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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. I'm sure you're considering this but it seems like you're saying your ds has a level of destructiveness and habits BEYOND what you'd consider normal boyishness.


    I don't think it's above and beyond. I feel that he is acting out a bit because he is jealous of the time I spend with his brother. I want him to feel that he's included in lesson time. I just haven't found anything that works yet. But there are good ideas in this thread.


    Oh my, you have my son! Lol. Mine does like to color (everything)! I just bought Speechercize (sp?) it's on the way so I hope this will help my trying to talk ds3 (4 in May).
    Speechersize? I need to check that out. Thanks.



    There are a lot of great ideas on this thread. Today I will try the "scooping the beans into little jars" idea, while I am reviewing all of these resources. I'm not feeling bad about limiting his screen time. The boys do get to watch a little tv everyday and I feel that's enough for their ages.


    Thank you!!


    If he has a speech delay, does that affect what he enjoys? Like maybe he doesn't really understand what he's hearing or enjoy it?


    That's exactly it. He's almost four but he's more like a young toddler in a big body. And he's very destructive.


    Wee sing could be a good possibility. I need to check that out. Also the Alphabet Art. Thanks!

  3. We started first with Miquon and liked it a lot. When my son wasn't ready to move up a level, we supplemented with Singapore. We really like it and will continue to use it in addition to Miquon. Miquon only goes to 3rd grade level so at some point we will use Singapore exclusively.


    I know other people have differing opinions but I'm not a big fan of lots of drill in math. We've only done the first year of Singapore but it seems not to have a lot of drill.

  4. My almost 4yo needs some kind of school work-ish activity to do when my 6yo is doing his work. He has a huge speech delay, doesn't like to be read to, and doesn't like coloring or drawing. But all the same, I can see that he feels left out when big brother is doing his lessons. Everything I've tried doesn't seem to work, i.e. coloring, cutting and pasting, those books where you scribble and a picture magically appears, lift the flap books, stickers, colorforms, et cetera.


    Is there some kind of curriculum I could use for him? I'm not really all that concerned with academics for him at this point, I just want him to feel more included and be less destructive off in the corner somewhere. I don't want any screen time, so computer stuff is out.


    Any ideas?

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