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Posts posted by RoughCollie

  1. Jean, he will be going back to the vet every time I think he needs to go.  I'm paying for it, so there is no reason for Sherman's owner to refuse.  I know a lot about collies and I can tell if he's in need of veterinary care.


    Besides, I have a sword hanging over the owner's head:  Me.  I remind her of this every time I talk to her, so nearly daily.  I can be a real PITA when I'm riled up, and I never let go.


    It will make my life a whole lot easier if that cat and her string of cat friends stay away from my dog.  Aidan has been going from window to window looking for her this morning.  He always does that.


    I really like my neighbor's cats when I am visiting them at his house.  The last time I was there, Shadow led a parade of 6 or 7 cats, and they all followed me home, right into what I like to think of as The Jaws of Death.  Maybe now the cats will believe me.

  2. See, anytime I've looked, block is always cheaper per pound, and the bagged is full of preservatives/mold inhibitors.


    My bags of shredded cheese have only got cornstarch and potato starch to prevent caking.  I wonder why they used two different kinds of starch when one would do.

  3. I'm sure this is a popular opinion:  I really like this thread.  I'm wracking my brain for some more unpopular opinions.  Let's see:


    *  I let my dog open packages from Amazon and Best Bully Sticks.  He thinks it is his job.


    *  I buy shredded cheeses for the kids' convenience. 


    *  I stopped buying skim milk.  I buy 1% or 2%, and a pint of heavy cream to turn it into whole milk for cooking and baking.


    *  TP over because under is just wrong.


    *  When I'm in a car and someone else is driving, I ask them to slow way down so I can inspect roadkill.  I don't get out of the car because no one will actually stop.  I like to identify the animal.  They are always dead.  Also, it is interesting to see what their insides look like, and if they are near my house, to watch the birds take care of them (hawks and vultures) and to monitor their decomposition.  Usually they disappear completely, bones and all, in a few days.


    This is not as strange as it sounds.  I once had a cardiologist who collected roadkill skulls, boiled them clean, and reassembled and mounted them.  She had a large collection of a variety of animals. She told me about it because she thought it would gross me out!  Ha!


    * I always return shopping carts to their corral or to the store if no corral is present. Except at Aldi's -- I hand the cart over to another shopper who is on her way inside.


    * I used disposable diapers and pull-ups with my kids.  I had 3 or 4 kids in diapers at the same time.  I may have made a different choice if I'd had only one kid to contend with.


    * I love York Peppermint Patties.


    * Sweet potatoes cut up and roasted nice and brown only -- no sweet stuff on them.


    * I drink instant coffee (Taster's Choice) at home, probably because I'm too lazy to drag out the coffee maker and mess with it.  I do keep coffee beans in the freezer for guests.


    *  I drink coffee only out of a Whirley Industries plastic travel mug.  They were discontinued long ago, so I have to buy new ones from eBay.  DS1 is the same way.  I don't know why we love those mugs so much.  I have normal coffee mugs for guests and hot cocoa.


    * My kids are in charge of Christmas this year and for as long as they live in my house because I am tired of doing everything by myself.  They will also be in charge of Thanksgiving next year.


    * I drink hot tea only when I'm sick or when I have gingersnaps to go with it.  Hot tea belongs in china cups, IMO.  It is a wimpy drink for when I want to experience being ladylike.


    * My kids and I do not wear shoes in the house because we don't want to.   DH always wears shoes.  Guests usually take off their shoes because they want to.  The dog tracks in so much mud and leaves that it is not worth the effort to enforce a rule about that.  I really want a house that has a mudroom.







  4. I was afraid my friend's dog, Sherman, was going to die from neglect.  We took him to the vet a few weeks ago and he had staph and yeast infections all over his skin, a bladder infection, a kidney infection, and a very bad ear infection.


    Two weeks later (last week) we took him again and he is improving.  He is still not finished with his course of two antibiotics (testing done first to make sure he was on the right ones) and Prednisone.


    He obviously feels better.  He still has the yeast infection on his skin.  At least he is not scratching and pulling out his hair.  He goes back to the vet on the 13th for another urinalysis and for a check-up.  He is also eating again, probably partially due to being on the Pred.  His hair hasn't had time to grow back.  Collies have very full double coats, and this one has a thin single coat, with hardly any hair on legs at all.


    I will continue to closely monitor the situation, and to take the dog to the vet often until the yeast infection is gone.  My friend really likes my vet and is under no illusions about what I will do if she doesn't take care of this dog as the vet has instructed her to do. 



    DS3 put the dog in his fenced area late yesterday afternoon while it was still light out.  He didn't see the cat curled up on the porch chair.  When he brought Aidan back in, Aidan saw the cat and lunged toward it, pulling the leash from DS3's hand. 


    Aidan jumped onto the chair with the cat and the cat jumped off and over the porch wall.  DS3 got there in a second and grabbed the dog again.


    DS3 was very upset about the cat having possibly gotten hurt.  I inspected the dog's hairy mouth (he has a mustache and a long beard) and saw no signs of cat on his hair or in his mouth.  I inspected the chair, the porch, and the snow, and there were no signs of blood.  I reassured DS3 that this cat leaps over the porch wall all the time, and tht she landed on her feet and went home.  Luckily, the dog did not grab and shake the cat, or she would have died instantly.  He took her by surprise, and I'm glad she has great reflexes.


    We haven't seen the cat since.  She is a very smart cat, so I think she will not be visiting Aidan in the future.  I will call my neighbor and inquire about the cat this morning.  Twice a day, he blows a whistle and all 10 of his cats come running and line up in front of him to be fed.  After they eat, he plays with them, and they all follow him around while he does work in the barn and outside. 


    I'm glad this happened, and that Aidan didn't run after the cat, because the cat problem may be solved.  I'm 99.9% sure that the cat is fine.  DS3 has never experienced Aidan's superior strength (as judged by others in the know), and I'm glad he is aware of it now.  Aidan looks like a cute, furry stuffed toy and his looks are deceiving.  The vet said he is heavier than he should be for his breed by 10 lbs. because of his muscles.  I might have to get him a Superdog cape for Christmas.


  5. I detest creamy salads--like fruit stuff with marshmallows and goop, or macaroni salad with a mayonnaisey dressing. gag.


    I would not have had a clue what you are talking about if I had not seen a salad like that at the banquet I went to last week.


    It was bright pink and had tapioca, pineapple, and maraschino cherries in it.  Probably more stuff was hidden in the glop.  I was forced by my naturally polite nature to take a bowl of it by the friend who made it.  I did not eat it - someone else threw it away for me in a place that our friend would not find.

  6. Additional Accomplishments.


    Meds in boxes for next week -- cannot find Monday, but I know I saw it somewhere

    Set table/eat KFC and indulge in table talk about nutrition (isn't that ironic?  Call me a Hipster!)

    Clean kitchen

    Load and run dishwasher

    Check for blood spots on the snow

    Watch a documentary on youtube about Bewitched

    Watch a video about tv ads from the 60s and 70s on youtube

    Read a couple of chapters of Sue Ann Jaffarian's latest Odelia Grey mystery

    Watch Aidan efficiently and effectively open an Amazon box with 2 space heaters in it

    Talk to DS3 about Ty Cobb and read a couple of chapters of his autobiography

    Throw away donut box after Aidan gets it a second time

    Clean up bagel wrapper -- Aidan must have eaten the last 2 bagels

  7. DD and I like clear lights.  The males like multi-colored.  I bought an artificial prelit tree last year that had multicolored lights, to DD's disgust.


    We use a wide variety of ornaments.   The tree looks like a family tree, not a gorgeous themed tree. 


    I love tinsel on a tree.  Knowing our dog, he would eat the tinsel and require thousands of dollars worth of surgery afterward.  So I  no longer use it.

  8. Does he know how to wipe his paws?   :lol:


    Aidan wears boots.  He doesn't act like a maniac in them; he is very gentlemanly.  He also likes his waterproof, insulated winter coat, and his thick wool Chilly Dog sweater.  He refuses to wear hats, though.  So his head gets wet and I don't feel sorry for him.


    Our mud problems stem from me not wanting to put 4 boots on a dog before I let him go outside.  IOW, my laziness (plus his fascination with that darned cat, which causes him to leap around in mud and it splatters all over him!).


    Your cat might not enjoy being Aidan's best friend.

  9. That is a lot of negatives.  But it breeds a culture that embraces the weather and a hearty make-do attitude.  I personally love it.  :001_smile:


    Sounds like where I live.  BUT the winters aren't as long as they could be; usually they are 5 months long.  I'm used to worse.  The people here are amazingly self-sufficient.  They know how to do everything I haven't learned yet.

  10. Quicken/home & business accounting/bank -- 4 hrs.

    Clean kitchen

    Pick up donuts all over the house that fell out of box as dog was running away with it

    Talk to friend #1 about power outage

    Talk to friend #2 about everything and anything

    Talk to friend #3 about babysitting Woofy Monday afternoon at his house

    Talk to friend #4 about anything and everything

    Consider making it a condition of friendship that friends will not call me!

    Call DH and tell him dinner chef fell into Quicken, never to be heard from again. He's bringing take-out home.

    Consider how power being out for 3 hrs means no housework can be done (this is false, but I couldn't think up any chores that didn't require water and electricity -- well pump is electric -- until power came back on)


    If I accomplish anything else, I'll list it here.


  11. Don't hate me.  I think that is so cute!  


    You just like the chocolate!  That thing would last, what, 5 minutes, in your custody!


    If I made one, I'd check myself into the looney bin.  If someone gave one to me (don't get any ideas, Slick), I would plan the most wonderful practical joke I could think up to play on them.  And I'm the Practical Joke Queen.

  12. That's my curiosity also.

    It just seems so disrespectful to me for people o go tromping around someone's home in messy boots, scuffy dress shoes, squeaky sneakers, mud sand salt snow YUCK! My OCD is freaking out right now thinking about cleaning that.


    You forgot to mention manure.


  13. I am assuming this is an island where it is warm all the time.  Otherwise, I'm not going there.


    Romaine lettuce, tomato, cheese, bell peppers, yellow zucchini, onions, and chicken in pita bread. 


    This sandwich had better magically appear, because if I have to grow the veg and kill the chickens, I'll starve.

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