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Plateau Mama

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Posts posted by Plateau Mama

  1. Go to a beauty supply store, not Ulta, one that sells salons supplies (Sally's beauty supplies is what we have here.). Those hairdryers are the best. They are quiet and they last forever.

  2. Thank you all!


    He takes allergy meds and lives on soda.


    I had not thought of food allergies at all.


    Doctor's appointment coming soon...

    I would absolutly see a therapist and a Dr ASAP. At a minimum he need the therapist to help him with some techniques he can use to help himself. I would also see a dr just to check him out, medications etc.


    As for the food allergies I agree they can sometimes be a problem, but, at least for us, it wasn't something that just started happening. One of my children cannot eat corn. If he eats any amount of corn he get depressed/anxiety attacks. He used to cry over the smallest thing. Every. Single. Day. He had panick attacks starting at 6 months old etc. off the corn he is a totally different boy. When we talk about something from when he was younger he will say "I was mentally unstable back then."

    • Like 1

    So apologizing for the offense but not admitting fault isn't backhanded?  I do want to keep this relationship positive!  And hopefully close, though I can't completely control that.

    Why would you admit fault if you weren't wrong? You can apologize for upsetting them but your opinion is your opinion and isn't wrong, (unless you decide it's wrong.)


    "I'm sorry you were upset by my opinion the other day. I hope we can still be friends even though we disagree on this subject."

  4. If you don't know what it is I'd see a GP (which is the usual model here anyway.) He or she might be able to deal with it, if it's common. If it isn't, you are more likely to get sent to the right place than if you make a guess.

    I made an appointment with my orthopedic office. They have all the imaging equipment onsite and I was able to get an appointment early next week. My GP will try to schedule me out several weeks, if not months and he has to refer out all imaging. Usually it takes up all my day or I have to make another trip to town for the imaging.

  5. Try the Finkelstein test to see if it is De Quervain's. That is what I had a few months back, and was exactly as you describe. It definitely got worse as each day went on. At first I thought it was my thumb, but then the wrist was definitely involved. I bought this brace and it worked pretty well to keep the thumb immobilized as long as I wrapped the velcro tightly enough. It took a couple of months to heal, but it's fine now.

    When my wrist hurts it's either all the way across my wrist or down along the opposite side from my thumb. Never along the top like that diagram shows.


    Dos that brace keep the thumb from bending at the first joint (doesn't look like it)? That is where it always hurts so I want to immobilze it and where the thumb attaches to the hand. I tried taping the thumb so I couldn't bend at the first joint but when I take the tape off it really hurts.

  6. I went to a PT that my mom loves and he did an amazing job. He knew exactly what was causing my pain and it was easier/cheaper than a doctor.



    None of the PT's around here will see you w/o a referral. So I guess I will call in the am and make an appointment.

  7. You want an ortho that specializes in hands. They all tend to have their own specialties. Bigger ortho clinics will have doctors with different specialties.


    I have a large clinic I go to but my guy doesn't do hands. Guess I have to pick someone else.

    I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I understand about the end of the day pain! Have you tried using an ice pack to see if that helps? Also, if you don't already have some kitchen gadgets to help with opening jars, etc. you might want to get some.

    Good luck!


    I have tried ice and it really helps, until I take the ice off.

    sounds like when I get tendonitis. if I back off, it can heal and get better.


    for starters - I'd see a physical therapist. your family doc can refer you to one. it can take quite awhile to get into an orthopod - so you could make an appointment, then see if it improves.

    It feels like when I have tendonitis in my toe except for the fact that it spreads throughout the day, but maybe that's normal and I just don't see it in my toe?

    I've tried backing off but it's my dominant hand. I tried to find a brace that would hold my thumb but I couldn't find one that would totally immobilize it.

    I think it sounds like carpal tunnel, but I'd probably start with a general doctor to verify. You could also have high blood pressure or sugar, be developing psoriasis in your thumb nail, or have any number of other things. If you have a good GP, (s)he can refer you to the very best person in the correct field in your area. Believe me, they've had to work with them all and get an informed opinion about who's good & who's a jerk in just a few years.

    I was thoroughly checked out by my naturopath in September. She specifically looked at my blood sugars. My blood pressure is very low. Always has been. I a very healthy. Eat very well. I was seen by my MD in November, again, no issues.
  8. I have been having pain in my thumb for a few weeks. When I wake up it doesn't really hurt but as the day goes on it gets worse. There is always pain when I bend the thumb, or when I try to grab something but as the day goes on my thumb just throbs. Some days it extends down my palm below the thumb and at its worst into my wrist. It is only my thumb, no other fingers.


    Should I see my orthopedist? Or is there a better specialist? I haven't met my deductible yet this year so I'd rather just go straight to a Dr that can help vs seeing my general Dr who I know will refer me somewhere else.

  9. My son did NYLT last year. He said it was the worst week of scouting he's ever done. I think the idea behind it is sound, but ours was poorly run. My son said that it was disorganized, the scouts were rude, disrespectful and he'd never heard so much swearing. He felt it was a total waste. I also think that the caliber of boys in our troop tends to be higher than the norm being that they mainly come from homeschoolers and Christian private school, so we don't tend to have swearing, disrespect etc. My son also has a very low (as in no) tolerance for that kind of behavior in people.


    Our troop paid to send three boys last year. Not sure what they are doing this year.

  10. Actually, here I have had friends whose kids, on returning to school, were able to enroll in a different grade than the school was going to enroll them due to being able to produce past work. For high school, it's not going to help around here but until 8th grade, it can for sure. Also, these sorts of materials are used by parents appealing gifted track placement status here (test scores just under the line, portfolio shows advanced output.)


    And people use records like this not infrequently in cases where divorcing parents disagree as to if the children should be homeschooled.

    In my district, one of the largest in WA, you are placed based on your age. Period. They don't care what you've done or how gifted you are. They won't let you accelrate Mary or language. That is why my highly gifted child is at a private school that let her do 3 years of Spanish In the last year and skip a level of math.


    When I enrolled my son in private school they allowed me to use his annual testing instead of taking their entrance exam. They didn't give a hoot about seeing his work.

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  11. Thank you! That's kinda weird how the hours work, but I'm not complaining!


    My kids are both under 8. Do I have to do annual testing for first grade and up? Also what testing service do you recommend? I'm also looking for a parent-qualifying course that meets WA requirements. That's one of the reasons I want to connect with a homeschooling organization. Unfortunately, I've had no success finding a homeschooling group in my area. I don't use Facebook or anything like that either. And none of our neighbors homeschool. :(

    you do not have to declare or test until they are 8 when they begin the school year. So usually 3rd grade.


    Classical Conversations does testing. I usually just use them. (You don't have to do Classical Conversations.). Homeschool Potpourri can help you find testing. You can also do the state testing thru your local public school, but that's not something I'd ever do because I don't want the school to track me. You can also self administer they BJU (I think it is.). Or find a certified teacher to evaluate your kids, although I'm not fond of this method because I feel if I were ever called out an actual test would be more concrete proof than someone's random questions.


    Where in WA are you? The homeschool conference in Puyallup always has a qualifying course. Or call the Homeschool Potpourri, they have a list of people who teach the class. I know there is one soon on the Eastside. I can't remember if it's at Bellevue college or Lake Wa Tech.


    I think you may be confusing our ALE system (which include parent partnership programs and also some alternative schools) with charters. Charters just started here due to initiative and are now going to be ending due to the court ruling. Some charters have already converted to private schools. ALEs have existed for a long time. Some of the ones that are designed to augment or support home based instruction are called Parent Partnerships and some are called Homeschool Resource Centers.

    WAVA is not a charter.

    . I meant the online public schools/ALE. I started out using charter and realized that was the wrong term, I just missed the changing that one.
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  12. I have homeschooled in WA for 7 years, including 1.5 in a charter.


    If your child is under 8 when the year starts you do not have to declare them, unless they have been enrolled in public school (this includes online public school like WAVA).


    If you are not in an online public school the only tracking you have to do is the annual testing. Unless you are reported for neglect no one will ever ask for the results. I always do the test and keep two years worth of work (current and previous). That way I have proof of what we worked on. Unless they do really poorly on the test (and I mean really poor), you are fine. I can't remember what the number was but if my kid was anywhere that poorly I'd be looking at something different.


    If you are using an online public school you don't have to use actual hours. If your kid finishes a math lesson in 15 minutes, you have done an hour of math. If it takes them 1.5 hours then they get credit for 1.5 hours. You are supposed to do 1 hour/1 lesson per day. This applies to all subjects, although the expected times are different for each subject. If you go on a field trip it counts. For example we went to the Science center today. That is 4 hours of math, science, and we could count health if they did the nutrition exhibit. We listened to an audiobook there and back so that is 1.5 hours of literature.

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  13. My FIL is a dentist. I have a child with sever sensory and anxiety issues. I would not go back to this ortho.


    1. A good ortho assistant will be able to do impressions on a fearful child w/o them gagging. Our first ortho told me, "I hiregirls who are great with kids. I can teach them the skills. My girls stay with me forever because I treat them well." His girls were the best. My son never had issues with the assistants.


    2. Never, ever pull adult teeth until all other options have been tried. Never. My FIL is adament about this. I truely believe the work our first ortho did helped save several adult teeth.


    3. Kids are getting work done earlier & in two phases now because it's less painful with better results. The expander done early, before the top jaw fuses together, can give you the room for adult teeth that you won't have if you wait.


    The reason we changed ortho's is our first ortho, who we absolutly adored, had a stroke and could no longer practice. He sold his practice to a young guy, who we also liked, but he didn't have the experience needed and was wishy washy when we questioned him. My FIL insisted we go with someone who had more experience. My older kids both had unique issues though. When my 3rd is ready we will check out the young guy again and see.


    So that being said,


    4. I wouldn't go with an ortho that is wishy washy. He should know the best route and if he (and his assistants) are good they can help a child through their fears.


    5. Keep getting opinions until two match up. I have the luxury of having my FIL to give me his opinion and I found someone who aligned with his thoughts.

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  14. Speaking as a leftie, with a child who took a long time to figure out for himself, just let her do whatever hand she wants. For years my mom would get me leftie scissors and now I cut right. You know why I changed? Necessity. In the real world you will rarely have lefty specific items available so I adapted, but I write, throw, catch, crochet, etc leftie.


    My son ended up being a righty, but a few things I feel he should have been a lefty (throwing & batting for one) but DH convinced him that he was a righty.

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  15. Thanks for your input. My in-laws are fine getting in and out of a minivan now, in the future that may be an issue though. We do a fair amount of overnight trips with them, go out to dinner when we can or a day trip here and there. Most of our traveling is dh, ds and I. We have an SUV and it is tight. We have a fair amount of luggage and work necessities when traveling. I'll have to put some thought into future mobility issues. We do have a car, but for our own travels we need something bigger. Lots to think about!



    DH's parents are in their mid-70's. They don't have any issues getting in the van. Actually, I think that it's easier to get in than any sort of SUV. They actually had a small SUV and sold it because it was too difficult to get in/out of.

    Yes, our Sienna (2010? 11?) automatically shuts those off. If not, I'd constantly have a drained battery... my kids never turn them off and I forget too.


    This drives me crazy. The car should know the lights are on because the door was left open. Stupid, stupid design. I just turned all my interior lights off and the kids know there will e hell to pay if they turn the lights in without my permission. We also have one of those plug in chargers. It has saved me a couple of times.

  16. I've owned an 03 and currently own an 09. I love my Sienna's. The 03 had an issue with the back hatch and one of the sliding doors (wouldn't stay open on an incline), both issues were taken care of under warranty. I bought my 09 in 11 with 25k on it. We just hit 100k this week. I've had two non-maintenance repairs totaling $2500. The back hatch had the same repair done, again under warranty. I'm hoping to get at least 4 more years and then I will downsize to another Toyota, probably a Highlander. (That thing has an even tighter turning radius than the Sienna.)


    Oh the only reason I go rid of my 03 was I wanted AWD.

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  17. Try the men's slim fit. We have started going to the Ralph Lauren outlet and getting my son the slim fit cut and they are perfect. $20ish at the outlet makes them a better price than JC Penny's etc. My son can do a boys 20 in Lands End but other brands (like Izod) he is out growing. My son is a bit taller than yours though. Maybe 5' 10".

  18. My son did not gain fluency until the middle of C. One day it just clicked.


    When she is struggling with a word tell her it's a two letter phonogram, or the sounds of the phonogram etc. the goal is for her to be able to decipher that, but it takes time. Keep feeding her hints and guiding her. Take it slow and she will get it. Like I said, my son didn't click till midway thru C and he was almost 7. Fast forward, he turned 8 in February and is currently on the 5th Harry Potter book.

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  19. I did two a year with my middle child but I didn't do them simultaneously. I did one and then the other.


    How old is the child? My son was older when I started doing this. 4th grade I think. It wasn't intentional he just kept asking for more and more and I figured we'd try it. My youngest is in 2nd grade and we couldn't do it with him yet. He just doesn't have the attention span to spend that much time on any one subject.

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