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Posts posted by shawthorne44

  1. You guys are really horrible for my pocketbook. I will be placing my third Amazon this week to get the bear matching game. My second that can be blamed on you guys. I'd seen the teddy matching game on Sonlight, but I'd had so many of the books already I didn't buy the package from them. I bought two different matching games for $1 each at consignment sales. But, I looked at them last night and they just aren't going to cut it. They look flimsy and uninteresting compared to the Teddy Bear game. Then of course I need to get to $25 so I bought some teddy bear counters.

  2. I wouldn't dismiss the judge too quickly as a whack job. Yesterday's whack job can turn into tomorrow's prophet....


    I remember reading about a political/social theory called (?) The Moving window. My memory might be faulty on the name. But the idea is that some people propose something way more radical than they want. People know it is way radical. But, it moves the window of reasonable much closer to the whack-a-doodle's proposal. Same idea behind why adding a $450 breadmaker to a store catalog, caused sales of the $250 breadmaker to rise sharply.

  3. For Europe, you wouldn't go wrong reading nothing but Stephen Ambrose. Don't be fooled by the fact that his books were NYT best sellers. His books are both meaty and interesting. It has been awhile since I read one of his (He died about 10 years ago). But I remember the last one I read had perspectives on both sides. His son had contacts to get the perspective from the other side, and did the leg work. Small things like each side was jealous of the other's provisions. We had chocolate and Spam and they had dairy and wine. Soldiers so miserable in the trenches that they wanted to be taken prisoner, and when two groups on patrol would meet they would negotiate over which group got to be taken prisoner. Since they are bestsellers, they are probably all available on Unabridged CD or tapes.

  4. I have never seen an attractive one. When shown one, I will nod and use words like "interesting." They start out looking at best OK, and then the color goes away and the black gets blurry.


    Anyone remember the reality TV show of Ozzy Osbourne? Probably 10+ years ago. One or both of his kids got a tattoo. He was upset, I forget what his words were exactly but it was something like "when I got mine, they were cool. Now they are just passe." Not that I live my life according to Ozzy, but well, if my mother and Ozzy agree on something, it may be worth paying attention.


    I remember my husband telling me about a breakroom conversation at work. A female coworker said that since she got a small tattoo at the small of her back every guy she meets thinks she is a tramp. DH explained that guys think any small of the back tattoo is really "Insert here" and then a down arrow. The other guys in the room agreed as well as the one other woman (sheepishly). I berated him for having that type of conversation at work. But, you asked the question.


    I also don't put bumper stickers on my car.

  5. Mine plays with toys. Pretty much any toy he wants. He still pays attention. I don't know how, but I swear it improves his focus. If I ask him to sit still, forget it.

    I have read that doodling can improve focus. If it is something that doesn't require all available brain power, then the mind can wander. The doodling uses the excess brain power and keeps it from wandering. The toys probably do the same thing.


    How much did the state funding decrease in that amount of time? For our state schools, tuition has gone up almost entirely due to the decrease in state funding (saw a story on this on the news when they were talking about college funding this past fall). This is only for PA's 14 true state schools. Our state related schools (Penn St, Pitt, Temple) are far more private than public and cost more. They also saw a decrease in funding, but it didn't affect them as much as most of their funding is from private sources anyway.



    By percentage of the schools budget, state funding is a lot lower. The percentage is what is usually reported. By real dollars, it is about the same.


    There is a lot of what I consider fluff in the budget. Amount meant on Admin salaries skyrocketed. I don't know the landscaping budget since I haven't seen that broken out, but it is posh. The school was and still is a very non-athletic university. It didn't even have a football team and students were glad. But, after I got my Masters they built a sports stadium for a gazillion dollars. OK, maybe not a gazillion. But, more appropriate for a major league professional team in a small city than a non-athletic University.


    When they call wanting money I laugh.

  7. I see nothing wrong with the scaled back versions. I think because of the nuances in the language, you need spoilers to grasp most of it.


    My favorite way to read Shakespeare for the first time is to get a BBC production at the library and an unabridged version meant for children, i.e 40% of the text is explanatory footnotes. Then read a little, watch a little, repeat.

  8. I have a suggestion. Declare a vacation for yourself. Announce to your family that you are sick and tired of being the only one that does X, Y and Z.

    Let it get messy. Really really messy. Where people can't find things. Any personal stuff left in communal areas gets dumped in one large pile somewhere like maybe in the hallway (i.e. not divided out by person).

  9. Animal Farm and Ulysses come to mind.

    Death in Venice (there are many, but the classic German one where an old man spends the whole book lusting after a pre-pub. boy.

    I remember starting one as a kid that was supposed to be a classic. It was supposed to be a train of thought of a retarded kid. His little sister liked to pull down her panties for the neighbor man.


    I'd be careful though about banning them to keep these books from being too interesting. I remember reading a bio of an American Revolutionary Admiral. It mentioned that one group in Brussels(?) that published a list of censored books actually put their own list on their of censored books. Apparently, Society types were using it as a reading list.

  10. I looked at the link provided by a PP with the conditions where the parent's aren't needed for the FAFSA. One of them was, "As determined by a court in your state of legal residence, are you or were you an emancipated minor?" So, it looks like that would work


    Although a sham marriage sounds easier. I can just see it. A subgrouping on the same level as the ForSale and Wanted sections. For parents to match their kids up.


    My father flat refused to do anything regarding financial aid forms, so I spent a lot of college hungry.

  11. ...Also, there is a huge resale market. Publishers likely price products based on the expectation of resale, which of course makes it more likely for the original purchaser to resell it!...


    I wonder if that might be part of it. When it wasn't quite so easy to find used homeschooling materials, cost-conscious comsumers were likely to say "That is too expensive" and kept looking for something else. (And probably said so to the seller)


    Now, even the cost-conscious will consider just about any curriculum because they know the retail price isn't really what they will have to pay. So, at a convention for example, they might continue to look through the books and walk away after saying to the salesperson, "That looks interesting."


    Although, a few years ago I went back to finish my Engineering Masters. I was totally and completely shocked at the prices of textbooks, even used. It had been bad when I went to college 20-ish years ago. But, now it is just Highway Robbery.

  12. Some products I think are absolutely worth the price. I know one of the grumbles about the All About Reading/Spelling products is their price. But, I think it is worth every penny.


    Expensive e-books bug me, and I refuse to buy them. I remember grumbling about the steeply rising price of books - back in the 80's probably. Someone told me that it was the cost of paper. I knew that wood was a lot more expensive, so that made sense. So, for an e-book to be near the same price as a physical book? No way.

  13. I have the Nook Touch (e-ink) and I love it!


    My daughter is too young for them, but Overdrive seemed to have a pretty good selection of "Young Adult" books. Overdrive is what my library uses for ebooks. Although I think the library can tweak what ebooks are offered. I've read several myself just because they looked interesting.


    I love that I can make the text big. Much easier on the eyes, particularly since I read to fall asleep.

    I should pay more attention to the Free Book Of The Day offering.

  14. I too suspect the independence thing, which was why I suggested the bookstore. It was this that made me think that:


    " Yet, if I hand him any book, he doesn't want to read it."

    In Elementary School, I was bored with school and I read some books that make adults groan with boredom. But, I picked them out, which made all the difference.

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