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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. If it makes you feel any better, my kids are just completely regular and I'm pretty regular and I always feel like we're not doing enough. Same goes for my IRL friends. I think it's a voice implanted in our heads to drive us crazy.
  2. Thanks for joining my insanity. No, Graham Chapman was Brian. Brian was NOT the messiah. He was a naughty, naughty boy! Angela (who thinks Life of Brian may be her favorite movie of all time)
  3. Still raining here. Schools are in session. Apparently, we're in the 5-10" range for tonight. We'll see. Meanwhile, I have to call in this afternoon to see if I have to report for jury duty tomorrow... Wanna place bets that court will be canceled?
  4. It's raining here. And a bit breezy.
  5. That was my theory. I've never really understood what one might do with the bread, milk, & toilet paper combo... Are they just buying white stuff to go with the snow?
  6. We have it queued up, but haven't watched beyond the trailer. I love Kevin Spacey, though. Eta: I know exactly what you mean redsquirrel.
  7. Interesting. My name means nothing. Well, it means a person from a particular area. But it's not a common noun. And his hair is meh. Not special. I am disappointed.
  8. Oh, my, chiguirre. I can't imagine. This, I can't do anything but laugh. Seriously? This is not an autocorrect issue? God given HAIR? :smilielol5:
  9. They didn't get there in time for the toilet paper.
  10. Well, yeah, except for appealing to "someone else" to change the one who's obviously lacking. <eye roll>
  11. That's what stuck out to me, too. "No one is paying attention to me. Let me throw in a thinly veiled concern for my personal safety and see if they hop to."
  12. That's generally my take. It's a nice gesture and I take it as friends being genuinely concerned with my welfare. That's different than receiving an "I'm trying to (supernaturally) force you to be different because you are painfully lacking" pm. That's rude. And passive aggressive.
  13. We play lacrosse 6 days a week in spring. That gets crazy. And I often wonder how the kids who go to school handle getting off the bus at 4:30 only to go to practice from 5-7:30 or 8... When do they eat? Do homework? It's nutty enough for us, and I reschedule our school and eating schedules so we have that time open. My daughter plays lax year round, but the boys aren't up tournament level play yet. The other seasons are a little easier, not only because only one is playing; it's just more relaxed.
  14. We're firmly in the rain belt on the eastern shore. There are flood advisories in effect for the entire shore (even my land-locked county). Our overnight low is only supposed to be around 40.
  15. Welcome to lacrosse season, Bill. ;) (I type, as I wait for our non-prepped supper to finish cooking at 8:15.)
  16. Brrrrrr. Isn't that destruction supposed to be a rather definitive thing, rather than a slow motion train wreck where humans eventually sport 3 or 4 eyes and have evolved to metabolize petrochemicals? Or, you know, the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Who's to say? Am I the only one who imagines God as George Burns (complete with spectacles and cigar), shaking his head at us in disgust and kvetching about the mistake in giving us free will, or are others also children of the 70s?
  17. Uh... I have not had the honor, either. I'm not sure how to feel about that, actually.
  18. Contentious political or just politics because, well, he's a politician? Was a politician. I mean... What does this mean for Venezuela?
  19. Wow. Um... Yeah, "wow" is I think all I have on that. Wow.
  20. Bill, my guys are the same age and are playing up this year. Our region has changed over to grade designations, so my 12 year old was on the U15 roster (she's playing both with her U13 team and the U15s because their roster was slim), and the boys moved up with their coach from the past two years. It's funny, our club is only going into its fifth year (my kids have played three), even though lax is huge in the mid-Atlantic. I played in high school, and it was well established then (in the 80s). On the other hand, my husband is from the DC metro area and they weren't playing lax, either... So maybe it was a pocket interest. Hope you guys have fun with it, we certainly do! (I type as I get ready to walk out the door to begin day 1 of 5 on the field. :) )
  21. I just watched it, based on a comment in this thread. I also the comparative religion segment. The insistence that the stories of the Bible are absolutely unique and unquestionably true always makes me sort of giggle. I'm sure there's an apologetic answer for that.... Prophetic writers? God/Satan planted the BCE works? Does anyone know?
  22. Me! ME! So excited, I changed my name! SO nice to see your pointy face, Bill.
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