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Posts posted by speedmom4

  1. One of the sad things about the collapse of LA, to me, after reading many of the posts in this thread and the Chat thread,  is that they apparently continued taking money from people, until very recently. If that is t rue, I do not believe that someone who claims to be religious, who claims to believe in "The Golden Rule", or the "Ten Commandments" or God, would do, to innocent customers. Knowingly doing that to innocent people makes them victims and it is very intentional. That is not something decent people do to other people.  That's something criminals do to other people. There are good and bad people, in every religion. Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc.


    This is what continues to bother me as well. On the multiple Facebook groups that are discussing the Landry Academy situation I have heard such gut wrenching tales about teenagers who have worked for years to earn enough money for overseas trips only to lose thousands of dollars that THEY earned. The twist in the knife is that Landry Academy was taking payments into the month of December. They knew what was coming down the line but continued to take money from innocent and oblivious customers. 


    I have also learned that their land is up for auction in TN, actually saw the link. That doesn't happen overnight. 

    • Like 8
  2. I have $6000 invested in this company in the form of generic credits right now, and my kids were just starting their very first classes this coming spring. They have not even taken ONE CLASS with Landry yet. I am beside myself right now. I have purchased their books for the upcoming classes as well. So many people spoke so highly of them. :(



    Oh my goodness! So sorry! We have about 5k invested and my boys are in the middle of 5 year long classes each. I'm praying for a miracle but planning for the worst.

  3. I appreciate you trying to help Lanny.  I do want to point out that we don't yet know if services will not be provided.  The school itself does not appear to be closing since some teachers/classes seem to still be continuing in the Spring.  They may be having to replace a few teachers mid-term but that doesn't mean that existing classes that are on break will not continue.  Classes are not scheduled to resume until the week of January 7th.  That gives them some time to find replacements.  


    I do know certain Spring semester only classes were cancelled because certain teachers have resigned but it isn't all classes as far as I can tell.  If, for the classes that were cancelled, the school allows the students affected to shift to other classes at no additional charge or allows them to convert their class to a generic credit for use at a later date then I don't think writing the AG would be warranted.


    The bottom line is that I am glad the thread got started and people are aware that there may be an issue so we can be prepared but I personally do not want to jump the gun and harm the school based on hearsay and panic.  DD and DS have taken classes through Landry for years.  Most of them have been quite worthwhile.  I hope that whatever is happening with be worked out successfully.  Before people start calling AGs or doing anything else along those lines I would like to give Greg Landry a chance to fix whatever got broken, if anything.  I don't know about anyone else but I absolutely want to give the school a chance to keep going.


    Best wishes.


    We have benefited from many many Landry Academy classes over the years. I am hopeful that there will be a resolution to all of this. I think we would all feel better if there was communication from Greg Landry about what is going on and what the future will look like. Not knowing is what is frustrating! 


    There's nothing I want more than for them to explain some sort of financial hiccup but that they are working to correct it all. Thinking about losing my 70 generic semesters makes my stomach hurt!

    • Like 4
  4. DD had her stuff graded through the end of the semester for Chemistry with Childress. I didn't get an end of semester note from her, but I would assume she's returning.


    If people could chime in if they know their teacher(s) are or aren't returning, that would be helpful for some! (Although I'd be worried about teachers with little/no experience taking over classes, I find it reassuring that they are finding some replacements - as evidenced by the earth science change.)


    The only reason I knew that anything was wrong was that our English teacher sent out an email to us on the 23rd of December. She explained that she was leaving immediately due to the fact that Landry had not paid her in November and then her next paycheck was only 20% of the agreed upon amount. She stated that Landry Academy had not had any communication with her at all. We have not heard from any other instructors and plan to email them tomorrow.


    I'm hoping and praying this isn't widespread and my sons' school year isn't totally ruined. 


    :confused1:  :thumbdown:

    • Like 1
  5. My husband and I are panicking as well. My girls are each taking 5 year-long classes with Landry. We already know that my daughter's English teacher has resigned saying her pay stopped in November and then resumed at 20% of her usual salary. She is resuming her class on a website that she started, but we've already paid for Landry.


    It's not just the money that we'd be out, but I have two high school students halfway through their year that I will have to scramble in the next 1-2 weeks to figure out how to finish out their school year. This is stressful.


    I'm really put out at the lack of communication from Greg and other employees. Even the teacher says she was not communicated with about the cessation of her pay. This is a Christian-based organization and a SCHOOL! To leave us all totally in the dark is unacceptable. Our children's futures are literally on the line, especially for those of us with high school students. Their credits and grades matter for graduation and college.


    I pray they figure something out quickly. This is making for a stressful break for all of us.


    Sounds like you received the same email we did. My boys are in 5 year-long Landry classes as well. I'm trying not to panic and enjoy Christmas but I didn't sleep last night worrying about it all.


    Praying this all works out for everyone involved!

    • Like 3
  6. Weird, my daughter is in English IV.  We got the notice about grades being finalized but that was the generic one that all classes send out when they are completed but nothing personal.  They've lost so many good teachers, it's sad to see them go.  I sure hope they come up with someone because I really don't want to pick up teaching midsemester.



    Is your daughter in Mrs. Bontrager's class? 

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  7. I have a 9th grade boy in German as well.  As far as I know our teacher isn't leaving.  She spoke about spring in her email this week.  However, I spent the day looking for German classes.  The textbook actually offers the videos that align with the book online for free.  I already bought the answers to the workbook.  And the text one is available used as well if we needed it.  I hate to spend so much on another language class elsewhere.  


    I have $1000 in credits....just bought a bunch this fall.  Really frustrated by the lack of info right now...


    I am also extremely frustrated by the lack of info right now as well. 

    • Like 2
  8. Did you get official notice of this or is it just word of mouth?  My daughter is in one of her classes and we heard nothing that she is leaving.


    Yes, she emailed everyone in our English IV class. I have no idea if she will be leaving her other classes but it is official for us. Very sad. She is a fantastic teacher. 

  9. My sons are in English IV and it is a full year class.  Their teacher, Mrs. Bontrager has resigned. I have no idea what is going to happen. I have 70 generic semesters. I am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. My boys are taking 5 full year Landry classes this year. I am printing out all of their syllabi so that I can continue their studies if I have to. I'm very worried at this point. I am not prepared to teach high school level classes or to lose close to $5000. 


    I hope we hear something from Greg Landry ASAP.

    • Like 1
  10. I posted this in the Chat Board as well:




    I'm hoping someone has some answers about what is going on at Landry Academy. 


    My boys are enrolled in several classes currently and we received a disturbing letter from their English teacher saying that she is stepping down immediately. She claims that Landry quit paying teachers in November and their December paycheck was only 20% of what it should have been. She also mentioned that registration is closed.


    I am really freaking out! I currently have 70 generic semesters and have spent thousands of $s on future classes!


    Anyone know anything???


    Elise in NC

    • Like 2
  11. Hello!


    I'm hoping someone has some answers about what is going on at Landry Academy. 


    My boys are enrolled in several classes currently and we received a disturbing letter from their English teacher saying that she is stepping down immediately. She claims that Landry quit paying teachers in November and their December paycheck was only 20% of what it should have been. She also mentioned that registration is closed.


    I am really freaking out! I currently have 70 generic semesters and have spent thousands of $s on future classes!


    Anyone know anything???


    Elise in NC

    • Like 2
  12. Praying for you! I have been in a very dark place before and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Praying you have a breakthrough and the sun shines in your heart and mind again very soon!


    :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:



  13. TBH, Denver really scared my husband and I this summer. We were there in August. We live near Charlotte, NC which isn't quite as big as Denver but we are used to a downtown area. But we were floored by the amount of homeless people. There were people passed out in the middle of sidewalks. People approached us. We stayed in a very nice hotel right in downtown. We asked one of the hotel staff about it and she said that in the past three years the situation in that area had changed dramatically.


    My husband travels all over the world for his job. He stays in major cities all over the world regularly and Denver didn't feel safe to him.


    In my opinion I would make sure you you all visit the area before you send your daughter there. Please do some research about the situation in that area and how it apparently has changed so much recently.


    I'm sorry to be such a downer but I would want to know if I was in your shoes.



    • Like 1
  14. My pediatrician is very pro-homeschooling but gave me great advice in the beginning. She said to either homeschool them all or none of them because of the potential negative impact on sibling relationships. She felt that if one child was homeschooled and another was not then one child could feel left out. I took that advice quite seriously. I understand that many families do very well having some children at home and some at school but I imagine that works best when kids are older and can understand. 


    My advice is to bring him home. Enjoy your kids while they are young. Trust me the cliche' that they grow up fast is so true. You'll never regret spending more time with your kids.  :001_smile:



    • Like 1
  15. I understand how you feel. My husband works a lot of hours and travels a great deal for his job. He's gone more than he's home.

    When our children were small I was kind of miserable. I resented how much he was gone and even how much he enjoyed his job. One day while walking into Target I had a light bulb moment. I was always waiting for him to be home for me and the kids to have a life. I realized right then and there that I had to have a life if he was home or if he was away. I had to be happy if he could help me or if I was on my own. I decided to make me happy too. I did things that filled me up, which made me a better wife and mother. I tried my best not to be resentful and to think about all I was thankful for. I was thankful he had a good job and that he even liked his job!

    That was a huge moment for me approximately 15 years ago. I can't say that I haven't struggled at times with how often he's gone but it usually doesn't last long. I hope for your sake that you can come to some sort of peace about it. You could nag and get your husband to do what you want but ultimately you'll end up questioning yourself. Work on making YOU happy. Find what makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning. To use an overused and silly saying, "Go find your bliss."

    I hope my story helps you.

    • Like 4
  16. My husband and I recently used Uber when we were in downtown Denver. It was super easy and cheap. The app showed the photo of the person plus what car he/she was driving. We used Uber several times while we were there and didn't have any problems. 


    I understand why you're nervous though. I have two daughters in college and imagining them being alone with someone is always a bit frightening. I would make sure she has her cell phone completely charged and maybe have her talk on the phone to you are someone else while she's in the car. I'm a complete worrywart so I would want to know when she got in and when she got out immediately!


    Hope it all works out!



  17. and, since I'm in an asking mood, if you prefer Rose as the middle name which of the first names off that list do you like it with?


    Other children's names are Michael, Molly, and Jack. So we like fairly simple, classic names I guess? 



    My name is Elise Rose. Rose was my grandmother's middle name as well. My maiden name had two syllables as well and I think sounded better than with my married name which only has one syllable. 



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