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Posts posted by RoughCollie

  1. My sister and I were busy at Christmas.  We saved up our allowance all year so we could buy presents for our parents and our dog.  We made Christmas stockings for all three, and filled them.  The dog's stocking was distinctive because we sewed jingle bells on it ... we didn't want anyone to get her stocking by mistake.


    My mom put my sister and I in charge of all baking when I was 10.  Mom doesn't like to bake.  We would set up the kitchen and dining room like an assembly line with at least a dozen kinds of cookies.  We looked forward to the special foods of Christmas:  Stollen and Lebkuchen.


    The tree went up on Christmas Eve, because my mom is German.  We celebrated St. Nicholas Day, and the four Sundays of Advent.  Santa's arrival was much anticipated, of course.  When we lived in Ramstein, everyone had huge picture windows they would paint with pretty elaborate Christmas scenes.


    Every year, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was shown on TV.  We really looked forward to that!


    We had fun at school, too.  Each classroom had a Christmas tree, and we did Christmas-themed activities, read Christmas books, listened to and sang Christmas songs, and had a huge Christmas party.  There was always a Christmas play and concert.  Then we got 2 weeks off from school.  My Dad was in the Air Force, and it was the same wherever we were stationed.


    My two favorite Christmases were the year I got Chatty Cathy, with a large wardrobe my mom sewed for her, and the year I got a Kodak Instamatic camera so I could take pictures of our dog.  My DD's middle name is Catherine, in memory of Chatty Cathy.

    We usually got dolls, games, a few books, and other small things I don't recall.  I remember every doll, though.


    Our wants were few, which was a good thing since the budget was tight.  I had kids of my own before I realized how many great toys were available when I was a kid that I didn't know about.  The only thing I didn't get that I wanted was a huge $25 stuffed St. Bernard.  In today's dollars, that toy would cost $125, and I knew at the time that it was way too expensive.  I really wanted a real St. Bernard, so this was a disappointment, not a huge deal.



  2. Today is the dog club's Christmas banquet.  I am only helping because one of the caterers let my guys watch the ALCS and WS at her house.  This is my third and last year of doing this, because I do not enjoy it.  The 2 dog club members who cater it bicker about it all year because each thinks the other wants all the glory and they don't agree about anything.  Bickering is their hobby, which I am convinced is the reason they don't hire a real caterer to handle this banquet.


    My day:


    Clean kitchen

    Feed Aidan and put him outside for 15 minutes

    Change write-on wall calendar to December

    Laundry 1

    Laundry 2

    Laundry 3

    Take kids to school @ 11:45

    Make a few phone calls re banquet

    Call friend who just returned from VT

    Call neighbor about fence and lunch on Friday

    Lunch @ 12.45

    Tidy dining room

    Tidy living room

    Tidy bathroom

    Clean dog's fenced area

    Tidy master bedroom

    Apply makeup, change clothes

    Put addresses in GPS for DS1

    Put DS3 in charge of Aidan

    Leave msg on office answering machine about what is going on (DH doesn't text)

    From 2:30-10:30, help with banquet

    Take meds/talk to family/pay attention to Aidan/remove makeup/go to bed

    Wake up happy in the morning because the banquet is over and I'll never do it again! Ignore all phone calls from bickering, catering club members.

  3. Aidan took forever to housebreak, even though I carefully followed my unbeatable housebreaking routine.  First thing he did was go to the bathroom with the boys and join them in their endeavors there.  A lovely  male bonding ritual, that I stopped by keeping the bathroom door closed.  Aidan then decided to pee every morning right in front of the bathroom door.  It was months later when he suddenly stopped doing that, out of the blue and after I'd spent a small fortune on Nature's Miracle cleaner.


    My collie, OTOH, was housebroken in 24 hours.  He mastered hitting the sleigh bells on the back door after I showed him what to do a couple of times.  He was a piece of cake to train because he learned so quickly.  I thought he was the norm, and boy was I surprised when we got Aidan.


    Which breed is Otis?

  4. Woofy went home, so I have to resurrect my routine.


    Clean kitchen, sweep, mop

    Toss Thankgiving leftovers and wash containers

    See if I can climb onto counter to clean kitchen window and do it

    Menu plan and grocery list

    Tidy and vacuum dining room

    Tidy, vacuum, mop living room

    Tidy bathroom


    Laundry loads  1  2  3  4

    Fold and put away 5 loads laundry from before

    Tidy master bedroom

    Weekly pellet stove clean out

    Figure out what to make for dinner and cook it

    Serve/eat/clean up after dinner

    Call Friend #1 re broken gate on dog's pen, killing a deer for me, and going to lunch on Weds

    Call Friend #2 to offer to help today with prep for dog club banquet

    Find out what time friend's collie goes back to vet on Thursday

    Call Friend #3

    Comb Aidan, Frontline, Heartgard (snow, freezing weather, and I found a small tick on him last week)

    Call vet to see if she can test Aidan's tick for Lyme disease

    Remind DS2 to call orthopedist for appt

    Remind DS2 to call insurance re approval and repayment for meds

    Remind DS3 to fill out forms for Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

    Find gift tags and wrap presents

    Order World Series jacket for DS3

    Order from Best Bully Sticks (Woofy got into my stash)

    Bank statement/Quicken

    Pay bills

    Finish drafting new lease and decide on lease term length

    Aidan:  walk, walk, train, train, train, play, clean pen

    Figure out why ink cartridge made for printer won't stay in slot

    Order Christmas gifts for niece

    Order Birthday gifts for niece




  5. I vividly remember housebreaking Aidan, Mariann.  That, and his nipping, put me off puppies forever.  This one became fully housebroken a week before he came to stay here, and I made sure he stayed that way by taking him out frequently. 


    On Saturday, I woke up with a memory of a black cocker spaniel puppy who lived in our neighborhood when I was 10.  The owners kept him in a garage and let him out to roam the neighborhood several times a day.  My mom was aghast.  Dogs live in the house, and they do not roam because they could get hit by a car.  The owners were warehousing the dog, so my mom offered to buy him.  They would not sell him.  After we got our own puppy, the owners took theirs to the pound.  My mother didn't find out about that until it was too late, and she doesn't know what happened to him.


    The neighbor's puppy came to our house all the time and we played with him.  We were all in love with him.  I called my mom yesterday to ask about this memory, and she said it was accurate.  That pup's name was Lucky. 


    Finally, an explanation for why I love Woofy's name, but keep calling him Lucky.  I haven't thought of the real Lucky in decades.  No wonder I adore Woofy -- he is housebroken, doesn't nip, and he reminds me of that puppy I loved when I was a kid.


    It also explains the deja vu I experienced in my dog training class when two little kids (ages 6 and 8) who were there played with Woofy.  My brother and sister were 4 and 8 when Lucky came over to play with us.

  6. What are your favorite toppings on pizza?  Onions, pineapple, bell peppers, Italian sausage


    Do you have burn bans in your area?  No! Around here, if people need to get rid of something, they burn it.  Mattresses included.  I'm weird because I call the trash company and pay them to pick up objects my neighbors think I should burn.  Quite a switch from Mass, where we couldn't burn anything and never gave it a thought because not polluting the air is a good thing!!!


    And today's totally random question:  Have you ever had fish as pets?  Yes, when the boys were 3.  Never again.  I don't like to eat fish, and I don't like to keep them as pets.



  7. Read (all)

    Study and do homework (all)

    Discuss religion, philosophy, and politics with one another (boys)

    Talk to me (all)

    Write for fun (DS1, DS2, DS3)

    Research topics of interest in books and online (boys)

    Draw (DD)

    Have friends over (all) - everyone talks, DD and her friends play board games

    Sleep - it's an art form

    Eat and drink, over and over and over again!


    Participate in online forums in which they discuss religion, philosophy, politics (DS2, DS3)

    Participate in online forums about baseball (DS3)

    Watch tv shows and movies online (all)

    Watch youtube videos about makeup and hair (DD)

    Play Runescape w/boyfriend and his sister (DD)

    Play video games online (DS1, DS2 - don't know which ones)

    Read and listen to sermons online (DS2)

    Watch the Red Sox during baseball season (DS3)

    Learn another language (DS1)

    Talk to friends on Skype (DS1, DD)

    Talk to friends on FB (DD)

    Text friends (DD)

    Talk to boyfriend on the phone (DD)

    Play with Aidan (all)

    Bake or cook (DD, DS1)


    I don't know how long they do each thing because they are all over 18, so I don't time them.  I do know that they seem to never stop talking. 




  8. The 6 mos. old English Cocker Spaniel puppy, Woofy, goes home today.


    It is a good thing that Aidan doesn't like him (thinks of him as prey).  If Aidan had gotten along with him, my entire family would be begging Woofy's owner to keep him, including me.


    Sure, he's a puppy, and they require a lot of attention and training, but this puppy has been an absolute gem.   His tail never stops wagging.  He is always cheerful and super friendly.  He never bites or nips.  He is the most food-motivated dog I've ever seen, so he is always up for a training session!  He's too small to be a counter cruiser, although he never stops trying.  He is one little bundle of cuteness overload.  When he grows up, he will weigh at most 35 lbs., so he will always be easily portable. 


    It's a good thing that DD took care of him while he was here.  I focused on Aidan because he's my dog and I'm his person.  Otherwise, I'd be very unhappy right now.  Instead, I'm looking forward to having Aidan here by himself, so things can get back to normal for him.


    If I were looking for a puppy and had an active family of kids, this is a breed I'd check out for sure.  Woofy would be great at agility, dog dancing, and bird hunting.


    My only problem has been that I love his name, but for some reason, I always start to call him Lucky instead.  Don't know why, but it drives me nuts.







  9. My 4-hour nap cut into yesterday's to-do list. 



    Take care of Aidan

    Take care of Woofy

    Clean dog pen twice

    Load & run dishwasher

    Clean kitchen after breakfast

    Tidy bathroom

    Tidy living room and dining room


    Order World Series jacket for DS3 for Christmas

    Put new ink in printer

    Make 4 copies of getting ready for Christmas list for the kids as a guide or suggestion

    Feed Woofy lunch

    Cut pine boughs for friend


    11:30 - 3:30

    Meet friend in town to load 10' sections of dog kennel into truck (with  DS3)

    Deliver pine boughs

    Lunch with friends

    Grocery store for milk



    Take care of Aidan

    Take care of Woofy

    Clean dog pen

    Call AAA - car just serviced; won't start

    Call mom

    Call friend re Christmas banquet for dog club

    Draft new lease

    Tidy my bedroom

    Make dinner

    Serve/eat/clean kitchen after dinner



    Dog care


    Family time


    10:00 - go to bed





  10. Take care of Aidan

    Take care of Woofy (DD does most of the actual care -- I feed, train, brush, walk, and take him outside)

    Tidy dog fenced area every time a dog goes out

    Take a look at pine trees to see if any are accessible for getting greenery for a friend

    Bank/Quicken/pay bills

    Order World Series jacket for DS3 for Christmas

    Draft new lease

    Put new ink in printer

    Clean kitchen

    Put away Thanksgiving stuff

    Clean off card table - repository of everything that has no place

    Tidy living room

    Clean bathroom thoroughly


    Tidy master bedroom - change sheets with today or tomorrow

    Help DS3 clean his room - mostly he has to store stuff in the basement

    Finally remove 4 window air conditioners and store in basement (with DS1)

    Reheat dinner

    Serve/eat/clean kitchen after dinner

    Make 4 copies of getting ready for Christmas list for the kids - a suggestion or guide, not an order

    Meet with kids about how they are in charge of Christmas this year

    Laundry - 1 2 3 loads

    Get DS3 to add pellets to stove

    Hope to get started cleaning the basement with Aidan (in case of mice)

    Clean leather sofa

    4 hour nap




  11. My kids have been in charge of decorating the tree since they could stand.  Last year, I bought a pre-lit tree.  It stayed in its box until practically the last minute because DS1 kept putting off helping me put it together. 


    My kids have been helping me make cookies, make decorations, and decorate the house since they could stand.  When the boys became teenagers, they quit doing anything except take, unless I forced them to. 


    My DD helps, but even she had a few years of bad attitude. 


    It became tedious and unjoyful to have the entire family show up after everything was done.  I already deal with that with DH.  I don't like doing everything by myself.


    If the kids actually do something, then before I jump back into the fray, they will have to continue participating.  Otherwise, I'm not jumping back in.


    What's really great about it is that I have the freedom to do this without feeling guilty.  If my kids ruin their own Christmas, well, it's all on them!


    I am going to make sure that DD does no more than 25% of the work.  The boys and DH are more than willing for DD to be a mini-me.

  12. Next year, I am putting my kids in charge of Thanksgiving.  Just to be on the safe side, if they don't make a feast, I am going to make reservations for DH and me.


    This, along with being in charge of Christmas this year, will teach my sons what it is like to be in charge of preparing a holiday for a family.    If they don't do something, nothing will happen.  If they do nothing, they get another opportunity the following year.  I hope they rise to the occasion, so to speak.


    Whatever happens, I am going to make sure that DD does not do all the work; just 25% of it.  I don't see it as work when others in the family participate.  Maybe they won't either.

  13. I am putting my kids in charge of Christmas tomorrow.  I will give them an outline of what I do, and they can choose to do whatever they like (or add new things) to celebrate our family Christmas season.  I am going to suggest they divide the labor to avoid arguments.


    I am not going to get involved at all, except to give advice when asked. I will not settle arguments or listen to disputes.  I think they are old enough not to come running to me every time a problem pops up.


    This ought to be interesting.  Since the kids have been teens, they don't do much at all, but they like the results.  The sole reason I am doing this is that I am tired of doing everything by myself.  It has become Work.  They, at least, will have one another to help.  They already know how to do everything, because they happily participated in the preparation for and celebration of Christmas ever since they could walk.


    I am looking forward to seeing what happens. I am will accept any result, including nothing done at all.  All I know is that I'm not going to do anything myself except buy and make the gifts DH and I are giving. 





  14. Dinner over.  I am tired and my back hurts.  I put the food away and clean up will have to wait.  So will the turkey broth.  We will eat dessert in an hour or so.


    Aidan care:  feed, feed, walk, walk, play, fenced area 3/4x, tidy pen 1/2x

    Woofy care:  feed, feed, feed, walk, walk, train, train, train, play, fenced area 6/8 times, tidy pen 4/6x


    Make 2 pumpkin pies, with sugar

    Make 2 pecan pies

    Make several kinds of dressing and stuffing

    Cook stuffed turkey

    Clean kitchen

    Make green bean casserole

    Make mashed potatoes

    Watch last 1/2 hour of National Dog Show

    Make caramel frosting and frost cake - DD to do

    Clean kitchen

    Laundry - loads 1  2  3

    Tidy living room and dining room

    Clean bathroom

    Add leaf to table, tablecloth, set table

    Make gravy

    Serve/eat/put away food/clean up after dinner

    Try to talk myself into throwing away turkey carcass - it worked!

    Clean kitchen

    Get kids to take out bone-filled trash


  15. I like Corelle.  Mine are white.  If you choose a pattern, get extra open stock of whatever you use most, because patterns are discontinued from time to time.  That happened to me, which is why I buy white dishes now. http://www.shopworldkitchen.com/corelle/


    I use Fiestaware rimmed soup bowls.  I really love them, but they fall over in my dishwasher, so I wash them by hand. They are worth any amount of trouble! Their one quart bowl comes in handy for everything -- my sister got me large one (40 oz.) with a dog bone pattern around the rim, but I don't use it for the dog.    http://www.fiestafactorydirect.com/



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