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Posts posted by speedmom4

  1. It actually sounds like you made a lot of progress! Maybe you didn't finish a lot of the academic goals you had for your first year homeschooling but it seems that you transitioned to the lifestyle very well.

    My priority would be to finish math. It's very difficult to move to the next year if you didn't finish most of the previous grade. My next priority would be reading and writing (and handwriting especially for your 2nd grader).

    I would recommend a box type curriculum that you can tweak as needed. Sonlight may not exactly fit your style but it has quality literature and the most organized Instructor Guide I have ever used (and I've used a lot over the past 15 years :0).

    I think you accomplished more than you realize. Your children have a love for learning and that is more important than any other goal, IMHO.


    Good luck!


    Elise in NC

    • Like 2
  2. Thank you all for sharing your experiences!


    They did check my thyroid and it is normal. I had a uterine biopsy done approximately 8 years ago and then again last year. I've also had ovarian cysts but not severe.


    What is concerning me is that this seems completely out of the blue. I've had heavy bleeding in the past but the longest period I've ever had was 14 days so to now be bleeding for 60 days straight is concerning.


    I am done having children so no concerns there about an ablation or hysterectomy. Although several years ago after a D & C because of thickened endometrial lining my GYN said that an ablation may not help me because I have a large blood supply to my uterus. Yay me.


    Thank you all!


    Elise in NC

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  3. Been there, done that. Over the year and a half I tried the BC, provera, D&C, and ablation. Regretted not going for the iron supplements and hysterectomy sooner.

    I want to cry thinking that this could go on for much longer. I can't imagine dealing with all of this for a year and a half.

    I definitely want my iron levels checked soon to see if some of my symptoms are anemia related or just perimenopause symtpoms.

    I am not opposed to a hysterectomy but I don't think I'm there quite yet. Have you had any negative side effects or has the experience been all positive?


    Thanks for your input!


    Elise in NC

  4. I have no expertise to offer but I hope (and recommend) that your iron levels also be checked and monitored while this continues.


    What a drag. Hope you and your caregivers can get it figured out soon.


    ETA Sorry, I almost forgot to say that I had a cervical ablation to due heavy cycles and chronic anemia. I still cycle, and it's getting irregular as I am considered in the peri menopausal range, but my anemia has been under control since the procedure.

    A month ago they checked my hemoglobin and it was at 13, so no anemia then. I would like them to recheck it. Thanks for the info.

    Is a cervical ablation like a uterine ablation?


    Elise in NC

  5. Hi ladies,


    I seriously hope someone can relate to my experience. I just had bloodwork done and I am definitely in perimenopause. I am only 40. I definitely have had symptoms for several months.


    My biggest current issue is that I've been bleeding for two months straight. I started on February 23. It's April 22 today. After a month I went to the Gyn. She did a pelvic exam and said that I was bleeding quite heavy so she put me on Provera 5mg for 7 days. It slowed down a bit but did not completely stop it.


    I called back two weeks later as it continued to get heavier and heavier. She put me on 10 mg of Provera for 5 days. I did stop for about 2 days but by day 5 I was again cramping and the bleeding started again. I had an ultrasound today and the tech said she didn't see anything but that the doc would call me tomorrow.


    I am beyond frustrated. I am tired, nauseous and cranky. I seriously do not want to go on the pill but I'm afraid that's the next step. I am not opposed to a surgical solution at this point.


    Has anyone successfully treated something like this? What did you do and how are you now?


    I know that it could be so much worse and that I have a lot to be thankful for.


    Thank you for any input!


    Elise in NC

  6. I went through a church transition a little over two years ago. I was very unhappy at the church we had been attending for over 10 years and was drawn to the faith I grew up in. I decided at that time to not look at church "amenities" and focus on doctrine or core beliefs. I found a website that had a comparison chart that listed denominations and doctrine and how they differed. It was extremely helpful! I soon discovered that the church we had been attending didn't line up to our beliefs doctrinally so no wonder we were unhappy. I was able to rule out certain churches because of doctrine.


    From there I moved onto history and Church Fathers but that's a whole other story!


    It was helpful for me to take out my emotions and look at it from a purely analytical point of view. I had changed churches before but I only looked at amenities and where friends attended rather than doctrine. I have never been happier in a church!


    God Bless,


    Elise in NC

  7. I have never owned a boxer personally but we have one in our neighborhood. She is the absolute sweetest, goofiest dog. She gets along very well with the other dogs in the neighborhood. She seems quite smart. The only negative is that she runs around the neighborhood quite a bit. I think her owners have a hard time making sure she doesn't escape their yard. I'm not sure of that's a common trait or not. She definitely needs lots of exercise.


    Elise in NC

    • Like 1
  8. I highly recommend Dave Ramsey. Even if you don't agree with him on religion or politics I believe he has the best method for personal finance. His Financial Peace University classes not only teach money management but motivate and inspire students. You can go to a class or buy the class to use at home.


    Elise in NC

    • Like 2
  9. I felt like you do when my children were younger. They are now 19, 17, 15, and 13. About two years ago I suddenly noticed that life got much much easier. My oldest went off to college and the younger ones were busy with their own endeavors. I still go through seasons of exhaustion but it's not as often. Also because everything is not as physically demanding it's less draining for me. I also have time for myself. Now I can exercise, take classes at Church, and go shopping alone! Sometimes I actually feel guilty that it's so much easier.


    I know this statement is overused but enjoy them when they are small! They are gone before you know it!


    Elise in NC

  10. My dh thinks I am a good wife. I think I could improve. I am good at keeping the house, kids, and meals. I budget and pay bills. I support the amount of time he is away from home for work and work related travel. I don't nag. But I don't find my husband's job very interesting. He really enjoys his work and I think he would like to talk to me about it more but my eyes glaze over and I just space out.


    We have been married 20 years. We have a lot in common outside of dh's job. We both are very involved with our Catholic faith and we love to talk about it.


    With all that said about 10 years ago we were almost ready to throw in the towel. It took work, forgiveness, and acceptance to get to this point. I'm so glad we stuck it out!


    Elise in NC

    • Like 1
  11. Yes and no and maybe. How is that for an answer? I have lost my sister-in-law that was my best friend and more like my sister. She was murdered by her adopted child. That shook me to my very core and changed me. I had to find a reason to see good after something so incredibly heinous. So, it changed me in a way that I began to search for my blessings. I looked for joy where could find it. I'm not sure if it made me more compassionate or not. I didn't speak a lot about it to anyone. I just sort of carried the trauma around with me and quietly let it become part of my story.


    Then my 21 year old son was killed in a car accident. Oh God that pain those first few years was all consuming. And now, at times, it still is, but not like then all the time. This time around, I do find that I am much more compassionate to people. I read and talk to other mamas and I know how awful this feels every.single.day. for the rest of our lives. I have compassion for the kids I know that are so effected by sibling and parent loss. I can look at them and literally see that their soul has the mark of extreme loss. I am also so much more emotional than I ever was before. I wasn't a hugger at all. Now, I hug and I hold on tight. When I see my nieces and their families, I literally cry when we say hello or goodbye. I feel all the love I have for them and it always comes out as tears! Tears of joy to see them and tears of sadness that they are leaving.


    I lost our close family friend last year to brain cancer. She was 48 and raising her 9 year old grandson. I could not believe that once again, I was saying goodbye to somebody too young and so tragically. It pisses me off! I want to cuss at God and cancer and scream! Instead, I help her husband (my husband's best friend) with being a single dad. We have Sunday dinner each week. I call him and let him tell me how much this sucks and I just listen to him because I know how much this sucks. I can't fix it, but I can listen to him talk about how he should sell her car over and over again. I know he should sell it and I know exactly why he can't sell it. For same reason that the closet under my stairs has my son's clothes and shoes and broken phone and iPod and dear God a box of empty energy drink cans he saved at 16. I keep them because they are a part of him and they prove that he lived in some tangible way. So, I guess I am helping in some way. C


    So, yes, it has definitely made me stronger, caring, loving, compassionate. But there is also one other thing it has done to me. I am no longer interested in dealing with anybody's bs. I have zero time for fake people, fake lives, or anything that does not add to me or the people I love finding peace. I truly know life is too short to waste it dealing with any sort of garbage. So, in that way, I am less caring. If that makes any sense at all. At the end of all of this or should I say in the midst of all of this, I have this ginormous belief that there is a God or higher power or whatever you want to call it and someday, there will be peace and no more tears and that is what keeps me going.

    Thank you. Thank you for taking the time to share this. I'm going to print this out so I can refer to it again and again.


    Elise in NC

  12. Call for appointment. How old are you? Irregular cycles are part of it, but you say yours have been regular until now? Have you had regular physical exams in the past? There are many benign things that could cause bleeding, so no need to worry unnecessarily-- have it checked out.

    I'm 40. Things have been pretty regular but I haven't been tracking anything. I have been having regular exams.


    Thank you for your input!


    Elise in NC

  13. Hi!


    I believe I have been experiencing perimeopausal symptoms for the past year or so. My cycles have mostly been regular and nothing particularly unusual but ice been having trouble sleeping, maybe having hot flashes on occasion, etc.


    But today marks the 25th straight day of bleeding. The first 20 days or so didn't seem like a real period. It was bright red and came and went. I would stop bleeding for hours and after exercise or in the evening would start again. I had mild cramping as well. About 4 days ago the bleeding turned more into what I would consider a real period. Heavier bleeding but one evening the pain was worse and radiated down my left leg. Now I'm just mildly cramping.


    I have never had bleeding like this but it seems like this isn't unusual for someone in perimenopause. I don't know if I should see a doctor or just wait for a regular checkup to talk about it. My only real concern is if this bleeding is ever going to stop! Ugh!


    Elise in NC

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