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  1. Dear all, what is your opinion regarding to early entrance to College for a gifted child ? Can a gifted child handle it emotionaly being the youngest child studing with 18 year old students ? His Academics will be at the same level but how about the social part ? What are your plans ?

  2. Thanks all, for your help. I clearly need to learn more about this matter. Could anyone recommend me good books for ADHD gifted kids?


    I am going to change me teaching strategy :


    - shorter lessons

    - more movements during the day

    - written or pictures organization chart

    - shorter instructions

    - no distractions during class time


    I don't know if I could do more to help DS better.


    Thanks all I really appreciate your support.

  3. Dear all, the doctor said that my DS almost 6 years old. Probably has ADHD. She said that he is without any doubt gifted and thinks he also has a light ADHD . She advised me to let him tested.


    I know that he is gifted and advanced but it is very difficult to teach him.


    Its like his head is full of thoughts and ideas. He has a very strong imagination. When jou give him instructions its like he doesn't hear you at all. It is because he is thinking about other things. When I ask him what's on his mind. He tells me very quick at least 10 things what he was thinking about .It can very from his new intentions he wishes to make and new stories he made up. In daily live DS also forgets instructions I need to repeat it to him a lot


    He sometimes walks in circles while he is imagining new things. When I tell him not to do something DS doesn't hear me at all. He is the most active boy in our family but not that active as other ADHD kids which are not gifted which I have seen. My question is , is there a difference between a gifted and non gifted kid with Adhd? Are there parents here wth the same problem ? And how can I teach him the best . DS for example can't handle mathematics with manipulatives. When he sees them he will immediately imagine how to build them. I can't give math at that moment because his thoughts will stay there.


    In my heart I feel that DS hasn't ADHD but I know he has something. He is very social and not shy at all so it can't be autism. He also talks the all day and loves to have people around him and share his new thoughts.


    Thanks in advance,


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