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Bee Happy

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Posts posted by Bee Happy

  1. Okay, for those interested, I started http://www.homeschoolsocial.org.


    It's very new, and I've only been working on it a couple days in between my other job. If anyone would like to help get this off the ground, or have your child join for the beta (to help report issues), please, please let me know. I'm interested in all ideas and ways to improve how it works, as well as ideas on how to market to get more middle schoolers and high schoolers on board. So parents are more than welcome! My 14 year old is so anxious to meet other kids that share her interests. If you aren't interested yourself, please share with another family that may be!


    Things planned:

    Groups/clubs for different interests (photography, art, chess, japanese, religion, cars, online magazine, yearbook, etc...). Some of these groups will be led by a parent that will give instructions or activities.


    General club for chatting and goofing off.


    State groups to find people in your area for local activities. (Group will include an event calendar)


    Blogs - Each member may have their own blog at http://www.homeschoolsocial.org/name. Blog can be public, private for members, or they can choose what members can view.


    Graduation ceremonies - this one will be harder to pull off but I'm determined. It would allow students graduating in the same year to travel to the same (hopefully central) location and have a graduation ceremony, complete with cap and gown and diploma.


    Prom festivities


    Fall and spring dances in various locations.

  2. Any moms have any hobbies or interests they'd like to share with homeschooled kids? Chess, photography, foreign language, art, reading?

    We are trying to find volunteers to lead some of the clubs on the virtual socialization site we've set up.


    Also looking for parents that want to monitor things, market or help out in other ways.

  3. At least your dd wants to stay near you! My dd14 is going to go to college and medical school to become a psychiatrist. She will visit occasionally but doesn't want me to expect her home every weekend and all school holidays. When she graduates, she is going to move to England. She will wait until then to fall in love because she wants to marry an Englishman. If she has kids, it will be only one. She has offered to Skype with me every couple of weeks but doesn't want me texting all the time and smothering her.


    She assures me she loves me and she doesn't feel I'm overwhelming her. She is just really looking forward to being an adult and living her own life.

    My oldest is this way. She wants to move to Japan. Bah!

  4. re: hair cut/color, clothing. I should not have mentioned this because I do know that people can find those clothes in thrift stores and have friends who do cuts/coloring/styling. My apologies.


    I understand your frustrations! But please be careful when judging. I had a cousin that did shopping for her disabled mother. Got her mother's food, and spent HER own money on things she wanted while she was there.


    I also know someone that gets loaned a phone when they go out for safety. She has no cell phone.


    One time I was at the store driving my father's Mercedes. It wasn't mine, but a friend saw me and assumed it was. I wasn't in line purchasing anything, but it's easy to make assumptions and be WRONG.

  5. Perhaps she is deciding what to do? Maybe she doesn't have the money yet?

    I like to give the benefit of the doubt. Is she a long time member? Maybe she didn't see the highlighting as a deal breaker. How much highlighting are we talking? I'm a huge ebayer, so if something is a deal breaker, I always ask about it.


    With PayPal it may be difficult to get your money back. If she can prove she sent it, it will be your word against hers as to what kind of condition this used item should have been in.


    I hope you get it all worked out!!

  6. Can you look for private schools in the area that allow homeschoolers to participate? My dd is singing in the chorus at a local Christian school and attended Cotillion class and went to her first dance to finalize the Cotillion class. I love to show off pictures, so I'm attaching a couple! :D


    Could you start some kind of community club that doesn't have to be all homeschoolers? Maybe something that would meet after school or in the evening? You might could get a local newspaper to even help support one about the news. You might could start a chess club at your local library, and again, have it at hours that schooled children could come.


    What a pretty girl!


    I'm writing down all your ideas. I wish I knew other homeschooled kids in the area. I think I'll make some calls Monday. Maybe I'll put an ad in the local paper too.

  7. Great ideas!


    I used to run a homeschool group, but we've moved and I don't know ANYONE around that homeschools. My oldest isn't interested in dances or parties at all, but my 12 year old definitely is. They have neighborhood friends, but they really want to talk with other homeschooled kids.


    I think I will try to start a virtual paper or magazine, and the oldest says she's interested in a virtual Japanese club. Too bad I know NOTHING about Japan to really set that up.


    My younger two want to do a virtual chess club (playing chess online).


    I just wish these things were set up already. LOL

    If anyone else is interested in helping we work out the details of some virtual activities, please let me know. I've only done "real life" stuff, and have no idea how I'm going to set up a virtual version.

  8. I don't allow my children to lock inside doors in case of an emergency. We respect privacy, but my 12 year old fell in the shower a few months back and I had to go in and help. We don't have any keys (there isn't even a key hole), so I would have had to take the whole lock off before getting in to help her. NO LOCKING!


    My oldest does close her door to keep her younger siblings out.


    My son closes his door when he wants to do something he's not sure he is allowed to do, so I always go in. LOL


    I close my door when I'm trying to get the baby to nap or I'm taking a phone call. My bedroom door only gets locked when it's me and hubby, but that's not really necessary because the kids have always been taught to knock.

  9. At this time I would advise against using Complete Curriculum. The website is down very often. There is NO way to download the books. You can only view them one lesson at a time. On their Facebook page, they remove all messages that are unfavorable. The message will stay up for about a week, and then suddenly it's gone. I watched a lot of complaints and questions go missing. The customer service is non-existent unless you owe them money. :glare:

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