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Posts posted by Delirium

  1. Hello everyone!:seeya:


    I'm Holly and this will be our second year homeschooling for academic reasons. Kiddo takes extracurriculars through a local charter school. I still have panic that I'm not *enough* but she seems to be thriving.


    The spouse is a disabled veteran. We've had an adventure filled 11 years so far and have lived all over the states (thanks Army!)


    We moved to the Sacramento area a year and a half ago hoping the milder climate would be better for us all. It has and we love it!

  2. That mom doesn't have enough patience to be a good mom.


    What's with the Judgy McJudgerson? Its hard to know anything about a person.

    Its possible she was raised that way and doesn't know any better.

    Its possible no one has ever told her that talking to a kid that hurts more than she realizes.

    The amazing thing about ignorance is its a temporary state.


    I could be wrong, but its still not my place to say she's incapable of being a good mother.

  3. Perhaps he just got carried away talking about piercing because he's so interested in them, then suddenly remembered your daughter is only young and that's why he stopped and didn't explain the penis piercings. Totally inappropriate but possibly thoughtless rather than perverted.


    I try to think the best of people. You did right by telling her not to talk to him again, and if you see him again explain how shocked you were that he thought that was even remotely appropriate. Some people are skeevy, some people are just completely unaware of how to behave appropriately : / I'm sorry your daughter was the one that got to be on the receiving end of the incompetence.

  4. We have this here in Sacramento. Here's the google view of it. Its just something odd to see driving down the 80. Other than that, I don't know of any castle like houses around here. Its trashy in the actual sense not the style.


    We also have a roller rink that is decked out in medieval theme, I love it. We're kind of big on Ren Faires here, heh.


    I do like the look of castles, and would love to spend time in one.

  5. There's a bit of religion in GS, its in the pledge, they generally sing a thank you song before snack thats nearly a prayer.


    The organization really depends on the troop. Ours is fantastic, but we have a large troop that has mini troops within, 1 for Daisys, 1 for Brownies etc its one of the things I love about our group. BUT I had to wait nearly a year to be called from the waiting list.


    Our troop does focus on the girl's leadership encouraging them to vote on activities and come up with ways to help their community. It really depends on the troop.


    ETA we do 2 camping trips a year and our counsel sponsors a day camp during the summer with an overnight campout at the end.

  6. We only married for the legal reasons. My husband being in the military at the time meant if we didn't have that piece of paper, it was a bigger struggle (housing allowance, insurance, PCSing, etc). That piece of paper meant and still means health coverage for me, additional tax breaks, life insurance, breaks on car insurance, personal assurance that should anything happen to the other our daughter is going to stay with her parent (this one I'm reaching on because of the real issue of same sex couples not being afforded the same benefit)


    Regardless of which side of the issue you're on marriage isn't between the two people signing the papers. It is between you two and the Government. They tell you when you're married, they tell you when you're divorced. They decide who is allowed the mentioned benefits and it has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with your religious beliefs.

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