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Posts posted by LostSurprise

  1. My paternal grandparents divorced when my dad was in high school. Granted they were under a lot more pressure financially, emotionally then my maternal grandparents.



    When I turned 16 my maternal grandmother took me aside and gave me a piece of advice (the only one she's ever given me). She told me to take my time and have fun when I was young. She said any man who really loved me would stick around through that.


    And since she was the most together woman I knew I listened...sorta. :tongue_smilie: Not every guy will wait around like my grandpa did.

  2. When my friend's daughter was 4 they went to the mall at Christmas time. There was a long line for Santa. Her daughter got really excited.


    "Mama, he's here!"

    "Yes he is sweetie."

    "Can I talk to him?"

    "Not today, maybe later."

    And as they walked away.

    "I can't believe NOAH is in our mall!"


    For some reason the white beard said Noah (as in Noah and the ark) to her. Her mother didn't say anything be she thought it was hilarious.

  3. I'm a 12/23.


    It's not as bad as you think. Most of us deal with it...and no one ever forgets to give me a gift!


    Just make sure to make their day special. I'm more frustrated that I never got a cake unless I made it myself (I was the baker of my growing up family and I'm the baker now).


    And parties can happen any time...early, late, whenever. We have at least one child that has a holiday party with their friends rather than a birthday party (we request no gifts anyway and this makes it easier for a JW friend to come).

  4. My inlaws went to high school together. They attended prom together and dated off and on. They married when FIL came home for Christmas from military duty. MIL was bored without him around.


    My parents met at a factory. My dad and 2 of his siblings worked there. My mom saw he was always with another girl (his sister) so she mostly ignored him. Until he asked her out. He took her to a fair and convinced her to ride the tiltawhirl...where she vomited on his shoes. Afterward he dropped her off at a family party where he was dragged in by my great aunt and he had to meet the entire extended family with the faint and indistinct smell of vomit about him.


    Maternal grandparents met when the car my grandmother was in (with her 2 girlfriends) broke down. My grandfather and his friend stopped to help them and followed them to the next town. My grandmother knew my grandfather's friend. They'd dated before, but she'd never met the tall (6'5"), lanky stranger. They dated for a few years, off and on. He proposed. She said no. She was Catholic. He was Lutheran. He went into the service. She worked and danced and traveled with her sisters. Eventually, after the war he proposed again and she said yes. He converted for her and they were married in the priest's office the same day Queen Elisabeth and Prince Philip married.


    My paternal grandparents met when my grandmother was 16. She was walking down the street with a pair of skates over her shoulder. She and her younger sister were going skating. He asked her out. He was newly back from the war and in his mid20s. Needless to say her parents were less then thrilled. They eloped.

  5. I'm a little amazed that people make such catch-all statements.


    For one thing, everyone has a different idea of what 'cooking' entails. Also, not everyone really likes the same foods. Some people have texture issues. Others don't have a good sense of taste (or smell). And then there are people that just give up easily.


    My mother does not cook. She tried for awhile. She's a picky eater. Most of her kids are picky eaters. It wasn't any fun. When she went back to work she started some kind of easy or frozen dinner thing and hasn't looked back.


    Thus I could not cook. I still don't consider myself a cook, although I am a great baker and I don't use prepared foods so I must be cooking somehow.


    I don't think I'm a good cook. I have texture issues so many foods I just can't/won't eat. I don't like strong tastes. That kills about 75% of dishes right there. Not tasting the food you make decreases your chances of success. Fear of spices, also decreases it.


    I can read. I can read very well, but that doesn't mean that I can cook. That doesn't mean my kids will like it or I will eat it. Whoever uses the words 'fool proof' is unintentionally insulting. There is no fool proof, only different people struggling to make things work and enjoying different things.


    And yes, am teaching my sons all I know. I hope they'll be more intuitive, joyful cooks like their dad. I struggle much more.

  6. I have male and female cats.


    The female we've never had issue with. The male was good through several severe UTIs but when we got a dog he's steadily gone downhill with these issues. First it was defecating out of the box (we cleaned more, tried other litters, got another box, moved the boxes). Then urinating outside of the box. Now he vomits weekly.


    It seems to be stressed induced. We've given him medication to relax him and it works for awhile.


    We're looking for another, dog-free home for him.

  7. Russia had a drought and has banned the export of wheat.


    There have been other droughts and the increase of foods grown for biofuels. Even the UN has issued a statement about a global food crisis.


    However, these will have little affect on folks in the US and other first world countries (other then some raised prices for foods imported).


    I don't think we need to panic (anyone remember the rice panic a few years ago?). Preparation is one thing (we don't assume our charmed lives will always be the way they are currently), fear another.


    Unfortunately things will be hard in countries with underdeveloped agriculture that depend on cheap import grains like wheat, rice, and corn. Perhaps a thread on how we can prepare for that would be in order.

  8. I'm overextended currently and am trying hard not to start anything new until I finish some up.



    The Secret Life of Houdini

    The Kings of New York


    A Thread of Grace

    The Mountain People

    something by Spurgeon

    The Shaman's Coat

    Mad Mary Lamb

    The Burgermeister's Daughter


    and The Return of the King with the boys


    and ds1 wants me to read the 2nd Hunger Games book


    I really hope that's it. It's crazy enough already.

  9. It's a problem of balance, so many versions have perfectly good Rochesters or are accurate to the book BUT have terrible Jane's.


    Personally I like the latest Stephens-Wilson pairing. It was close to the book and captured much of the spirit of Jane and Rochester's love (and most of Jane's feisty personality as well). While it was not my perfect imagining it was good, and portrayed a believable version of both characters. I own the video.


    Not good:

    Orson Welles version (he's my favorite Rochester...all blustery perfect...but he directs Fontaine into insipid boredom and the book is entitled Jane Eyre, not Edward Rochester). I will watch the Rochester sections on tv every so often.

    William Hurt version (decent Jane, depressed Rochester)

    George C Scott (blah)

    Ciaran Hinds (see Welles' problem..and he's not even as good as Welles, )


    I have not seen the Timothy Dalton version. No comment. Perhaps some day when dh has gotten over the 3 versions he's already watched with me. ;)

  10. Nonfiction


    My Several Worlds (Pearl S Buck)

    Honeymoon in Purdah

    An Anthropologist on Mars

    The Breadbaker's Apprentice

    Sand County Almanac






    The Moonstone

    How Green Was My Valley

    The Brothers K

    The River Why

    Til We Have Faces

    Interpreter of Maladies (short stories)

    Ursula, Under

    Peace Like a River

    The Diamond Age

  11. Not scientific data...but over-correcting a prescription seemed to hurt my eyesight. Over-correcting means that the prescription was so strong it gave me weeks/months of headaches. When told the doctor said I'd 'get used to them.' Eventually I did. Surprise! They were worse next time, and continued to worsen until I got a new eye doctor.


    However, putting off glasses did not change my mothers nearsightedness in mid-age. She put it off for several years. It did not get better, only worsened. Now she regrets waiting.

  12. Teens? Older or younger?


    Bang! (Western themed shoot'emup)


    Incan Gold

    Ninja Burger

    Pandemic (co-operative play fighting diseases across the world...everyone we've introduced to this loves it)


    Tales of the Arabian Nights

    Memoir '44



    Personally, we love Carcassone. You have to enjoy the puzzle aspect though. It's also not super-confrontational but neither is Ticket to Ride (we love Europe for multiple players and Scandanavia for 2...I find those maps more challenging then the US).


    A lot of game choice depends on what you like as a family. If you like Catan try Starship Catan (2 player) or the other incarnations. Or you might like Agricola.


    boardgamegeek.com is really helpful finding what's available, what they look like, and which games are similar.

  13. Perhaps its harder for you to see, but often a 9 year old has more in common with an 11 year old then a 7 year old usually (I have 11, 10, 7, and 6 year old boys).


    My nephew (9) prefers my 11 year old over my 10 year old. They all know it. They're both similar personalities. Personally, it's worked better for us to deal with the 10 year olds feelings (and make sure there are lots of inclusive things on our side) then to try to change my nephew.


    There are always going to be preferences. We teach our children to respect everyone, but we all have people we 'click' with. That's okay. And it's okay to feel left out. We focus on finding those people for each of our kids. If nephew is not one of them maybe this friend or that cousin *is* the one.

  14. I voted other. I believe we will have bodies. I do not believe that our earthly relationships will be preserved, exactly. I do believe that we will all be content with this scenario, even if it is very hard to grasp in my mortal state.


    This. Sort of.


    If human beings can live in harmony and communion with God and each other, we have to have a connection with each other much like we do with our family and spouse. It isn't that I don't think my family will be there, it's just that I don't think that our connection will be as unique as it is here. And because of that we will not seek each other out in the way we would here.


    Most people find that a little too weird.


    I also don't think we'll be sitting around either, but that's another thread.

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