. It all happened while I was working. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if something worse had happened.


    Thanks for advocating for the other side!

  4. Wow! Thank you all so much for the responses so far. I thought for sure many people would tell me to suck it up, buttercup! I've been telling myself all year that I'm just weak for not being able to handle it all.


    My son's emergency surgery has just brought everything into much clearer focus. I appreciate each one of your comments.

    • Like 1
  5. Hello Hive,

    I would love to have opinions about whether or not I should continue to work outside of the home or not. I'm so incredibly torn about all this.

    I began this job about a year ago. I had never worked outside of the home since our oldest was born so it has been a huge adjustment. I work at our Church. I work approximately 10-20 hours a week and half of that I can do at home. The job requires that I am very organized, creative, caring, and available. There are aspects of the job that I absolutely love and parts that can be downright discouraging. In some respects it's difficult working for my own Church. Being on the inside has it's benefits and downsides.

    My youngest child had a medical emergency a week and a half ago that has brought many issues to the forefront. Looks like my son is going to be ok but we may have an ongoing health related issue. My older son has CP (cerebral palsy) but is very high functioning but he does need OT/PT every week as well as meds to control his epilepsy. My oldest is in college and the next one will be going off in the fall. My husband works incredibly hard and is out of town typically Monday through Thursday.

    Our homeschool suffered last year. We were able to finish everything that we needed to but it wasn't to the standard that I would like. I was so incredibly stressed all year. There were many times I had to drop what we were doing to deal with something work related. My house has suffered as well. I do not do well when it's messy and disorganized, which has happened quite a bit since I began working. I don't cook as often and the kids have pitched in more but I do feel the quality of our diet has decreased.

    I don't need the money but it has been nice to have it. Since we will have two children in college in the fall any extra money doesn't hurt. I don't make that much so it doesn't pay any bills. I've put 90% of the money into our college savings account.

    My children have recently expressed that they wish I was home more and that I wasn't so stressed. My husband has been so very supportive but he wishes I wasn't so stressed about it all. I miss being able to take care of my family the way I did in the past. My Church needs me, though. They will understand but it will cause stress if I leave. I need to make a decision quickly because they will need time before the school year begins to hire someone else.

    WWYD? I am so very torn. On the one hand I just want out but on the other I feel like I will be letting my Church down.

    Thanks so much for reading!


    UPDATE: After reading everyone's advice, speaking with each of my children and husband, and praying I decided to let the job go. At first I didn't have the peaceful feeling I wanted to have but I knew the decision was right no matter how I felt. Yesterday I went in and spoke (and cried)  :sad:  to our priest. He was so kind and understanding. Then I spoke with my immediate boss. She was much more understanding than I expected her to be. I told them I will be available while they look for someone new and will help train the new person.


    Thanks to everyone who helped give me some perspective. I very much appreciate it! 

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  6. Sounds like your dh is coming around.


    Eyeliner isn't something to damage a teen daughter and father relationship over. She needs to feel like her dad has her back and that he's there for her when she needs him. If he's losing it over EYELINER   :confused1:  :confused1:  :confused1: then she will believe she can't trust him with the big stuff.


    I'm honestly shocked with the women that said you should have backed your husband's ridiculous demands. If a man can't handle being wrong when he is then he has issues that need to be dealt with. IMHO, if anyone is so emotionally fragile they can't deal with being wrong occasionally then there are big problems that have nothing to do with eyeliner. 



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  7. speedmom4, I'd write out what you have told us, a clear detailed account of what it took to uncover the intuccesception, and take it with you to any further medical visits, in particular ER visits, to prove to any new doctors that, yes, there can be something dangerously wrong and they need to do a CT scan stat!

    This is a fantastic idea. Thank you so much for the recommendation!

  8. Oh wow! 18"! My son had a small intussusception when he was about 3. It came on suddenly and I took him to the ER - they did an air enema with xray to diagnose it, and it resolved it as well. I can't imagine living with a huge one for so long. I hope he is amazed at how WELL he finally feels!


    I'm learning more than I ever wanted to know about intuccesception! It is actually quite common in children 3 and under but extremely unusual in older children and adults. That is why it has been so hard to diagnose. Glad your son is ok as well!

    • Like 1
  9. Hello Hive,


    I am in the ER with my ds for the second time this week. He has had severe pain and nausea. He also had abnormal labs in the first ER.


    My son has had GI issues for years. He is 14 and has pain and vomiting for a very long time. He has had abnormal stomach motility and gastric ulcers. He has been on and off meds for most of his life.


    Currently he is only 95 pounds. He has lost at least 7 pounds in the past few weeks. He's only 5' 1" but he has no body fat at all to lose. Our GI doc called yesterday and said his labs looked abnormal and they are concerned about Addison's disease. We had a cortisol panel this morning. He ended up in so much pain that his whole body was shaking. He was so weak that he couldn't walk into the ER. He has had more labs in the ER and a CT scan.


    My biggest fear is that they tell us everything is ok and send us home. The morphine has helped a lot and he's not in pain if he isn't moving.


    Please pray we get to the bottom of this. He has been dealing with GI issues for so long.


    Thank you!


    UPDATE: Thank you all for the concern and prayers. I am so incredibly thankful that the ER did a CT scan and found the intussusception. He had surgery within a few hours. Our son is 14 so it's pretty rare to find in a child his age. It turned out to be quite large, approximately 18" in length. The surgeon had never seen one so large. Thankfully he was able to pull it out laporascopically. He found the lead point was a Meckel's diverticulum. Very unusual as well.


    What has me so upset is that my son has had vomiting and pain issues his entire life but not one doc has ever ordered a CT scan. What's worse is that early Wednesday morning we went to a different hospital and they sent him home even when he was clearly still so very sick. I even took him to the pediatrician on Thursday because he couldn't keep the the Zofran down. I'm so glad I trusted my gut that the docs were all wrong and that something was wrong. It could have been disastrous. Thank you all!

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  10. I wouldn't worry. I sound very similar. I've had wonky cycles, missed periods, and heavy erratic bleeding. I went on BCP last year because I bled for 60 days straight and the provera wasn't working. I hated being on BCP. I felt awful but it did stop the bleeding. I only took them for two months.


    I'm only 41 but my blood tests show that I'm in Perimenopause. I think all bets are off during the next 5-10 years concerning my hormones/uterus. I'm hoping I can just deal with it. There aren't a lot of options that I'm happy with.


    Good luck!

    • Like 1
  11. Score for Art of Problem Solving: 9

    Score for Chalkdust: 0

    Score for Jacobs: 5

    Score for Saxon: 13

    Score for Singapore: 6

    Score for Teaching Textbooks: 2

    Score for Thinkwell: 6

    Score for Videotext Interactive: 0


    Those were my results. It looks like we are using the right curriculum! I have strayed from Saxon a few times over my 17 years of homeschooling and I always come back.


    Thanks for creating the quiz!

  12. I felt the same way! My youngest is now 14. They definitely need me but not like they used to.


    An opportunity came up last fall to work part-time at my parish. I had been partially doing the job as a volunteer. When the position came up I didn't think I could do it. Eventually I realized that I was already doing much of the job anyway so why not get paid. It has definitely been challenging trying to juggle 15 hours a week of work (half from home) with homeschooling. It's getting easier and I believe it has helped push more independence on my two younger children.


    Good luck!

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  13. It does get easier as the children get older.  


    Many years ago I remember walking into Target with all four of my small children in tow.  I had been so frustrated that dh was never home and how I always felt like we were waiting for him to come home so we could be a family. It hit me that I couldn't put life on hold while he was gone. The children and I had to have a life even when he wasn't home. I changed my outlook that day. It still wasn't physically easier with him being gone but mentally I was better. My only regret during that time period was that I didn't take better care of myself. I should have hired sitters so that I could exercise or visit with friends. I had a bit of a martyr syndrome going on then. 


    Now that my kids are older I have time to take care of myself and I'm a better mom for it! My husband is still gone a lot. He's currently in Hong Kong.


    Take care of yourself is my best advice!

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  14. Have you looked into Homeschool Spanish Academy? My daughter has been taking classes with them for a couple of years and we have been very pleased. It is set up more like private tutoring than a traditional class. Each week the student is paired up with a native Spanish speaker. The classes are Skype lessons. They converse the entire class. Homework is sent through the website and is scanned in for grading. 




    Good luck!

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