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Bonnie in VA

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Everything posted by Bonnie in VA

  1. We (I mean, my dh) got a red Case tractor about 1 1/2 years ago -- now our older three kids can identify tractors by the color, and my youngest ds' first word was "tractor." Our kids love "helping" Daddy drive the tractor. Have fun!
  2. I would copy the pages from the activity guide you've already ordered rather than order additional copies of the activity guide. This is allowed as long as you are making the copies for your own family. It is a lot of photocopying, but still less expensive than ordering more activity guides. I hope you enjoy SOTW! We're finishing book three, and all of my kids (and I) are thoroughly enjoying the series.
  3. . . . about five miles away from the tornado damage. We had rain and some wind, but nothing out of the ordinary. It is hard to comprehend how much damage the tornadoes did, yet how localized the devastation is.
  4. I so enjoyed reading the posts about it -- it brought back great memories from my childhood (in Baltimore County :001_smile:). I think my husband's family thought I was crazy, but they went along with it. I/they live in Tidewater Virginia -- I guess it isn't a common tradition here.
  5. I would never laugh at a Badminton team -- my younger sister was on Dulaney's team (she graduated in 1991). Dulaney was a nice school; I had some great teachers while I was there.
  6. I was just there last weekend visiting my parents. They live within walking distance of Loch Raven. I'm happy to report that they still close the road to traffic on the weekends! I went to high school at Dulaney.
  7. I have many fond memories of going to the dam (waterfall) to feed bread crumbs to the ducks as a child.
  8. We used to duel eggs. Both of my grandparents were of German heritage. Yes, I know where Carney is. I grew up in Phoenix, near Loch Raven Reservoir. Do you know where that is? Bonnie
  9. I appreciate all of the information. Now to start shopping! Luckily the washer didn't break until I could see the bottom of Laundry Mountain.
  10. My 13-year-old washing machine has broken. I'd like a large capacity front-loading machine. What brands should I consider? Any I should definitely avoid? Thanks, Bonnie
  11. It is a big wedding, and no I don't think money is an issue for them (it's probably more of an issue for us, to be honest). Based on all of the responses, I think we will graciously accept their offer. Thanks everyone! Bonnie
  12. DD7 has been invited to be a flower girl (the original flower girl has become unavailable). The bride's family says they would like to pay for her dress; it will be a special order item with fittings and perhaps alterations.) Should we offer to pay for all or part of the dress? the alterations, if needed? What is the right / polite thing to do? Bonnie
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