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Posts posted by speedmom4

  1. Rose is my middle name so it's difficult for me to think of it as a first name. My first name has two syllables, middle name one, and my maiden name had two. I like when a name has a flow to it. I like all of the names you have on the list with Rose as the middle name. 


    Baby naming is HARD!! I'm sure whatever you choose will fit your baby perfectly! 

    • Like 1
  2. I have graduated two students from our homeschool in NC. I have never followed the state's suggestions for graduation. We looked at what colleges wanted and went by that. Neither of my girls had any problems getting into public and private colleges. From our experience as long as we had the minimum requirements set by them and good SAT/ACT scores the colleges were happy.



    • Like 3
  3. My boys are currently taking Spanish 1 and so far I am very pleased. They have daily homework but it's not overwhelming. I imagine it will begin to increase in difficulty soon.


    My children have used a lot of Landry Academy classes and almost all of them have been fantastic. It usually comes down to the teacher. If you get a great instructor then almost any topic can be interesting and vice versa.

    • Like 2
  4. I haven't read all the replies so I may be repeating what others have recommended.


    With my oldest we used Rosetta Stone and it was a total flop. She learned next to nothing about real Soanish. She had decent pronunciation but as the course progressed she just had to guess at the answers.


    With my second child we used Homeschool Spanish Academy. It was MUCH better than Rosetta Stone but she still never really grasped grammar and vocabulary. She has good pronunciation but even after two years her understanding was quite limited.


    Now my third and fourth children are in Spanish and we are using a Landry Academy class. It is very traditional in the sense that they use a textbook. It's very similar to the way I learned in high school and college. It is a live class with a teacher who grew up in Ecuador. They have homework and vocabulary to memorize. There are quizlet games and listening activities as well.


    I'm now a firm believer that to learn a language at the high school level they need grammar work and lots of vocabulary memorization.


    Just my $0.02!

    • Like 2
  5. Your friend's ideas about Confession are definitely not in line with the Catholic Church. Jesus Christ, Himself, instituted the Sacrament of Reconciliation when he commissioned the apostles saying in John 20:22-23 "And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.'"


    It takes a great deal of humility to walk into a Confessional and admit that you have fallen short and sinned. I go pretty frequently because I have found that it helps me spiritually to regularly examine my conscience and confess my sins.


    Confession is like a mini counseling session. If you have sins that you especially struggle with over and over a good priest can help you figure out the root of it and help you overcome it.


    I hope and pray your friend realizes that she and her children are missing out on such a beautiful and healing grace.

    • Like 2
  6. I'm too embarrassed to say how high our bill was. 😠We are on a budget bill plan so our bill is the same each month except for August. That's when we pay any extra charges for higher than expected months. Plus it was super hot and humid here and all four of our children were home. Plus we have an old air conditioning unit that obviously isn't very efficient.


    Let's just say I bet I have the highest bill. ☹ï¸

  7. I can totally see why you are frustrated.


    If I may make one point/suggestion...People of all income levels suffer from envy and bitterness. I cannot begin to tell you the times I have looked at someone who had more than me and felt envy, jealousy, and bitterness. I finally came to the conclusion that it wasn't about the "stuff", it was about my heart. I have always envied those who have a nicer house than mine. I realized that there will ALWAYS be someone with a nicer house than mine. I realized that if we bought a nicer home that I would be content for a short period of time but that envy would begin to creep in. I know this for a fact because when we bought our home I remember feeling that I could never want for more. Well guess what! I was wrong! It wasn't long before I was again wishing I had more.


    I would encourage you to dig deep down and begin to see it as a heart issue and not your situation. St. Paul says in Phillipians chapter 4, "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength."


    My heart goes out to you!

    • Like 13
  8. We are less than two weeks away from taking our second dd off to college. It was hard the first time but I'm anticipating the second time to be even harder. I will still have my two boys at home but it just won't be the same with my girls both gone.


    (((Hugs))) to you. Nothing can prepare you for the bittersweet emotions of sending kids off to college. I promise it does get easier!

    • Like 2
  9. Okay, let's put this into perspective...


    They are 5 and 7. When my oldest kids were that age, they were way behind what a public school child would've been. I was pregnant with #5, and I had 7yo twins, a 5yo, and a 3yo. Plus my husband was in a condensed 1-year master degree program fulltime (interpretation: he was never around). Very little, if any, schooling got done.


    Fast forward 15 years. Those same kids - homeschooled all the way through - got into college and are thriving. One of those 7yo twins is an engineering technology major, one twin made the dean's list last term, and the 5yo has been accepted into the honors college at his university this fall.


    Take the long view and realize that what is going on now is not the end result. I'm sure you've heard it before, but remember that homeschooling is a marathon, not a sprint.


    I have had a very similar experience. My younger daughter will be heading off to a state university in a few short weeks. She was NOT ready for academics at 6. She was a very late bloomer in every way. But now she is serious about her academics and is excited for her future. 


    Please don't let a stupid test make you feel like a failure. Focus on all the things she can do well! Academics will come in her own time. 



  10. Thanks so much everyone! Really grateful for the support! I'm back and walking like a drunken sailor. I told the doctor that I would resist the anesthesia but apparently I went out in 30 seconds. Lab result will be available on Monday., but I feel like the nerve-wracking part is behind me.



    Glad it went well! The waiting is the absolute worst! I hope the time goes by quickly and you get favorable results!



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