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Posts posted by ILiveInFlipFlops

  1. Nope, I'm the same way. DH thinks it's bizarre and hilarious that I make myself crazy cleaning the house before we leave too, but I cannot STAND to come home to a messy house! After the sadness of ending a vacation and the physical and emotional stress of getting us all home, walking into a mess just makes me want to break down and cry.


    And I will never again vacation anywhere that doesn't offer access to a place where I can wash all my clothes before I come home! Coming home with clean laundry is heaven. Yes, I am weird, I know it :blush:

  2. I cut up and roasted a whole chicken today. I think it was one that had been hanging around in the deep freeze for awhile, but that's usually not a big deal (just a little tougher). We sat down to eat and I cut into one of the chicken breasts to find a pocket of greenish brown meat :ack2: There was one on both sides of the breast section.


    I thawed the chicken in the fridge, it smelled fine when I cut it up, the meat that we did eat (:svengo:) all tasted fine. So what the heck is wrong with this bird? Would you still eat it? Turn it into broth? Throw it away and run for the hills?




    ETA: In case anyone else comes across this, I think I found the answer. Seems to be common in free-range birds. The topic also came up at BackYardChickens.com. You really do learn something new every day!

  3. Well, my first thought was, have you taken a pregnancy test? Is there any chance you could have gotten PG before the vas (terrifying though the thought may be!)? Or, if the tea was frequent and particularly...celebratory...maybe it's just from...overdrinking...or drinking too vigorously? :lol:


    (But really, :grouphug: Girl parts issues can be frustrating.)

  4. I took one of the green coffee extract capsules (drat that Dr. Oz) this morning and it is stuck in my throat. I have tried drinking lots of water and eating food, but nothing seems like it will dislodge it. I keep swallowing and that doesn't seem to help. Any ideas? At first I felt like throwing up, and now wish I did. I really don't want to induce vomiting. Is there any way this could be in my trachea? Breathing is fine. I just feel like I have a lump there (and it feels like it's rotating).


    I don't want to go to urgent care if possible.





    You may actually have a lump there now, even if the pill is gone. That happened to me once with one of my prenatal vitamins--it irritated the spot where it was stuck so badly that I had a lump for the next 12 hours or so. I'd be really surprised if a stuck capsule survived plenty of eating and drinking, but I'd probably keep eating and drinking just in case. Have you tried drinking something very warm to try to melt down whatever might be lingering there?

  5. Oldest was 9. She has a Gmail account in my name (but with her first name as the reply-to address), and copies of all her emails get forwarded to me so I can make sure no inappropriate conversation is happening and can zip in and delete potential spam before she even sees it (she knows this is happening). Gmail seems to have the best spam filter going, and she asks me before she gives out her email address to anyone. It took me a little while to get comfortable with it, but we haven't had any problems (thus far anyway--knock on wood!).

  6. Ooooohhhh, yes. Mine too. She wants to start getting up earlier and starting her day earlier. I can totally get behind that! But when the alarm is waking everyone in the rooms around her while she's snoozing away peacefully? :banghead: I now have so much more sympathy for my mom through my teen years :lol:

  7. One of mine has temperament issues from red and yellow dyes and caramel coloring (which, despite its name, is not natural). When she was eating red and/or caramel coloring regularly, she was constantly in a bad mood, angry, defiant, snappy, etc. If you tried to thwart her behavior in any way, even a mild one, she would cry and scream and storm to her room. She bit and pinched and occasionally hit—mostly her poor sister :( Thank goodness she finally grew out of those habits.


    If she has any yellow dye in her system? Watch out for the fireworks. Just last week, we ate out at a cheap buffet where we think she had some fried foods with yellow in them. She spent hours the next morning arguing with her father and screaming and guttural-moaning in her room in rage because he told her she couldn't get a clean plate for a piece of pumpkin bread--that she had to use her original breakfast plate.


    Needless to say, we try to avoid colors as much as humanly possible!


    Oh, and ETA that I connected the two because of a post I read here about the FDA looking into red 40 for causing ADHD-like symptoms. At that point, I was literally looking for recommendations to take this child in for evaluations. I was losing hope that she would ever live a normal life because she was so full of anger ALL. THE. TIME. She was losing hope too, and was starting to see herself in a bad light. She would cry to me that she didn't know what was wrong with her :crying: We eat a fairly natural diet generally, but I did allow what I thought of as treats—trail mix with M&Ms, a huge Costco-sized box of "natural" fruit snacks, etc. On top of that, caramel coloring is in lots of things that are even labeled "all natural" (like the "natural" barbecue sauce I recently bought at Costco :glare:). When I read the post about the FDA and red 40, we'd just come through a very bad week with her, and I thought back across what she'd eaten, and I realized she'd had food coloring nearly every day that week in some form or another—even in liquid children's fever reducer!


    That's when I realized that red was a problem. I pinpointed yellow after a huge public tantrum, and I pinpointed caramel coloring after I'd eliminated all other colors from her diet for weeks, then happened to start buying a different kind of bread and suddenly saw all her low-level behavior issues return.


    If you think something your child is eating might be causing issues, start keeping a food diary and a diary of reactions. For my DD, the reactions are often delayed—I might not see anything show up until the next day. And if you have a nibbler, like I do (or a junk-food-oriented Grandma, like I do!), you often don't register all the little things they're consuming.

  8. The last time I made an attempt at South Beach, I included one grapefruit a day--a fairly big one, but no added sugar or honey or anything. Just one. No other carbs. I didn't lose a pound :banghead: When I got rid of that grapefruit, I lost 6 pounds very quickly. So yeah, I'm another vote for low carb/high fat.


    I'm not sure if anyone said this, but how much fat are you eating during your day? You might try adding in some good fats (coconut oil, EVOO, avocado, nuts, etc.), even if it ups your calorie intake some.


    Also, when my DH started running, he lost a few pounds initially, but then plateaued for about a month. It looks like he was putting on the muscle that his body needed to maintain his new exercise routine. After that month, he started losing very quickly (until he injured his foot, poor guy :(). So it's also possible that if your body is still adjusting to the exercise, you're replacing some fat with the needed muscle at the moment.


    If it were me, I'd add some fat and keep exercising as you have been, and see what happens in a week or two.


    Good luck!

  9. I'm so sorry :( We had to make the same choice when the girls were little. I'd had that dog for 14 years. She'd been with me through breakups and moves, living with roommates and living alone, meeting DH and getting married and having kids. Even when your kids' safety is at stake, it's not easy. But yeah, the kids have to come first. It just really stinks :grouphug:

  10. Well, here's what we're doing: Screen-Free September!!! We are all disconnecting, with the exception of a family movie night on Friday nights. DH and I will probably sneak in some time after they go to bed, but our plan is to stay off screens as much as possible too. (The last time we did this, it spawned a mean Scrabble competition between the two of us :lol:) After the month is up, we'll go to a one-hour-per-day, only-after-all-other-chores-and-schoolwork-are-done policy. If we still have fights and complaints then, it will be screens on weekends only.


    Our problem is not TV, it's computer and iPads. I would love to go entirely screen free, but DH is not willing, and there is some screen time built into our schooling. It can be a fine line. I wish I had to nerve to get rid all the screens out of the house!


    ETA: I forgot to say that with an 11-year-old, you might have a bigger fight on your hands. I think I'd be tempted to forgo any incentives and simply say that if all responsibilities are handled in the day, the the screen time happens. If not, it doesn't. The End. Be prepared for the first few days to be not so bad, and then when she runs through all her easily thought of pastimes, the fireworks will begin. Hold your ground. Stay unemotional. She'll freak out, then calm down and go find something to do! At least, this is how it goes around here :tongue_smilie:

  11. The only ET experience I've had was in the dentist office getting my wisdom teeth removed (all four impacted, all four in one visit). The laughing really messed me up. The dentist and his assistant were humanoids with large heads who spoke a language that I didn't know yet I still understood what they wanted of me. All the while UFO music played in the background.


    I'm not joking. That's only the first half of the story. The last half involves pain, screaming, and breaking the dentist's chair.


    Oh JoAnn, that's horrifying :( :grouphug: I had a bad experience under laughing gas (do NOT fall asleep when the dentist leaves the room for a few minutes!), but it was nothing like that, and that dream still haunts me to this day. I can't imagine what dental hygiene experiences must be like for you now!

  12. It is standard practice. When you apply for any mortgage, you sign a statement that the money you are putting down was completely yours. And if you have received any financial gifts, they want to make sure those were not actually loans. You might want to ask if it would help if you get signed/notarized statement from your brother that you do not owe him any money. When I began the mortgage process for my first house, I was young, and I was warned by the bank that if I had been receiving financial gifts from my parents, they may have to provide a document stating that I had no financial obligations to them.


    Again, yes, THIS is standard practice. We had to do the same, and my parents submitted the letter. Asking for receipts to prove how the gift money was then spent is not standard practice.

  13. I do also cut the bad bits off grocery store produce, but those are usually just bumps and bruises, not holes bored into the fruit. That's why I wasn't sure. But I agree with you all and will have more fortitude from now on! :D


    I have heard that it's a bad idea to do this with tomatoes though.


    To put them in the compost? Why?


    I will definitely cut away bad parts and eat the rest, but I have slug-o-phobia. If I actually saw the slug, I'd probably be off tomatoes altogether for quite some time :tongue_smilie:


    And it's no use reasoning with me, people, I already realize it makes no sense!


    :smilielol5: I realized afterward that I should not have showed her. It didn't put her off the cherry tomatoes we picked though, and she's still looking forward to the giant Gold Medal tomatoes that we're eagerly awaiting. Whew!

  14. OK, I managed to get the kids out in the fresh air a bit yesterday and felt better about myself (at least until they started whining and complaining :glare:). The Starbucks helped too. Then I did indeed go home and wash all my dishes and clean my kitchen!


    I need to make some lists for today and actually STICK to them. I also realized I've been putting off showering until the afternoon, so if I shower first thing in the morning, that should help quite a lot.


    Thanks for all the ideas, everyone.

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