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Posts posted by RoughCollie

  1. I've been using Websleuths on vBulletin for years. It takes a bit of getting used to this format, but after you've been at it for awhile, it will come naturally and you may even like it better.


    I like the editing feature, so I can correct all my spelling mistakes. I also like being able to customize features at the User Control Panel (CP) -- see the top of the page on the far left. For instance, I have my account fixed so the latest messages from each thread are on top, so I don't have to scroll through anything I've already read.


    As for a sense of community, that will come when everyone has been on here awhile and gotten used to the change. I know there is a strong sense of community of Websleuths ... and that having the PM feature (private messaging) helps that along quite a bit.


    I have a cell phone, but I use it to make phone calls, and I don't know how to do text messaging either. Frankly, I don't need that feature, so my kids are the only ones who are appalled by that!


    Just give it a little time, and you will get used to this. In the meanwhile, you can play around with the features to figure out how to use them and what they do -- don't worry, you won't break anything!


    Take care,

    RC (formerly SoSo)

  2. Two of my triplets had surgery at 12 months old. It went just fine. I stayed with each baby until they went to sleep in the operating room.


    Afterwards, DS1 was sitting up and waving and crowing to people he passed on the way from the recovery room to his room. They wanted him to rest quietly, but he wanted to socialize. He was bouncing around so much that the nurses wanted to *tie* him to his crib -- but I put a quick stop to that -- it horrified me.


    In contrast, DS2 was in a lot of pain. I immediately made big waves and the doctors increased his morphine dosage. After 24 hours passed, he was fine, and he was pain-free for the vast, vast majority of that time.


    The boys were operated on at a children's hospital whose employees were very cognizant of the mother-child bond. I was with my babies the entire time, except for during the actual surgery.

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