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Everything posted by Jzsnow

  1. I live in clutter. Honest. But, even when I 'de-clutter' it's still cluttered!! I can't decorate to save my life!! Can you please help me?!? Send or post pics of your decorated homes? I need living room help, and master bedroom help. I live in a mobile home, so it is very hard, space wise, to decorate. Please help me!! Jessica
  2. That is sad!! I did a 1 day auction for 99.00 on ebay, and also listed it on craigslist. I hate to part with it, but we are in need of the money. I'll buy another one when I need it again and we have more money flowing. Thanks for your input! Jessica
  3. I am selling my original co-sleeper and can't figure out a price. It sells new for about $225, and the extended pieces for $25. I only used it for storage of baby clothes, so it is in excellent condition! I am putting it up on ebay, and on craigslist, but can't set a price. Is $150 acceptable you think? Jessica
  4. I am a child of divorced parents. After the age of 12 (in texas, atleast) the child can make the choice which parent to live with. It is likely that her DS has chosen to stay with dad to avoid moving. When I was 16, my dad re-married and moved to Oklahoma city, from Lubbock, tx. I was so mad! SO ANGRY! Out of rebellion, I chose to move with my mom (who was in alabama). I didn't want to move, but since I HAD to, I made my dad miserable too. It doesn't sound like this is the case with the DS, but I understand his desire to stay where he is. It was horrible to move at that age. I had a boyfriend, I was a cheerleader, on the dance squad, very involved in church, and a ton of friends. I swore I would NEVER make my children move at that age, unless dire circumstances prompted it. Looking back, my dad regrets his decision. However, it was my decision to make, because i was old enough to choose which parent I wanted to live with. My dad could have fought it, but he knew he would have lost in court. Hugs to you! I know this is hard for you. However, you must do what is best for your ENTIRE family, not just once DC. Jessica
  5. How about piano, guitar, or drum lessons? We are starting our children in piano at 7. Rollerblaids?
  6. I graduate in May with a masters degree in Education administration and management. I am planning (and have already started some) to homeschool my children. Isaac is my oldest and he is 4. I have been thinking of what to do with my degree and would LOVE to give lectures, or teach classes, for homeschoolers. But, i'm not sure what homeschool parents would be interested in. So, what you want offered as a lecture? Which classes would you like to have available? I am getting certified to teach HWOT, so I am starting with that, but would love to be able to help families! Jessica
  7. I suck at homemaking. Honest. I was raised by a single dad, and he was gone all the time to work. My mom didn't enter my life till I was 16...well not really anyways. I saw her 2x a year, then moved with her at the age of 16. My mother was always annoyed that we were born. She will flat out tell you that I, and my 12 year old sister, were mistakes and are an annoyance to her. So, I grew up not knowing how to do anything! NOTHING. I couldn't even clean house. I am learning. I have been married 5 years, and have 3 children. I find myself falling into my mothers way of life, and ignoring my children during the day. My children have been known to watch 8 hours worth of movies and then quickly turn it off when dad comes home. What did I do in that time you ask? I sat my frumpy butt on the comfy chair and watched TV and posted and read online. I just had no motivation to do anything with them. All I knew how to do was sit. Not that I have an excuse, because I knew better...but I didn't know how to change. I am still in the learning and changing stage, as I'm afraid I will always be, but i've come a long way. I have a hot meal that is healthy on the table every night. Here are some tips that I have found useful: 1. Allrecipes.com have fabulous recipes! AND, they have great reviews so I can know people liked them. 2. Flylady.com. Her e-mails annoyed me, but they worked. Also, I checked out her book from the library. It was fantastic. So much so that I bought it! 3. I have to take time for myself. Not in a negative way, but in a recharging way. I need time alone to read, think, and exercise. I am my best when I am refreshed. I try to workout 5 days a week. 4. I cut out all sugary crap from our diets. Also, we cut out a lot of junk food. Now that I am eating whole foods, i don't feel lethargic anymore. 5. I am trying this this coming week. I am going to shut my computer off during the day. If I don't have it on, I won't be on it. This will be hard for me. 6. I plan activites to do almost daily. Monday is a no activity day, but we clean and plan meals, and start our week off. Tuesday we go to the library, zoo, or science center. Wednesday we usually don't do much, but have my inlaws over during the day and then prayer group that night. Thursdays we have playdates. Fridays we eat lunch then go to the park or chicj-fil-a to play. It helps to get out and do things with the kids. And, none of that cost money. I really hope i've helped a little. I am in this journey too. However, I want my children to grow up with fond memories and I want my daughters to grow up knowing how to be a mother! We are in this together, PM me if you want to talk more or be accountable! Jessica
  8. It IS cheaper for me. I did canned apple butter and whole wheat bread for gifts this year. The apple butter cost me about $6 for 3 jars. So, $2 a jar. The whole bread cost me about $.50 a loaf. So, that is $2.50 a present. I give to 14 people, and I make extra gift sets for last minute things. MUCH cheaper.
  9. I love the VP stuff...well, the catalog anyways! My son is 4, almost 5, so I am starting to seriously look at K curriculum for next school year. I would like to use only the VP, cause piecing curriculum together would leave gaps, i'm afraid. (for me...i'm not good at that!) So, any pros or cons to VP? Any pros or cons to only using 1 curricula? Jessica
  10. They are too rigid for me, but i love them! Anyone have the book they wrote? jessica
  11. I am really wanting to order it, but wanted some feedback on it. Have you read it? Jessica
  12. I bought ours used off of craigslist. I think i paid $15. Try craigslist and freecycle. Jessica
  13. stupid question of the day: Can you can jello?
  14. thank you! Since I am making everyone else gift baskets with my goodies, I'd like hers to be in the form of a gift basket, too. I like the SF syrup ideas and some homemade broths! I can make a lot of broth and can it...my recent obsession! How about an immersion blender...could that be put to use? Great ideas!! Keep them coming! Jessica
  15. My MIL is having lap band surgery the monday after Christmas. She will be on liquids (I think) a week before christmas. I am making apple butter, amish bread, puppy chow, chex mix, and hot pepper jelly as our gifts. Obviously I don't want to give MIL all that....any idea of what I can get her? I want it to be something she can use for after the surgery....but not knowing much about lap band, i'm not sure what will be useful and needed. Thanks!! Jessica
  16. I made apple butter, Amish bread, chex mix, and puppy chow for my gifts. My children, (4, 2 and 4 months) made advent calendars...we do christmas at thanksgiving with my family. You can do a google search for them. Your children can make a memory game with just some construction paper that you laminate and some stickers. Jessica
  17. i live in Birmingham, al. I need to get a digital thermostat instead of the one we have. I love to be cold. We keep our house 68 in the summer, too. I might call a repair man today, just to check it out. I'm just so used to gas!
  18. Okay...it's 35 outside right now. Home is used. This is a brand new unit, replaced just 3 months ago. I am freezing, though!! I miss my gas heat :confused:
  19. We just moved into our new house on tuesday. It has a heat pump and i have only ever had gas heat. I can't figure this thing out to save my life! I turn it to auto and have it cut off around 68. Now, it doesn't cut off! Sometimes it will blow warm air, while other times it blows cold air. Occasionally the aux heat will come, whatever that means, and it stays blowing warm. But then it goes back to cold air, then warm. Is this normal? I mean, it is chilly here...about 40 at night...but shouldn't my heat be cutting off at some point? How will thing ever save me money? My gas heat always shut up and then came back on when needed. So confused:confused: Jessica
  20. We hope to move WITH a job. It isn't that DH isn't trying to get a better job...he applies for TONS of jobs each week. He just has only had 2 jobs his whole life (we are only 26), and his experience isn't in what his degree is in. He also works m-f 8-6, which makes it really hard to job search. He does send resumes out, apply online to places and do phone interviews. Birmingham is LCOL, but rent there is still about $800 a month... Since his family lives there, we know the area well. He grew up there. Thank you all so much for helping me think this out!!
  21. Jen, the mobile home is on family land that we will use. No cost there. I've lived in a mobile home for the past 1.5 years, and in another one for 2 years about 3 years ago. Insurance is about 100 a month, but right now I am paying 187 a month cause I live in hurricane alley. Taxes are very low. I don't remember what we paid, but it wasn't much at all!
  22. I understand about the e-fund. Honest. However, here is my thinking....if we buy the mobile home, he can get a very small paying job, if he has to, since we have no rent. Living with family is not an option on their part. We would be okay with it...but they are very much against kids coming back home. If we sell, we are moving one of the 2 places i mentioned before.
  23. well, I do agree that if you can't afford a home then you shouldn't buy one. However, in my situation, it would cost me far more in rent then it would be to buy this mobile home, even if I have to give it away when we are done with it! I have my 1k in savings, too. jessica
  24. Thank you. I am not doing this to make money. We like the idea of not having a rent payment. Also, it would be great to pay off our student loans while not having rent to pay, kwim?
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